Community > Posts By > WhyBother

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Tue 05/06/08 01:28 PM
Edited by WhyBother on Tue 05/06/08 01:36 PM

Actually the Amemdmets to the constitution are part of it, same as any of the articles. And the laws govering secession were put in after Texas had written it's constitution, therefore voiding the clause. Texas can still break into five independant states, but not seceed. Also Texas was an independant nation recognized by more than five entities through written treaties. Vermont was also an independant nation at one time as well as California, just to catch you up on your history. Maybe for those who's laws were written in sand don't understand how paper laws, can be changed.

Land can pledge nothing, no Island can grant anything but sand. No one can truly govern another. The real truth of the matter for our underinformed friends is that all law, no matter who wrote it, only exists in so far as I choose to recognize it. No public official can enforce a law I choose not to obey. Oh they can throw me in jail, take away my freedom, but I do not have to agree to any law. And if you don't think I'm willing to give my life for something I believe in, try to pull some eminant domain stuff on me. We'll see how far I'm willing to go.

And if you want to compare me to a Nazi again, I dare you to grow a pair of balls large enough to do that to my face. I'll send the address if you want.

LOL..well was a decent post until the "growing balls" part. Just amazing how you will talk the big talk here while your country falls into ruin. Guess you must not be that big of a person, considering you won't stand up for your own country. this is obvious and evident by the shape it is in. drinker laugh laugh flowerforyou

But we still give you a nice Hawaiian name...will mean "big cahonnies with little results" bigsmile flowerforyou laugh

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Tue 05/06/08 01:23 PM

laugh laugh laugh

Hmmm how much does the two piece pay compared to the one piece???? noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

does it come with a biscuit laugh

You take the busquit..I want hushpuppies instead of fries! noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

heading to the corner w/my biscuit!!! laugh laugh

Just makes sure its YOUR corner and NOT MINE! I have hushpuppies to earn girlie! noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

yes ma'am (grumble)
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Great! Seeing how I'm a guy anyway..glad you agree. noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

Hey, when rent is's just clothes right???? noway :tongue: laugh laugh flowerforyou noway

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Tue 05/06/08 01:13 PM

laugh laugh laugh

Hmmm how much does the two piece pay compared to the one piece???? noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

does it come with a biscuit laugh

You take the busquit..I want hushpuppies instead of fries! noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

heading to the corner w/my biscuit!!! laugh laugh

Just makes sure its YOUR corner and NOT MINE! I have hushpuppies to earn girlie! noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

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Tue 05/06/08 01:12 PM

I only log in to JSH ~ I know that everything I do here will show there. I am like many others here.. as far as I am concerned I am a JSH member and will be until the moment I have no choice but to *switch*

When you "switch"..can we still by the videos??? noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:10 PM

laugh laugh laugh

Hmmm how much does the two piece pay compared to the one piece???? noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

does it come with a biscuit laugh

You take the busquit..I want hushpuppies instead of fries! noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:07 PM

I'm not going to pretend I know a lot about this topic, but like all good Americans, I'll put in my two cents even though I know nothing!! :D

Look, it's quite simple. Whether legal or illegal, the citizens of the Hawaiian Islands pledged to aid and support the laws and lands of the United States when it joined the Union. It has been already declared unconstitutional to leave the Union, and amendmets were added after the civil war to make sure that no state seceded again.

The United States is not "one nation under God" as the Christian Right wing would like you to believe. It is a Republic of 50 nations that have given away some of their inherent soveriegn rights in order to serve the common good of the society as a whole. The only problem the United States has is that it has forgotten it can still let more people join. Get over it Hawaii, you got hoodwinked and can't get out of it. It's like a bad travel service.

If the nation the size of the U.S. cannot stand alone in our falling economy, how the hell is one island going to do it. What if we raise tariffs and you have to pay like $50 to get a can of SPAM? (its common knowledge of the spam loving hawaiians)

The true problem with our nation is that our congress is dealing with stupid problems like this. Too many small intrest groups have to whine about the downtrodden. Grow up people, this is real life and guess what? Things don't always go your way. Some guy is going to have a cigar while you eat your meal. Tough. Some woman is going to snag that parking spot. Too bad. You might get heart disease. Sorry. Bad things happen to good people, get over it.

Hey, I want to secede too. Have Hymieland out here in Kansas. We'd have legal prostitution, drugs, gambling, and no income tax. The roads would be sh*t and there would be no education system, but from reading on this site, I'd say that was a waste of tax dollars anyway.

Nice theory, but wrong in many ways. Just as if you were alive when Hilter ruled Germany and you lived in Germany, you basically had no choice..well you did, but meant something like DEATH!

Not many people in the world will stand up to such threatening force.

As to it being "unconstitutional" for any state to leave the better go check with Texas on that still has that option built in.

The actual "Constitution of the United States of America" says NOTHING about such things. and any "amendment" would be added later would be "unconstitutional" in itself since it is NOT in the ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION.

And no, not all the people of the Hawaiian islands took or made a pledge to the United States. Therefore to assume that is simply wrong in fact or in theory.

Any type of "pleadge" or "oath" made under threat and or involentary persuation is never binding.

Just two more cents for free. flowerforyou

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Tue 05/06/08 12:56 PM

i dont see why they are switching over anyways?

Ever hear of LEGAL ISSUES??? Could be, never know, unless you are the one the feds are after. LOL

It's ALL just a wonder..except to those in charge. drinker laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:52 PM
Hmmm how much does the two piece pay compared to the one piece???? noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:50 PM

did that really happen?

LOL..NO! Its a JOKE..been on here several times. noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:39 PM

so you call everybody pigs and that's ok because you're a cristian...
see why I love religion?
You guys are such tools.
tools of rightiousness!

Careful...the JSH patrol may use thier "tools of censorship and banning" nice! noway :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:35 PM

welcome to JSH.

Have fun and make friends.

There are many very wonderful people here.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

See! Now thats the Pleasantville..I mean JSH spirit!!! drinker laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:18 PM

so you call everybody pigs and that's ok because you're a cristian...
see why I love religion?
You guys are such tools.

Better be careful. the JSH "nice patrol" is out and watching. been seeing people get banned, posts removed even if what is said is the honest truth.

You know the saying "truth can hurt"..well here in Pleasantville..I mean JSH..thing must remain "pleasant' to be left on here.

so watch those "P"'s and "Q"'s and don;t ruffle any feathers on the old wet hens. noway :tongue: laugh drinker drinker flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 11:56 AM

and your point is

i never said it was right

i said to do as you request every govt in the world would be accountable

show me one that would not be (there is none)

most of the issues that are on most peoples minds if handled in
the judicail sytem as example you use those that may have commited said crime are dead or statute of limitaion would be expired (except for murders)but those that commited them are dead anyway

and besides what of those that where there b4 say the myans and aztecs along with native hawains with their human sacrifices

maybe them losing their land is their punishment from their gods for such cruelty

and who is to say those b4 anyone anywhere did not use force to take it in the first place

it is people that keep bringing up atrocities of the dead that cause most of the turmoil in the world

it is like the kindergartener joe beat up jim so dave has to beat up joe and then elliot ahs to beat up joe now ethan needs to beat elliot but now it is 100 years later

sams hiers want restitution from joe sorry it is not gonna happen

So to you, two + wrongs make it right..even if its in yout timeline.

So if its your house being taken, you are going to sit back and do nothing??? Even when you are totally over powered and lets say 3 years have gone by (because most statutes of limitations run out after 2 years at most, with many in just a year) So we lock you up for 3 years, take your house, land etc...and according to you, you will have no're just going to have to sit back and take it....correct??

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 11:48 AM
Edited by WhyBother on Tue 05/06/08 11:49 AM
Hmmm.double posted for some reason. flowerforyou

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Tue 05/06/08 11:48 AM
Edited by WhyBother on Tue 05/06/08 11:51 AM
Wow Mirror, you are bouncing all over this thread..kinda tough to follow.

You are correct, there are consiquences..but only to a point. When a criminal has so many ways to "beat the system" and also take into account how the system is manipulated by attorneys and such and how laws are structured. Like when a person who kills someone egts 3 years in prison (mansluaghter) yet another guy robs a place and get $320 in cash, but no one is physically hurt and he gets 25 years in prison...does this not set off alarms that something is not "in order' as to "justification and justice"???

And hat does 1965 have to do with this, well if you do a history check, thats an approximate time link to the decay's beginning. not saying exact, but you begin to see the trands start around that time then it dramatically escalates and a hig downward spiral from there.

Someone else placed it pretty good in a comparrison of 1957 to 2007.

Ironic, but rather accrate in its description. flowerforyou

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Tue 05/06/08 11:36 AM
Edited by WhyBother on Tue 05/06/08 11:37 AM

In any case, someone impersonating God has been talking to the Bush family. Its probably an alien. Or Satan himself... or one of his Hench demons. Seriously.


I think that would be D!ck Cheney.laugh

laugh laugh laugh

Seriously, you got that right. huh

LOL..its the HALIBURTON SATAN!!! noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh

ps..don't go hunting with Satan .. you might be what he is hunting for...ask his "friend". noway :tongue: laugh laugh

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Tue 05/06/08 10:44 AM
Edited by WhyBother on Tue 05/06/08 11:40 AM

well show me any country anywhere that was not taken be force at one time or another

like i said if the united states wa so imperialist

japan and half of europe along with all of cuba would be part of the united states and a lot of mexico as well the united states was all the way to mexico city in the mexican american war

to do as you are saying all govt would need to be abolished

be well


Let put this right down to a level you simply can't deny, because you will obviously not realize anything unless it "hits home".

OK, some guy breaks into your house, kills a member of your family and takes your house. They have commited a CRIMINAL ACT, they have BROKEN THE LAW!

Now, lets see you just let them go! let them have your house and go unpunished for killing one of your family members. Thats in reality all you are saying here. Hey the guy "took by force" and from what you just stated..that's OK!!!

Now you will try to say "well that's different"..well NO ITS NOT! Both were taken by force! It's just one hits HOME and affects YOU! That's called being NARROW MINDED. You think you are more entitled to your house than anyone else is entitled to thier's in the world??? I don't think so!

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 09:40 AM
Edited by WhyBother on Tue 05/06/08 09:40 AM

Very very disturbing! frown

Queene, when we were children we played freely in the you can't let your children out of sight. What the devil is happening to our society that produces so many monsters that can do such things? frown :angry: mad devil

And part of the answer may be.... no accountablity and no or little consiquesnce for ones own actions. That may be the most noticable changing factor in this kind of issue since 1965.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 09:36 AM

Hey lets PRAY at the pumps!!! Maybe God will do something about it!!! noway noway

God did do something about it... he spoke to George Bush and told him to invade Iraq

noway laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh drinker

Good one!! But I really think George W got those orders from his daddy! noway :tongue: laugh laugh

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Tue 05/06/08 09:33 AM

yep a lot of things need returned i agree

like multi millions of illegal immigrants

and about the base on cuba if the united states was so bad they would have the whole island can you say spanish american war

just a thought

Ummm, well looks like the great JSH censorship board is at it again. See the original poster can't post now.

I agree, the multi millions of illegal immigrants should be put back across the boarders...I think the original poster was clear on that after reading the threads here.

And by making such a correction, the United States should also return what it has ILLEGALLY taken. Again, correcting an ILLEGAL act is justified.

Basic point that you seem to be missing... ANYTHING ILLEGAL ANYWHERE BY ANYONE (including a country) IS JUST THAT.. ILLEGAL! AGAINST THE LAW! A CRIME!!! And 2+2=4!! It's that SIMPLE! What part are you NOT understanding?

The ILLEGAL immigrants have commited a CRIME that needs to be CORRECTED. The United States Government has done ILLEGAL acts also,which are a CRIME and which need to be CORRECTED.

Its as simple as what is ILLEGAL by ANYONE or ANY COUNTRY have commited a CRIME! Period! That's why its called ILLEGAL! noway huh huh