Community > Posts By > Enkoodabaoo

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Mon 02/03/14 09:56 PM

I'm afraid you don't know the meaning of ad hominem. See, ad hominem means "To the man". I'd have to say you were wrong, because of some personal insult. I didn't do that, I simply stated that you were too foolish to see the obvious.

Literally, yes. There is a more popular, modern, colloquial use of 'ad hominem' to mean something like 'the use of spurious insults in a debate'. Since language is a matter of consensus, I'm afraid we may eventually need to accept this definition of ad hominem as also 'correct'.

I won't, because words mean things. By changing the meanings, we change our history. I'm not willing to sell my inheritance for a bowl of lentils.

no photo
Mon 02/03/14 05:31 AM

Strange you should revert to Woo and ad-Hominem!:laughing:

What in the Sam Hill is "Woo"?

I'm afraid you don't know the meaning of ad hominem. See, ad hominem means "To the man". I'd have to say you were wrong, because of some personal insult. I didn't do that, I simply stated that you were too foolish to see the obvious.

no photo
Mon 02/03/14 05:25 AM

i don't know he stole anything... Darwin spent years in the Galapagos studying, collecting samples, showing how the species changed... but yet you claim he stole an idea from a man who said man could have come from monkeys? maybe he did, but i don't remember seeing your guy at least trying to prove anything...

Kant was a Christian philosopher; Darwin studied in hopes of joining the clergy. It is a little too coincidental to think that Darwin just came to the same conclusion as Kant. Can I prove that Darwin read Kant? Nope. But I feel that the evidence for Darwin stealing from Kant is convincing enough.

Guess Einstein stole his Theory from some Christian Physicist as well!laugh

No, but Einstein was a deist. He believed in God, just not a personal God.

no photo
Sun 02/02/14 08:16 PM

uhhh... ok...if you say so...

anyway, back to the topic, so your thinking god created everything, so you don't believe in the big bang?
i personally don't believe the BBT, but for other reasons, not god...

I believe God caused the big bang. I can't think of any other cause which could be space-less, time-less and powerful enough to create the universe.

no photo
Sun 02/02/14 08:09 PM

i don't know he stole anything... Darwin spent years in the Galapagos studying, collecting samples, showing how the species changed... but yet you claim he stole an idea from a man who said man could have come from monkeys? maybe he did, but i don't remember seeing your guy at least trying to prove anything...

Kant was a Christian philosopher; Darwin studied in hopes of joining the clergy. It is a little too coincidental to think that Darwin just came to the same conclusion as Kant. Can I prove that Darwin read Kant? Nope. But I feel that the evidence for Darwin stealing from Kant is convincing enough.

no photo
Sun 02/02/14 07:59 PM

that all good, but the reason Darwin is accredited for it, and why they call it "Darwinism" is because he brought physical proof of evolution in action. we all speculate, but we all don't turn speculation into theory...

He stood upon the shoulders of a great man, stole his hypothesis and claimed it as his own.

no photo
Sun 02/02/14 04:44 PM
Edited by Enkoodabaoo on Sun 02/02/14 04:48 PM

well,since Truth serves no purpose,you basically claim that a Loaf of Bread,and a Rock are identical!
Tried having a buttered Rock for Breaky this morning?pitchfork

You can't?
But,that's really only a prejudice in your Mind,isn't it?

I thought even a fool would understand I meant truth in the philosophical and metaphysical sense, but clearly I was mistaken.

no photo
Sun 02/02/14 04:42 PM
Edited by Enkoodabaoo on Sun 02/02/14 04:46 PM

Darwin was a Catholic priest?

Pre-Darwinian Theories of Evolution
The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) developed a concept of descent that is relatively close to modern thinking; he did in a way anticipate Darwinian thinking. Based on similarities between organisms, Kant speculated that they may have come from a single ancestral source. In a thoroughly modern speculation, he mused that "an orang-outang or a chimpanzee may develop the organs which serve for walking, grasping objects, and speaking-in short, that lie may evolve the structure of man, with an organ for the use of reason, which shall gradually develop itself by social culture" (quoted in Evolution from The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.)

Kant died 5 years before Darwin was born, wrote down the same ideas and got credit. "What do you mean this is your horse? It's got my saddle on it."

no photo
Sat 02/01/14 07:04 PM

It is interesting that there is an argument between religion and science, you do know that the Big Bang Theory was first devised and developed by a Catholic priest

Same way with evolution and plate tectonics. Atheists are the horse thieves of science.

no photo
Sat 02/01/14 06:54 PM

one of us would be, thats a tangible truth. it can be proven true without a doubt.

weather there is a god or not may never be proven.. no truth there, a philosophical question...

I think the world testifies to the creative power of God. Have you ever looked at a night sky or a sunset or a beautiful woman? How can a man can look at those things without seeing proof of God's existence is beyond me.

no photo
Sat 02/01/14 09:15 AM

the truth is the truth, bottom line... if there is no truth, everything is speculation...

just because some says there is a god or isn't a god means nothing, no truth in either statement...

That's plain foolishness. I don't know if you are a man or a woman, but I figure if I say you are a man and another says you are a woman, one of us has gotta be right.

no photo
Fri 01/31/14 05:45 PM
Edited by Enkoodabaoo on Fri 01/31/14 05:49 PM
So, your argument, is that atheist philosophers are all stupid. Got it. I'm going to disagree. They see the problem, theistic philosophers see the problem, it sounds to me like the issue with seeing the problem is on your side.

What purpose does seeking metaphysical truths play in evolution? None.

How many thinking inanimate objects are you aware of? How many tables dream of chairs? None, you say? Well then, what makes brains unique? What other attribute can you think of that ONLY applies to one single type of matter and only for a limited time?

no photo
Wed 01/29/14 06:40 PM

Much of what we know about the physical universe otherwise contradicts most other ideas about a god.

I couldn't disagree more. Fine tuning, origin of life, natural law vs law of nature, the existence of human rationality, etc.

Do you realize that atheist philosophers have to try to explain why human thought can be trusted? If your mind is the result of undirected evolution, why trust what your mind tells you? Wouldn't your brain be wired for survival and not truth?
i would disagree there... understanding truth help us evolve faster...and may save us from extinction...or cause it, whatever... truth is important

Truth is important, because we value it. Why do we value it? From an evolutionary standpoint, truth serves no purpose. Show me truth. You can't, it only exists in the mind.

This brings us to another problem with naturalism: Intentionality. Why can brains assume an intentional state, but other material objects cannot? It must mean that there is a transcendent nature to the brain, or in other words, the brain is a receiver and the mind or soul exists elsewhere.

no photo
Wed 01/29/14 03:01 PM

Yea,majority of them keep rejecting suitors and end up not getting any. And from where I come a woman without a husband is incomplete in the society.

Where you come from they also still stone women as witches and most people don't know what a flushing toilet is.

no photo
Wed 01/29/14 02:37 PM

But it is working, just as planned. And I bet most thought this was about health care and it is but it has nothing to do with health.

No, I'm afraid you got it all wrong. You are giving them way more credit thana they deserve. They actually thought that Obamacare was what people wanted. Some folks are convinced that a perfect law will make a perfect person. Now I ain't saying Obamacare is a perfect law, far from it. But when those who don't believe in natural law look at a law, they look at the intentions, not the effect.

no photo
Wed 01/29/14 02:33 PM

I've enjoyed all of the Doctors, but Tom Baker still remains my favorite.

I gotta say I wasn't impressed with 5-9, but 11 made me forget all about the "Trial of the Time-Lord".

no photo
Wed 01/29/14 02:29 PM

Is this really true that "when a woman becomes a scholar there is usually something wrong with her sexual organs"?

I think that's just a fancy way of saying "a smart woman won't let me near her."

no photo
Wed 01/29/14 01:55 PM

Much of what we know about the physical universe otherwise contradicts most other ideas about a god.

I couldn't disagree more. Fine tuning, origin of life, natural law vs law of nature, the existence of human rationality, etc.

Do you realize that atheist philosophers have to try to explain why human thought can be trusted? If your mind is the result of undirected evolution, why trust what your mind tells you? Wouldn't your brain be wired for survival and not truth?

no photo
Fri 02/08/13 02:11 PM
What kind of man would let a woman he just met buy him lunch or even pay for her own food.

no photo
Fri 02/08/13 09:16 AM

Hmm, some interesting responses.

Everything from indifference to condoning to blaming the victims.

There are no victims.

That ain't so. Them two people that were killed were victims. The shooter was the victim of a lesser crime. Just because you step in doggy poop, that doesn't give you the right to shoot somebody.

I haven't gotten shot by my neighbor yet because I don't let my dog poop and pee on his porch. I have always treated people with respect, so far nobody has taken it upon themselves to shoot me.

Chances are, those people have been stepping all over other people for a very long time. It finally reached its breaking point and paid off for them.

Its called the law of creation and attraction.

Cause and effect.

Karma coming down.

We don't have all the details. It extends to the quantum levels of existence.

I don't know what all that means, what I do know is that people done worse than let their dog poop on a porch and they didn't deserve to die. Maybe if this were the wild west and all the neighbors hated them folks, nobody would care, but we got cops and other folks to deal with this kind of thing. Seems like animal control or the health department could have handled this. Nobody wants the government all up in their business.