Hey ya'll! St. Helena Island (Beaufort) here! I know I'm alot late, but had to get my 2cents in !
yah. The one kid, Tonni, is doing OK, she's married and lives away from her. Her other kid, Jessie, is suffering, though. She lives with her and has to put up with her indifference, her slobbishness, and her lack of motivation. It really bugs Jessie. She's going to church at Hilltop Pentacostal, though, and that's really helping her and giving her strength. She goes with her sister and her husband. They're studyhing The Purpose Filled Life, and that helps, too. Pray that Jessie'll get into the word. That'll be a big help for her, too. That & reading the Psalms. |
My granddaughter's kind of an alkie and might have other issues going too. I'm praying for her, my church is, too and her kids are too. Pray that Tina Foster'll get her head screwed on straight and start walking for the Lord, if you would. She needs all the help we can give her! |
Living alone
Would living alone be something you would or would not like and why? |
It's Great when...
Siting on the edge of my kids beds reading a story before bed and getting hugs after. |
My granddaughter and great granddaughter used to live here and were total slobs. They did about 10 grand worth of damage to the house, the carpet and the furniture and they finally moved out, thank God. Now, I'm trying to get the house in shape. Roommates. Phooey! |
They make the best friends! And they like to clean and cook! What safer room mate for a woman?!
It's Great when...
When someone you love gets back in contact with you after several years.
I agree about living alone being the best, but if you have to have a room mate, men are the best. Had a gay one once, that was the bomb!
earlier in April I decided to take a female roommate over a male because I knew her and she worked as a traveling nurse at the same hospital. She went home to visit her kids this weekend. She called me and said she and her husband and a BIG arguement and decided she needed to come back home--- there went my roommate. Who makes better roommates??? opposite or same sex? |
hi all
hello? new at this and not sure what to do. just wanted to have a chat with some nice people.
anyone here
First Time Sex
Loved that!
I am NOT my disability......
You will find the one your heart desires. Be patient. When they come along, they will see the beauty of you and in you and love you for who you are, not what you circumstances may be at the time. The "right one" is out there somewhere. The way you can share your feelings with the world is amazing and a great plus, keep it up.
Lots of luck and love. |
Kudos to you Rapunzel! I am Island Boys mom, just got hooked up. He said you were really cool, and I MUST agree, as my man spent 24 years in the USMC! Thank you so much for recognizing the efforts of our men and women in the military. God Bless You.
hi to all im new to jsh