Community > Posts By > Roger2015

Roger2015's photo
Wed 10/15/14 01:35 AM
Thanks to everyone who have responded since August. I'm sorry, but for some reason I don't get notices when people send responses as you all have done.

I'm still hoping.


Roger2015's photo
Sat 05/24/14 12:03 AM
Thanks again! ~ e

Roger2015's photo
Thu 05/08/14 09:14 PM
Hello innocentdevil28545, I'm not sure about texting you as that number seems to be not very real starting out with 027...
If you have another number, I'll text you.
Thanks for the response.

Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Thu 05/08/14 09:13 PM
Thanks for the response, TNtraveler. I've been told that many men in their 50s and 60s are coming out. I guess it's the times we live in now where it's more accepted.
Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Fri 05/02/14 12:50 AM
Thanks pkh! I appreciate your kind words.

Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Tue 04/29/14 11:36 PM
Edited by Roger2015 on Tue 04/29/14 11:42 PM
If this is you, then please share your experience. How is it for you? Have you found someone of the same sex whom you love with all your heart? If so, then how did you meet? And for those of you, like me, who are still seeking, hoping that someday soon you'll have that soul-fulfilling experience with someone who loves you as much as you love them, what is your love-life like? What might you suggest to others on how to meet a potential life-partner? What questions do YOU have?

I'm Ellison (Roger2015)
PS...My profile is the real me.

Roger2015's photo
Sun 04/27/14 01:05 AM
Still looking for any more responses from anyone who cares to share. Thanks!

Roger2015's photo
Thu 04/10/14 11:50 PM
I did add something to my profile to let guys know I'm looking for men who live in or near the San Francisco Bay Area. ~ e

Roger2015's photo
Tue 03/25/14 10:11 PM
Thanks for taking time to read my profile. Your insights are very helpful. Alas, I'm still single. :-(

Roger2015's photo
Wed 03/19/14 12:44 AM
Thank you, Stephen! Luck is very welcomed. Did you read my profile? If so, I'd love to know your thoughts.

Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Tue 03/18/14 12:05 AM
Thank you Mike! How kind and encouraging of you. And feel free to send it on to anyone you feel may like to contact me. Indeed, it's not easy, so I wrote the profile to show the real me.

Good luck to you as well!

Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Sun 03/16/14 11:41 PM
Neonboy, thank you for taking the time to read my overly-long profile. I'm glad to know you find it to be a beautiful pf. In fact, it's that which I'm seeking to spark in others. So I wrote something about the real me. I figure that plus my photos should do the job. And at 61, it's not easy. So I thought I'd write something different from others. But maybe I should not try that route as you suggest. I shall ponder that. Thank you again. And by the way, I wish he were you...

Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Mon 03/03/14 08:29 PM
Anyone else out there who can give me feedback on my profile? Thanks for your time when you do.


Roger2015's photo
Tue 02/25/14 09:16 AM
Thanks to everyone for your responses. However, please feel free to pass along my profile to those you feel might be interested in meeting me. Thanks again!

Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Mon 02/17/14 11:56 AM
Yes indeed, LowRange. I'll hold you to that promise. laugh

Actually, I'd love to know what you think about what I wrote for my profile, if you would care to share.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Mon 02/17/14 11:53 AM
Thanks for the helpful info, soufiehere! I'll do that. And thanks for the encouragement. If you have a moment I'd love to know your thoughts about what I wrote for my profile.

Again, my thanks,

Roger2015's photo
Sun 02/09/14 08:44 PM
Thanks Jack, but I was asking if what I wrote was helpful to my efforts or might I write something better. Glad to know people getting married at 70!

Thanks again for your response.


Roger2015's photo
Sun 02/09/14 08:42 PM
Thanks Pacific. It's great to know there are mature couples getting married. There's hope for me too.

Thanks again for your response.

Onward and upward,

Roger2015's photo
Sat 02/08/14 11:14 PM
Hahaha! It's late here, but I just woke up the whole house with my laughter upon reading your reaponse.

So that explains it! I guess I didn't find those rules.

Oh well, guess it's off to The Home (or the meat-packing house) for me. :-)

Meanwhile, thanks for the delightful response.

And all the best to you as well.

PS - If you know anyone locally who might be interested, please send him my way. ~ e :-)

Roger2015's photo
Sat 02/08/14 11:06 PM
Thank you, Storm! I could certainly use the luck. My hope is that what I've written for my profile with convey a strong sense of who I really am.

I've only been at the recently after a brief but failed attempt several years ago.

Your encouragment means a great deal to me. Thanks again.

Onward and upward,

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