Ladies of the night
Money and sex shouldn’t ever be connected to one another. But if two parties that are lovers would be willing to help one another out in an effort for bettering life and the pursuit of happiness outside lust, it would be an act of good will, not paying for a sexual favor. I hope that makes sense
Ladies of the night
I do not condone sex workers. That being said, I think that lonely people that would want such a thing should wear a specific type of flower, that lets others know that rules apply not only in the legal sense, but would be able to identify potential lovers, unpaid, and that it would be a mutual connection.... that is supposing both parties are willing and legal to do so.
I’m missing the adventure, and unknown, that make the missing unknown barrier... the adventure. The lust and danger that can bring two people together even if eventually may be a separating condition that keeps people together through the journey alone. Friends or lovers. No bridges to be burned.