Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 11:33 AM
My dad died when I was 11. I understand ss benefits. If your daughter is really married to the man she will receive a spouse survivor's check, plus any children he has. "REALLY" married to him? As opposed to what? Fake married to him? Free clue: "Fake" spouses don't get base housing. She will get lifetime free medical care at any VA facility in the country, her son will get it until he turns 18, or 24 if he becomes a full-time college student. She will get an insurance check from the Navy, that should cover taking care of her comfortably for the rest of her life. My son-in-law was a naval officer. But these things take time. And still, I'm surprised that I'm even explaining this, because it's still nobody's fvcking business. |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 11:26 AM
Is he saying his daughter is on welfare? No, I'm saying that as the widow of a military service member, she is receiving temporary government assistance, while the military works out its insurance issues. You have a problem with that, call your Congressman. Why isn't she receiving his ss? Sh@t takes time. But you wouldn't know anything about that. And there is no "SS" for active duty military personnel. My grandson qualifies for SSI survivors benefits, but that too takes time. AND I still stand by my original point. It's nobody's fvcking business where she gets her sh@t, or who it comes from. Just be grateful for your stuff, and leave others alone. |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 11:18 AM
Is he saying his daughter is on welfare? No, I'm saying that as the widow of a military service member, she is receiving temporary government assistance, while the military works out its insurance issues. You have a problem with that, call your Congressman. And yes, widows have to leave base housing, so she receiving housing assistance, and food stamps, deal with it |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 11:10 AM
Viper, you are becoming irrational. It isn't about telling people what they can do with their welfare $$. It's about undoing bad welfare programs. It's about not giving people who sit on their *** enough $$ to go on a cruise. If they want it they can get off their *** and work for it. Trump has already put our country in the right direction. You might have a little more credibility, if you acknowledged that not a single penny of "welfare money" went to my daughter and grandson's TV, nor their Blu-ray player, nor their cable access, nor their Internet. Not a single penny of "government money" covered any of that. You just can't stand the fact that they have it, can you? |
Trump and the news media
Trust me, I am not a member of the Trump cult.
I was simply using the language of the tinfoil hat crowd. |
3 myths
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Sun 06/17/18 11:04 AM
I never said they were on welfare. I said they were fed off the government tit. Pop Quiz: Where do County Commissioners paychecks come from? Pop Quiz, what is the difference between working for the government receiving a paycheque vs collecting an unearned payment from the tax payers from the government in the form of Welfare. Guess what? Both checks still look like this. ![]() Now, if he were a legitimate farmer, and had is son out in the back north 40, instead of in bed with his sister, or if you are running a mechanics shop out in the barn, you might have a legitimate point. My own former US Sen. Rick Santorum, has seven brats of his own that he supported off the US government, and its lobbyists. Now that he's a "former", he whores himself out to Fox news, and CNN, to keep making those college tuitions. They say, that once you open a can of worms, you always need a bigger can to get them all back in. |
Good lord I should proof read my posts before I post. I meant to say most not post people on DH was there for the Forums and not dating. This site still has an EDIT button. ![]() Let us enjoy it while we can! |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 10:53 AM
What say we slip that shoe on the other foot? Why don't you let me prioritize YOUR life? Send me all your financial data, and I'll set up an allowance for you, and tell you what you can have in your home. For that matter, you might as well let me pick your mate, and decide what job you work at too. I also think that house is just a little bit too ostentatious for you. I'll locate a nice mobile home for you. See how karma works? p.s. MY graduation gift, was my dad's old used Piper Cherokee two-seater airplane. What a shame I didn't get something "sensible". Like shoes or a hat. what a silly analogy Viper, yes suppose we slip the shoe on the other foot. Hmmmm what exactly are you going prioritize for me Viper? I have my own house that is paid for. Have two credit cards with zero balance one Visa and one American Express. I have no loans nor do I owe money to the Income Tax department in my country. I have assets later on that I can liquidate when the times comes that I actually want to retire so what is it that you can help me with? I do want to own rental properties but I dont have the expertise , so are you going to help me with that? By the way , Im not on welfare either or have ever been and I have a business not a job. thank you for your concern Viper, I think Ive done fine on my own. I live in an area where people are not poor or indigent , we dont concern ourselves on what our neighbour have or dont have , I love my neighbourhood Im concerned when my taxes are used to pay for lazy people who dont need welfare but use and abuse the system. get it You do realize that none of that matters right? Once you say it's okay for the government or as the Trump lovers love to say, "Deep State" to determine what you can and cannot do to someone else, you've just given them license to exercise the same power over you. |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 10:52 AM
There is an imbalance now where welfare recipients feel entitled to the same things as the working class. I support Trump because he is putting more $$ back into the working class pockets. You're seriously starting to sound like the little girl that's crying because all she had was a clown at her birthday party, while the little girl across the street (that she can't stand) had a pony. Why is it so hard for you to just be grateful for what you have? Regardless of how you got it? Would it be any different, if someone said: "You married into that. Basically, you got all your toys on your back."? |
Trump and the news media
Are you saying that you believe people who are on welfare deserve the same luxuries as people who are working? I don't think anybody cares how someone else spends their momey, as long as they are supporting themselves. It's like the story about the grasshopper and the ants. Before I left home, my Christmas gift was a $1400 pair of diamond earrings. It wasn't sensible because I wasn't in need of help. That's the point. No, the point is I DON'T CARE! Between two daughters, three grandchildren, a senior citizen dog, and trying to run a marginally profitable IT firm, I have more than enough going on in my life to keep me very busy. Posting in the forums is my "decompression time". I seriously have absolutely no time to wonder or care about the labels in your closet, or the toys in your living room. In other words, I have a life. |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 10:09 AM
you really think she needs a 42 inch flat screen TV? or does she want a 42 inch flat screen TV. Why not pay for a college course Part time to help her get more skills so she can get off of welfare. How does a TV help her situation, oh she can watch TV in comfort , righhhtttt. priorities folks. What say we slip that shoe on the other foot? Why don't you let me prioritize YOUR life? Send me all your financial data, and I'll set up an allowance for you, and tell you what you can have in your home. For that matter, you might as well let me pick your mate, and decide what job you work at too. I also think that house is just a little bit too ostentatious for you. I'll locate a nice mobile home for you. See how karma works? p.s. MY graduation gift, was my dad's old used Piper Cherokee two-seater airplane. What a shame I didn't get something "sensible". Like shoes or a hat. Are you saying that you believe people who are on welfare deserve the same luxuries as people who are working? I don't think anybody cares how someone else spends their momey, as long as they are supporting themselves. It's like the story about the grasshopper and the ants. Absolutely AWESOME analogy! Except that the issue here is, all the ants are pitching a fit, and crying, because the grasshopper has family that loves him. It's not enough for the ants to get their goodies, they want to b@tch about what the grasshopper gets. What part of its none of the ant's business what the grasshopper gets, or where it comes from, is confusing to you? Stop playing Gladys Kravitz. Do you really have nothing better to do with your time, then wonder what your neighbors get? |
I dont know why the site was called Date hookup, kind of a dumb name to be honest, post people there was for the forums . Yep.. I never went there for the dates, but the forums were fun. |
3 myths
Just for the record, the Duggars were not on welfare. And the poster who referred to the mothers vagina as a clown car is just tasteless and ridiculous . SMH. I never said they were on welfare. I said they were fed off the government tit. Pop Quiz: Where do County Commissioners paychecks come from? |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 09:56 AM
you really think she needs a 42 inch flat screen TV? or does she want a 42 inch flat screen TV. Why not pay for a college course Part time to help her get more skills so she can get off of welfare. How does a TV help her situation, oh she can watch TV in comfort , righhhtttt. priorities folks. What say we slip that shoe on the other foot? Why don't you let me prioritize YOUR life? Send me all your financial data, and I'll set up an allowance for you, and tell you what you can have in your home. For that matter, you might as well let me pick your mate, and decide what job you work at too. I also think that house is just a little bit too ostentatious for you. I'll locate a nice mobile home for you. See how karma works? p.s. MY graduation gift, was my dad's old used Piper Cherokee two-seater airplane. What a shame I didn't get something "sensible". Like shoes or a hat. |
Mid June, 2018 And hilary still isn't president... of anything Nope, she isn't. She is however Grandmother In Chief, and she's baking cookies! You want one? |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 07:24 AM
Didn't you get the memo? Poor people aren't allowed to have birthdays, nor receive birthday presents. That also includes Christmas presents, graduation gifts, or anniversary gifts it they're married.. Their poverty requires that they live a hardscrabble day to day existence with no pleasure or distractions from their daily struggles. Their clothing must all be purchased from the local Goodwill or thrift store. Lest they be deemed "unworthy" of government largess. Im guessing you believe the ones on welfare sitting on their duffs doing squat are entitled to the things working people, remember those people who actually goes out and works for a living and pays taxes are entitled to the same things right? if you believe we are entitled to the same thing, what is the incentive to work Viper? If you ask a working person or someone who owns a business or multiple assets what is the incentive to work would different from those who are multi generation welfare recipients but it doesn't matter to people like you right? I think that if I decide to give my daughter a new 42 inch flatscreen TV for her birthday, as I'm dropping off diapers for my grandson, it's nobody's business where she got the TV. In fact, it's nobody's business where she gets her clothes, her shoes, her Coach and Gucci purses, or the diamond on her finger. At some point, this country turned into Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched. Americans as a whole, have seriously lost the ability to mind their own business. If you need any proof take a good hard look at the pro-fetus crowd. It's most likely, that this condition, is a direct result of having no life. People that have no life, can only validate their existence, by interfering in the lives of others. |
3 myths
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Sun 06/17/18 07:10 AM
Don't forget the Duggars. 19 kids and counting. That woman doesn't have a vagina, she has a clown car. The true irony of this topic is that most of the people complaining, are probably pro-fetus. Are any of the Duggars on welfare? It seems that head Duggar fella has a net worth north of 3.5 million dollars. You can have as many kids you want if you can afford them in my opinion. Before they bred their way into a TV show, (now canceled), Jim Bob was a County Commissioner, so yes his 17 spawn at the time were being supported off the government tit. Reminds me of the old nursery rhyme: "There were some people that lived in a shoe, they had so many kids, they couldn't stop the older brother from sexing his little sisters." |
Trump and the news media
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Sun 06/17/18 01:03 AM
I was watching a program where they interviewed a guy working minimum wage and claims he cannot get by on it. Well he made the mistake of being interviewed at his apartment, which showed a ton of video games, flat screen TV, and a kick *** computer system If he is that poor why all the modern toys? I know Miss Harmony will say its an outlier blah blah blah and he deserves to have the latest toys because its a human right. and if he was earning a living wage things would be fine , except that he made the choices in life and like all responsible adults he has to live by his decision and not burden the rest of us. How complete was the presented research into what you think you saw? Did the people involved determine where he got the stuff he had and when? Did they explain whether or not he was paying the full cost of the apartment? Did they even say that it WAS "his" apartment? Or did you just assume that you knew what did and didn't belong to him, and how he came yo have access to it? If you are going to cite a thing as proof, you need to know that it actually does prove what you claim it does. Didn't you get the memo? Poor people aren't allowed to have birthdays, nor receive birthday presents. That also includes Christmas presents, graduation gifts, or anniversary gifts it they're married.. Their poverty requires that they live a hardscrabble day to day existence with no pleasure or distractions from their daily struggles. Their clothing must all be purchased from the local Goodwill or thrift store. Lest they be deemed "unworthy" of government largess. |
3 myths
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Sun 06/17/18 12:28 AM
its definitely gone too far I read about cases like Desmond Hatchet fathering 30 kids Or Angel Adams and her 15 kids Octomom and her 14 kids. its getting to the point where its getting ridiculous why does hard working tax payers have subsidies these retarded people? And you wonder why we on the right despises the left and liberals? What right does Octomom and people like her to have multiple children an cant afford to take care of them? Apparently this retard thought she could get her own reality show like that Kate plus 8 nut job. Of course we cant tell them to get their tubes tied or the guys sperm thing cut because its violates their rights, boo hooo hooo, I say let governments pay for them out of their salaries and taxes not ours. Don't forget the Duggars. 19 kids and counting. That woman doesn't have a vagina, she has a clown car. The true irony of this topic is that most of the people complaining, are probably pro-fetus. |
Trump and the news media
As long as the libs stay all nutted up over Trump being president, he'll have an excellent shot at being reelected. Assuming that the Warden allows him to run from a prison cell, I don't think he'll garner that many votes. ![]() |