Community > Posts By > Gina322

Gina322's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:00 AM

neddy, let me rebuttal! point by point:

1. a woman doesn't have the right to expect jack diddly squat except to get out of a situation what she puts in to it. i wasn't put on this earth to be some chick's lap dog, and neither was any other guy. except you, apparently

2. even if i was being paid to make a woman happy, it's an impossible task. you can't make someone else happy. only they can make themselves happy

3. you want the same thing as any other guy. you just don't have the balls to admit it. and for some cockamamy reason, you think this whole "feminism" thing is the way to get what you want

until you stop putting chicks on a pedastal, your only saturday night dates will continue to be the bra ads in the newspaper

I agree with you, especially about making YOURSELF happy. You have to be 100% happy with yourself before you can even think about getting into a relationship. I think that is why so many relationships fail.

Gina322's photo
Mon 05/05/08 02:22 PM
You are so right!! How sad is that? And we will go into even more debt for YEARS because of this! God help us!