Community > Posts By > Cayenne

Cayenne's photo
Mon 11/06/06 07:42 AM
Back into freedom,let freedom ring. Back into freedom, can you hear my
heart sing? Life! Life! That's a helluva word, standing before a judge,
thats all I heard. Railroaded and jailed, doing the hardest of time, all
for a crime that was, and is not mine! Yes! my life was imperfect, I was
naive and weak, I trashed my life, what thrill did I seek? From my
actions, all that was gained, was loss, confusion, heartache and pain. I
made the bed in which I wanted to play, till a controling freak had to
have it his way. High powered politically, infatuated with me, setting
me up, pulling strings, had the power to be. I can't hold the world to
blame for what I've done, I do hold the state accountable for what I've
become. My face won't show happy, nor will it show sad, I'm no longer
angry, and I can't show mad. Twenty plus years spent behind bars, years
upon years, built these scars. Scars of repentance, scars from fears,
scars from holding, and fighting back tears. Back into freedom, let
freedom ring. Back into freedom, please hear my heart sing...

Cayenne's photo
Sun 11/05/06 06:48 PM
:) cute DOOwaSah. Cute. You got something on your mind?

Cayenne's photo
Sun 11/05/06 04:27 PM
I like the way his fingers twirl round my nipple,this is love's honest
touch, pure and simple. I love the way his hands cup my breast, I shut
my eyes to give them rest. Is this happening? It's hard to believe, his
fancy wine makes it hard to breathe. He caresses my back, as we face to
face, remember? I previous;y mentioned this place. My hands begin
learning, my insides now burning, lover keep touching me, my whole
body's yearning. He draws me in close, gives me a small taste, a dose,
of the evenings coming event, my lover is making a dent! My wall, is
bout to fall! I give my head a slight tilt, Thanking God for this man
he's built. I turn my lips to his, so's to get a taste of that sweet
wine, made from the darkest vine. I drink till I'm drunk, from the lips
of this hunk. My head is in a constant spin, from the position I've put
myself in. But! He's my lover so I really don't care, I'm gonna love him
no matter when or where...

Cayenne's photo
Sun 11/05/06 04:08 PM
In some of my writing's I thought I got deep! This one makes me wanna go
find and old storm system of mine! So tell, spit who was/is this woman
that rocked your mind's eye. She your wife, lover, or just a storm
system that blew in, and rained out?

Cayenne's photo
Sun 11/05/06 03:52 PM
I am way too fine to drink cheap wine, I only drink from the darkest
vines. Watch my lips as they hug this glass, I'm watching your eyes
slowly glimpse this (ass). This space, round my face is reserved you
see, just for my family, my man, some friends, and me! I watch your
mouth open as your tongue wets your lips, as your eyes have found home
resting at my hips. I watch your hed as your hands slide down my waist,
I turn my lips to yours so I can get a taste, of that sweet, sweet,sweet
ass wine, grown from the darkest, darkest,darkest vine...:) I really
don't know if I can put the rest on this site, it's not too explicit,but
maybe for here. Sorry!

Cayenne's photo
Sun 11/05/06 05:57 AM