Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:24 PM
Edited by Icarus_Cloudrunner on Sun 05/04/08 07:25 PM
*Finishing his song, Icarus hears the all-to-familiar lack of applause and instead focuses his attention on the commotion upstairs and shrugs at the lady*

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:16 PM
"Forgive me if I'm a little off key..."

*strums a chord on my lute*

"While wandering lands near and far,
I came upon The Crimson Vixar,
Therein I met the strangest fellow,
And drank a drink, it's taste quite mellow,
A lady also did I meet,
Who seemed at once both deadly and sweet,
She gave a kiss and of my hair,
She played, this lady dark yet fair.
What wonders will await me yet?
Some fun, and danger too, I bet!
Here in this pleasant little bar,
That Tavern named Crimson Vixar"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:12 PM
*clears throat* "A song! I would like to sing a song... though I am used to having a larger audience than one... would you like to hear it, lady?"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:06 PM

*laughs silently to herself then rubs her throat area again in pain*

*resists the almost irresistable urge to offer a healing hand to the mysterious woman*

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:03 PM

*Looks towards Icarus*

There's 20 pieces of gold in it for you if you tell me where she hid my Rum.

"I am but an innocent bystander, my friend. And besides, if I knew, I could not be bought by such a piffling amount of gold"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:57 PM
*watches and waits for events to unfold*
"perhaps there's a song in this?" Icarus thinks to himself

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:49 PM
*nods at the mysterious lady... too unsure (or afraid) to say more*

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:40 PM
*watches this commotion with amusement and finding himself alone, whistles a tune of his own composition to himself*

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:35 PM
*watches the mysterious lady walk away*

"So, Rathil. What's the story between you and her?"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:25 PM

*Grins at the man*

She already kissed you friend, how much more of an introduction would you like?

"Call me old-fashioned, but I like to know the name of a lady.. usually BEFORE the first kiss."

*Really starts laughing now*

You are right, you really aren't from around here are you?

"What gave it away?"

*Tips Rathil a sly wink*

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:24 PM

*Rubs her hand, the knuckles start instantly swelling and turning purple. She grits her teeth but other then that shows now indication of pain. She looks back at Incrus and strokes his hair with her last good hand*

*practically purrs with satisfaction*

"You certainly know how to please this fellow. Would you let me take a look at your wounded hand? Perhaps I could use some of my Elvish lore to heal it?"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:19 PM

*Grins at the man*

She already kissed you friend, how much more of an introduction would you like?

"Call me old-fashioned, but I like to know the name of a lady.. usually BEFORE the first kiss."

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:15 PM
Trying to compose himself (but still blushing like a ripe tomato), Icarus says to Rathil: "Perhaps when you have recovered from that blow to the jaw you could introduce me to the lady? I percieve she has some trouble speaking... and I gather that "Nightingale" is not a desired nickname... "

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:09 PM

*When Rat calls her nightengale again she grabs the new elf and gives him a huge kiss*

*nearly falls off his barstool for a moment... then simply enjoys the kiss*

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 06:01 PM

Of course.

*Rathil pours him out another glass and hands it to him. Before looking behind him to make sure Kadis isn't around*

"Thank you, Rathil."

*somehow gets the idea that these drinks are being stolen. Wrestles with my conscience for a moment and comes to the conclusion that a free drink is a free drink*

"And one for the lady?"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 05:47 PM

*Rathil, fully expecting the retaliation quickly ducks his head out of the way and smiles back at her and winks. He stands up and moves behind the bar again looking at Icarus.*

So what can I get ya?

"How about another glass of that delectable "Hills Ale". And one for the ma- umm... lady. How much do I owe you?"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 05:40 PM
*calls for service*

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 05:38 PM

Your apologies are only going to make things worse friend.

"Thank you for the advice! As you may probably tell, I am not from these parts and am unnacustomed to your ways. My name is Icarus, the Cloudrunner; whom have I the honour of adressing?"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 05:31 PM

*Looks at the new elf and looks very mad when she is called madam. she tries to shout something but no thing comes out other then a low squeek*

"Pardon me, miss. A thousand apologies. A cultural misunderstanding, I assure you. Might a drink make up for it?"

Icarus_Cloudrunner's photo
Sun 05/04/08 05:25 PM

*Looks towards the newcomer and points at Eve*

And this is her sober. You should see her when she has been drinking


*looks with concern at the lady by the bar*

"Do you need assistance, madam?"