Community > Posts By > Viper1j

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Mon 06/18/18 07:45 AM
Actually, I have. And thank you for recognizing that.

I spent two years of my college summers serving as an intern at the San Manuel Mission of Indians reservation as a medical assistant in the clinic.

Unlike most Trump lovers, my words actually lead to actions.

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Mon 06/18/18 07:30 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Mon 06/18/18 07:32 AM
It's been said, that a picture is worth 1000 words.

But if you actually need to read the words, if you're not Apache, Cherokee, Seminole, Blackfoot, Sioux, San Manuel, Morongan, or a member of one of the other tribes...

Shake your family tree hard enough, and an anchor baby will fall out.

And on that note, I guess it's safe to assume that if Donald Trump gets his way, and actually ends "chain migration", his first act will be to deport the parents of his wife.

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Mon 06/18/18 07:22 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Mon 06/18/18 07:25 AM

they may not have balls but they still have the power

Videos can also be misconstrued as it may not tell the whole picture
just like that officer who was filmed taking out the black female teen at some party using excessive force , it looked bad from the surface

Until another video shot from the beginning showed how unruly and belligerent the teen was to the officer from the get go

Power serves no use, if it is not exercised.

As to the other, it matters not one bit. Video doesn't lie. It is an accurate representation of any occurrence. Interpretations may differ.

As regards the incident that you're speaking of, perhaps the "common sense" perspective might best be applied. If you as a private citizen, did exactly what that officer in question did, would you be sitting in jail today?

I know this is a radical notion, and it may shock the sensibilities of some, but(I'm almost afraid to say this...) Policemen are not Gods. In fact, as far as Gods are concerned, they're totally at the bottom of the food chain. They're servants, public servants be specific.

True karma and equality might be a citizen being acquitted for shooting a police officer, by using the line: "I fired my weapon, because I was in fear of my life and the lives of my family."

no photo
Mon 06/18/18 07:13 AM

ahh Viper,

you want to see open borders , let them all in
do you want to see an open border north of you , let all the folks in Canada into the States too?

no photo
Mon 06/18/18 06:30 AM
Know what else doean't lie?


I didn't say we never had a Congress, I said we don't have one anymore.

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Mon 06/18/18 06:22 AM
Iraq is war, the border is not.

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Mon 06/18/18 06:19 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Mon 06/18/18 06:29 AM
There is no "Congress". The people currently occupying the Capitol, have no spines and kneel at the altar of King Don.

They're all running scared after what happened to Sanford.

I'm just waiting for him to declare himself President For Life ala Xi Jinping and see if the military will back him in his quest.

Trump wants to depart illegal citizens not just Mexicans or brown skin

Care to explain this?

Immigration officials detain legal US resident (P.S. He's brown)

Jose Luis Garcia, 62, was drinking coffee outside his Los Angeles-area home when he was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. CNN's Ivan Watson speaks with his daughter, Natalie Garcia.

no photo
Mon 06/18/18 06:06 AM

Trump is being crucified by the liberal news media. The bleeding hearts club seems to be for open borders. With the thousands of illegals pouring into our country, nobody has mention a security risk. Terrorist, gangs, murderers, rapist etc are all coming into our county. I believe democrats are losing their supporters. I believe that a lot of democrats can see how this is so wrong. They are beginning to feel their leaders work for illegals.

Who wants to say sweet things about a guy that puts kids in concentration camps?frustrated

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Mon 06/18/18 05:23 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Mon 06/18/18 05:30 AM

no one to date has made a movie about Hitlers parents although I think it would be a fascinating movie or documentary

Well you could make it more topical.. Just do it about Donald Trump's parents. It's common knowledge that hid dad was a member of the KKK. He was arrested at one of the cross burning rallies. And Grandpa started the family fortune by pimping out Alaskan hookers to miners, but other than that...

And where Trump and Hitler are concerned, it's six of one, half dozen of the other. In light of this family separation thing he's got going, let's do a little side by side..

Let's see..

Hitler hated Jews..

Trump hates Muslims.

Hitler wanted to ban/deport Jews.

Trump wants to ban/deport Muslims. And Mexicans... Mostly anybody that's brown is fair game.

Hitler searched birth records to locate Jews.

Trump wants to search employment records to find Muslims.

Hitler made Germans give the "Seig Heil" salute.

Trump made his followers (cult?) give the "Sieg Heil" salute

Hitler seized assets from Jews.

Trump wants to seize Muslim assets. (We need to keep their oil..)

When mass deportations failed, Hitler sent them to the camps.

When mass deportations fail, what do you think Trump will do? (Oh wait.. he's already doing it..)

It's a historical fact as to how the Jews were treated in the camps.

Trump wants to "torture and a whole lot more".

Hitler supported incest as part of the eugenics program. Hoping to make a "pure" Master Race.

Trump has said many, many times on national tv how much he wants to bang his own daughter.

All that's missing, is the funny mustache. Maybe he can get Dr. Carson to be his Mengele For Muslims.

Gen Mike Haydem (Ret) compared Trumps kid "camps" to Auschwitz just this morning.

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Mon 06/18/18 04:01 AM

this is the argument from people who HAVE NEVER been on any form of welfare and dont know what they are talking about. There are caps to how long any person can have cash assistance and stamps are measly at best. The person who can 'milk' that is a fraud with real resources who should be prosecuted.

so if you agree with fraudsters being prosecuted what is the problem?

and because some of us have never been on welfare doesnt mean we dont understand, I understand hard times but we are not talking about those on hard times, we have said that oh about 1000 times.

but it is a stretch to say people are being fraudulent about their need just because they have one or two nice things, or video games or even a frigging flat screen.

what else would you call it? if you want nice things you have to work for them like everyone else or what most people do

Its all about priorities.

hitting hard times should not mean people demand that one has literally NOTHING to show for themself or to be able to enjoy within their life. and it sure sounds like with all the generalizations and condescending stereotypes, this is much more than just about the 'fraud' cases that may happen and alot more about trying to dog the whole system because of a jealous foundation of 'if I dont have it why should you'

Here is the difference in philosophies between the left and the right
the left virtually believes you should enjoy your life and if that means material things so be it

The right, isn't concerned about material things when hard times hit, they are worried about surviving and figuring out how to get out of the hard times, if it means passing up a flat screen to have more quality food, or saving money, or taking a part time course to better themselves they will do it

a video game is 'nice things' really? get real.

the right has no superior ethics than anyone else, some of them only imagine they do because of what they perceive themselves to have 'sacrificed'.

Mail me so I can reply..

no photo
Sun 06/17/18 08:46 PM
Edited by Viper1j on Sun 06/17/18 08:47 PM

Paul Manafort comes to mind. He once spent 130k on a single suit in Beverly Hills.

Today, the suit he's wearing is orange, and it's a jumpsuit.

and that has to do with welfare how?

Make note of the post I was replying to. Sooner or later all of the "elite" will fall.

no photo
Sun 06/17/18 07:22 PM

I just hope the people up on these pedestals never get knocked down themselves although I know most of them think they are above it ever happening or ever needing anyone's help

Paul Manafort comes to mind. He once spent 130k on a single suit in Beverly Hills.

Today, the suit he's wearing is orange, and it's a jumpsuit.

no photo
Sun 06/17/18 04:29 PM

A local woman was arrested last week after leaving her children home alone while she was at work.

Police: Mom arrested after leaving 2 kids home alone while at work

A Spotsylvania mother has been arrested after deputies say she left her two toddlers home alone, locked inside a bedroom, while she was at work.

Mother leaves child home alone while she goes to work, police say

Where do you think the kid(s) are, now that mom is in jail because she didn't/wouldn't take welfare?

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Sun 06/17/18 12:59 PM
Are you saying that unmarried moms should be allowed to be stay at home mom on tax payers money?

Absolutely not!

There's always room in the world for a new Jeffrey Dahmer, or Charlie Manson.

I say no adult should be allowed to parent a child. Let them find their own way through the forest.

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Sun 06/17/18 12:02 PM
Edited by Viper1j on Sun 06/17/18 12:03 PM

A.k.a. government tit?

is that what you Americans call it?

Congress and even the President are on the government tit. The only ones that aren't, make their money in the PRIVATE sector.

no photo
Sun 06/17/18 11:55 AM

You are making my point. I have lots of vets in my family and understand they have lots of benefits. That's why your daughter being on welfare doesn't make any sense.

You're a lost cause.

Or incredibly jealous, because she has a father (and grandfather) that looks out for her.

If you are looking out for her, why is she on welfare?
My son and son in law were in the military. My son lives here with me and I gave my daughter and son in law a house. That's looking out for someone.

I'm so happy for you Mrs. Trump.

In the real world, not everyone has houses that they can hand out like skittles. It's good that you can do that, I don't begrudge you one bit.

Unlike you, that feels she must look down on the "lesser beings". I have no doubt that when the military finishes the paperwork, the county will most likely request reimbursement for their expenses.

But she's a grown up, and I understand her wanting her own place, and privacy, especially now. Any tears that she sheds should be in private.

But, that's not something I would expect you to understand, because the one common denominator between all Trump lovers, is a lack of empathy.

If that word confuses you, Google is your friend.

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Sun 06/17/18 11:49 AM

but isn't that the job of the treasury issuing cheques for all agencies?

kind of makes sense? no

Work Paychques, disability cheques, welfare cheques, tax refund cheques?

If the person works for the government as a county commissioner lets say , their cheques isnt coming from the Bank of America, its coming from the Treasury department.

A.k.a. government tit?

no photo
Sun 06/17/18 11:39 AM

I have no idea what a government cheque looks like, but Im sure welfare cheques dont have the word "tax refund" written on them.

since we are nitpicking

No they don't. That was the closest replica I could find. But they all have the Statue of Liberty, and they all say US Department of the Treasury,.

Feel free go through it again with a microscope and see if you can find serial numbers that don't match.

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Sun 06/17/18 11:37 AM
Edited by Viper1j on Sun 06/17/18 11:38 AM

You are making my point. I have lots of vets in my family and understand they have lots of benefits. That's why your daughter being on welfare doesn't make any sense.

You're a lost cause.

Or incredibly jealous, because she has a father (and grandfather) that looks out for her.

no photo
Sun 06/17/18 11:36 AM

making sh_it up again Viper,
between deflections and making crap up is why most of us believes the loony left cannot be taken seriously.

Are you claiming that government checks DON'T look like that?