Community > Posts By > Lance1205

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:54 PM

"You betray Me with a kiss?"

That's a very good point. While what MirrorMirror says seems possible, the fact that Jesus called Judas' actions a betrayal makes it clear to me that Judas wasn't trying to help Jesus assume a military role, he was simply betraying his friend and teacher.

Is that the Christian point of view or the Jewish?


Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:39 PM
"You betray Me with a kiss?"

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:30 PM
He was making a bold statement to all of the gentiles in Cornelius' house. And Peter was sent mostlikely as a learning experiance for Peter because he was calling what God HAD made clean, unclean

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:05 PM
Cornelius was saved at the begining of the chapter. He had already been saved before chapter 10 spoke of him

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:55 PM
Free will is given to us after salvation. Before salvation we have no free will, yes in a sense we do because we can reach down and tie our shoe but we cannot do any good before salvation we will always do wickedness goodness is impossible unless you are saved. So free will is something given after salvation. There cannot be free will if it is impossible to do any good.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 10:34 AM
Okay...well said I better understand it now. Thanks.

What do you believe about the doctrines of grace? (aka 5 points of calvinism)

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 10:21 AM

the chosen people ,why do the Born Again Christians think they are the only ones getting thru the Pearly Gates?

Because not all Isreal is Isreal. I believe Jew's will be in heaven but it will be those who, before Christ, with a pure heart, looked foward to the redemption in Christ. And After his death and resurection look at Him for their redemption. Jesus is the only way!

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 10:15 AM
Yes but doesn't is say God WILL's for all to come to repentance?

I'm asking (not arguing just so you's a real question not a debate)

I've actually never known how that scripture fit in with predestination though I've tried to find out.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 10:11 AM
Before salvation I couldn't choose God it was impossible. Yes I had faith and believed but that faith and beliefe was a gift from God. I couldn't have said no to God because He predestined me.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 10:09 AM
I believe they go hand in hand if God desires something to happen it's going to happen. Right?

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 10:06 AM
But to add He is in control because He is still allowing it. If He didn't want it to happen He wouldn't have allowed it. So all control still rests with God.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 10:05 AM

God is in control of everything

Psalm 103:19
The LORD has established His throne in the heavens,And His sovereignty rules over all.

No, God has control over everything, but God isn't in control. If something bad happens it's because God allowed it to happen, not because God made it happen.

Right I do actually agree with you on that one. My apology for the wording there. One little word means so much. As God allowed satan to have power over job's health and his things and his families life. It wasn't God doing it, it was satan doing, but God was allowing. Thanks for the correction.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:58 AM

If god gave free will, but planned the lives of people, how does that make people free? If he is in charge doesn't that mean he made people sin? Is it like a person makes plans of what he is going to do and god already knows these plans, or is it that god already knows what were going to do but ignores it?
Isn't this theory rather confusing because if god controls everything where is the free will?

1) God does not control everything.

2) All will is free.

God is in control of everything

Psalm 103:19
The LORD has established His throne in the heavens,And His sovereignty rules over all.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:53 AM
God's will...What HE WILL'S TO DO. God has one main reason's for doing things and it's not for's not all about us...God's purpose for everything is to showcase HIS glory. So His will is what HE will's to do. What His wants are. Like if He wanted someone to come to salvation would that person be able to say no? And if they could they would then be thwarting the will of God.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:47 AM
To prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment of:

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:46 AM
Psalm 103:19
"The LORD has established His throne in the heavens,And His sovereignty rules over all."
In addition, if some of you believe we CAN thwart the will of God, How is He still sovereign as scripture says.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:05 AM
ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE....Can we thwart the will of God?

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 09:01 AM
My I ask...What is the intent of your questioning?

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 08:43 AM
None of the above.

Lance1205's photo
Thu 05/22/08 08:35 AM