Community > Posts By > tonyatoto

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:04 AM
Struck stripped and stranded; under the scorching sun
Lay its futile body – like a guitar un-strummed.
An untouched beauty marred to the core
Not just its body it had lost its soul

Buried behind a range of the likes of its own
It knew as a victim it was not alone
Fallow as a desert and naked as the breeze
The epitome of paganism had lost its belief

Lumbered on its surface and scraped in its skin
It stood there grounded sickened from within
Knew not it why; knew not it when
This journey had started and when it would end

The face of nature against the hands of man
Had faced a blow that was hard to span
They stood together, precariously perched
As the mountains prayed for a better earth.

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:49 AM
I stumbled, blindly like the clouds
that droop heavy, resting on the hills
I spied wide wasteful, trod down grounds
And wept with ghosts of daffodils

The wind faced forth, its bold chest out
But its facade, clear silent air
Decapitated blossom now,
was all that danced in its sad glare

I found myself and that was all
wandering, witless in solitude
At ev'ry noise I feared to fall
on the deep spoiled ground my soul eschewed

A paced stroll into which I broke
seemed a slow toil, as if a dream
And I could have sworn that no one spoke
'neath the sky's pale earth-wide sheen

No churches bells were ringing in
This void of existential mist
No birdsong, though the light was dim
As if all goodness was eclipsed

And in this death a chill did chime
A noiseless, sightless spec of life
growing on the naive rhyme
blossoming in a wordless cry

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:45 AM
in a vast ocean of life...lies within deep thinking
lots of thoughts to get drowned into
wind blowing & hitting like the phases of life
as the weather changes, so does its intensity
high and low are the waves flowing
like a whirlpool casting into one’s life
or just being calm as the moonlit night
stars of hope shining high in the sky
and the waves hitting the shores whispers
a voice of god...a message from above
and a splash of it touches your soul
the breeze tantalizing you from within
with tint of moonlight falling on the sea
as if a shadow of what life it would be
not so calm as we foresee
as it touches the edge of every flowing wave
takes a new turn a new a bulge
and then gets scattered to meet at a place afresh
nothing they say stays static in life
ups and downs as each wave passes by
few hit the shore others just kiss and go back
we embrace a few and rebel with the rest
just as the strong wave fights against the shore
but the journey continues
and the ocean stays there vast and strong
seasons change and so do the waves
every night it witnesses light
strong tides or a quiet shore
its our perspective towards our vision to life
cherish your life just like you admire the ocean
embrace the breeze and fight against the tides
life yes is an ocean...don’t get drowned...just enjoy the swim...!

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:41 AM
The simple things, so often not seem,
Can rekindle a sparkle, always innocent and bright,
So silent they are, yet are seen every day,
But today we see, not those with our greed,
The buzz word is busy, yes, from dawn to dusk,
We Hoover each day, like a carpet of chores,
To remind us of change, let us wind the clock back,
When a Christmas brought, a ball or a bat,
This special time, is now lost by expense,
Of what to buy next, with the worry and stress,
An orange and nuts, wow, god was I spoilt,
The magic has gone, like the smells of the roast,
At sixteen here now, how many can say,
Of a sunrise explosion, in a heart stopping breath,
Not many I fear, as they snooze till midday,
Like the magic of Santa, is gone by the way,
Perhaps I am old, and their walk is too fast,
To stop and listen, and appreciate what lasts,
In a world so accelerated, and foot flat down,
These magic memories, are forgotten and drown...

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:36 AM
Like horses we are shod, over and over,
And walk through time with undying shoes,
As humiliation rears its ugly head,
Again, we are shaved like sheep every day,
Testing times, and choices anew,
Hurdles to cross, and thought to embrace,
With memories to counter, alas we loose face,
In a world of turmoil, and no thought for ourselves,
We look to the goodness, to give and to share,
Ten times over, we hurry without thought,
So battered and bashed, not knowing our fears,
Where is this place, where comfort still grows,
Protecting the new, and reminding the old,
Does an almighty being, play a game of chess,
With our hearts and souls, uneasy with rest,
I smite you for playing, with this gift so precious,
As you gave us life, through all trouble and strife

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:31 AM
Ah, the Summer days,
In gentle silence they walk,
And fragrant delicate clouds,
Wandering, aimlessly so,
So blue and soft the sky,
As scented lavender drifts,
These timeless moments,
Dream in warmth and splendour,
With days that long,
Simply for more time,
As twilight ebbs closer,
And dreaming solstice,
Fails to dream,
As endless night,
Turns to endless day...

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:14 AM
I’m not the person they say I should be
but I don't want to be like them I want to be me.
Why do they care about how I look just because I’m not the same,
At least if something goes wrong I know who's to blame.
At least when I look in the mirror I know who I face,
and I still accept myself when my mistakes can't be erased.
I don't care how I look I know I have beauty inside,
and when someone brings me down I know where to find my pride.
At least I know what is wrong at least I know what is right,
and when I do something I know is wrong my heart can put up a fight.
When I look deep down inside I see a reflection of my soul,
I see that it was never empty, it's full,
I give out all my love the same so no one else gets hurt,
and when I am in trouble I don't leave myself in the dirt.
I treat myself good the way that it should be,
that's how I know it's best to be me.

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:05 AM
A simple word, a notions intent,
A heavy hearted sign, of discontent,
The cutting words, that drive like a knife,
Consumed by anger, and illusions of strife,

Yes still you press, the point you see,
Of your frustration, to which I flee,
I am not perfect, but this you know,
But still you pressure, forcing me to go,

It feels as if, you taunt the beast,
Provoking reactions, with anger to feast,
So fragile the choice, you wish to test,
Unleashing the heartbreak, of which you jest,

But now you have broken, the ring that binds,
That special feeling, it took so long to find,
What is done is done, you have started the flow,
That is it, no more, only a crushing blow...

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:00 AM
They move so fast, too fast to see,
In times of trouble, they help to flee,
As fragile as glass, as soft as skin,
They beat with ease, some thick some thin,

With grace they move, and soar so high,
And glide with ease, throughout the sky,
Each one unique, each single beat,
That feels like love, in one heartbeat,

And just like love, these fragile wings,
Are broken so, and no longer sing,
But as the phoenix, he can arise,
And soar again, a splendid prize...

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 06:55 AM
Winding roads
throughout my world,
confusing and beautiful
all the same.
Running up and down
lost and purposeless,
running, from what?
Only dreamt up nightmares,
ghosts from the past
easily brushed away
by the morning sun.
Direction comes with the dawn,
enlightenment with the sunrise.
Shadows can't last forever
though wish they may.
Instead the coming light
will keep them all at bay

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 06:51 AM
Not often seen, or felt or displayed,
The unbridled passions, the thoughts that cascade,
A secret place that hides, or is shy,
That yearns to be heard, within silent cries,

So afraid to be seen, afraid to be heard,
Is the message garbled, or even slurred,
Does embarrassment prevail, restricting the chance,
To express a being, or opportunity to prance,

So afraid of the day, as much as the night,
How cold can it be, the struggle, the fight,
Expressing oneself, can be difficult at best,
That fateful first step, can be such a test,

The will to release, what can feel so caged,
As frustration can build, and touch inner rage,
Expose what you are, and let others be kind,
So display your underwear, and discover and find...

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 06:41 AM
My mind is a leaden thing
Dark in hue and shade
Cold and unforgiving
Of all that I have made
There is no light or tunnel
Or lining in the cloud
Only self displeasure
Of all that I have vowed
Some say it’s just selfish
To be this self aware
Pull yourself together
Life is never fair
Think of those who love you
You make them insecure
Get it all together
Don’t worry anymore
But you who are in heaven
And never been to hell
Used to light and pleasure
You could never tell
Living In the shadow
Of a trampled mind
looking up at bright lights
Can make a frail one blind

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 06:36 AM
A beauty within, that sparkles with ease,
If touched the right way, with humour or tease,
In a garden of feelings, it stands so alone,
And the past grows over it, like Ivy on stone,

It weeps and it begs, to be drawn to the light,
But can sometimes be scared, of the brightness in sight,
Yet with gentle words, it grows once more,
And yearns for the comfort, and the dream to explore,

Romancing the night, and waltzing by day,
It eagerly waits, for the light where it plays,
Reflecting the light, in a teardrop of love,
Embracing the moments, like snow from above,

So fragile and delicate, is its structure complete,
The slightest nudge, and it shatters beneath,
Repairing this glass, is a pain staking task,
It may take forever, but its pain it will last,

But once repaired, it looses it sparkle,
The facets of damage, are harder to tackle,
These hearts of glass, are indeed unique,
As they die back in gardens, in sorrow and grief....

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 06:34 AM
They blow so harsh, and blow so free,
And taint the heart, to some degree,
They build up hope, and dreams to take,
But destruction lies, in dreams that wake,

A chance for love, all filled with hope,
So swept are we, without true scope,
Of what we want, and what we dream,
To find the one, that’s so supreme,

But when the moment, it crashes down,
We sit and weep, and cry and frown,
Just as the waters, they flow through,
Our hands so strong, yet still feels true,

This chance so strong, to be complete,
Leaves me in tatters, and so replete,
How can I build, what I have killed,
With only memories left, is my soul filled..

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 06:20 AM
very beautiful

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 04:12 AM

tonyatoto's photo
Thu 11/09/06 04:10 AM
Hi Jt
very nice poem

tonyatoto's photo
Wed 11/08/06 02:20 PM
thank you I am glad that you all like my poems

tonyatoto's photo
Wed 11/08/06 12:42 PM
From an age of fantasy where tales unfold,
In books of magic where stories are told,
Comes a beast of stature awesome and true,
With silky scales some red some blue,

Born from a dream in a fairytale land,
With wisdom of old as timeless as sand,
A creature of beauty graceful and swift,
With a heart not black but good to lift,

In a time of darkness wielded by man,
When Knights did battle and evil was banned,
As timeless as space they ruled this place,
And passed on good to all with grace,

Some red, some blue, some green, some grey,
In dreams they live but in reality they are slayed,
O dragon you are such a beauty to see,
Gliding the skies so open and free,

You survey your kingdom as ruler and king,
An archive of knowledge to us mortals you bring,
As you watch this earth through aged eyes,
A tear you shed as the hate you despise,

A bringer of justice of hope and of faith,
A gift you endow with compassion not haste,
You are within us you will always be,
A light in the dark for us all to see....

tonyatoto's photo
Wed 11/08/06 12:39 PM
can I say another one
how about another two
oh wait that might
be three or four!
but it's to late
I forgot my core
so this is it
I have no more
but you just wait
on a nother date