Community > Posts By > hardBNhard

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 02:45 PM

I have to say that a POTUS in the global public eye, in my opinion, should carry themselves with more integrity and discernment than other jobs might require. But, in 2016, the public stopped pretending they cared about how a POTUS actually behaves.

I tend to think, in most OTHER jobs, what one produces is more important than what I may think of them as people in general. But I agree with POTUS having a certain 'image' of behavior and intelligence that should come with it.

I think we are more and more a culture of popularity though, rather than substance, and I think we are still not ready to see someone other than affluent white males as 'leaders' of the country. Obama was one of those exceptions to the rule kind of things, I think, BECAUSE of four things, his behavior and intelligence and McCain chose such a nincompoop female to run beside him, and the culture of partisan politics had been disappointed by the 'republican' before him due to the near depression. So, the democrat had a better shot. Similarly, enough people were so upset about a non white male leadership being elected AND reelected, that a rich white male had a better shot than another minority(female). BUt that is MY OPINION.

Other than that, in the last few decades, it is rare for a POTUS to not serve two terms. So, we may wanna strap in for another term, unfortunately.

Trump condemned for budget cutting welfare while boosting spending for border wall and military: ‘This is for the billionaire class’

Trump has been accused of proposing a budget for the “military-industrial complex and the billionaire class”, after the White House released details of a plan that would cut spending on welfare and education while boosting money for the military and a border wall.

The $4.7 trillion (£3.5 trillion) budget proposal, which is all but certain to be rejected by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and once again put the president on a collision course with Congress over his demand for a border fence, called for an overhaul of Medicare, Medicaid, and other expensive social programmes. Indeed, other than the department of defense, all government departments would see their budgets trimmed by 5 percent.

Meanwhile, the proposal called for spending on the military to be increased by more than 4 percent to $750bn and demanded $8.6bn to build a wall on the border with Mexico.

How about cutting the benefits for those in Congress. After 2 terms you get lifetime benefits and a pension. Most people have to work 30 years to get that!


"The U.S. budget deficit reached its highest level in six years, higher than any point in President Barack Obama’s second term, the Trump administration announced Monday.

Increased spending in 2018 bumped the deficit up 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, largely due to an increase in spending and a decrease in corporate tax revenue because of the Republican tax cuts late last year. The deficit is now on track to surpass $1 trillion before 2020".

The government spends 50% more on corporate welfare than on food stamps and housing, but all of Trump's cuts that everybody is so thrilled with are cuts to people without political pull, and none of them are to the most expensive entities in the country - corporations. Not a single cut to the $500 billion subsidies big oil gets - WalMart gets $7.8 billion a year. Then you've got the Advanced Technology Program. It's to help companies venture into new technology. Nice idea, but it's cost $2 billion now, with Fortune 500 companies like Dow, IBM, Xerox and GE getting the lion's share. We'll cut off people on disability, and increase Medicare expenses to Seniors with a smile on our faces, but the corporate leaders must always be allowed to keep their faces deep in the federal trough.


At this writing, 57% of Americans want someone else besides Trump in 2020. By the end of his term, I look for that percentage to be even higher. By the end of his term, we are projected to be in another recession. That in its self will play a major part in his loss in 2020. And that's not counting all the corruption that we already know about. He has pretty well stacked the deck against himself. What he is about to do to the farmers, one of the biggest groups that helped him get in office, Well, I guess it depends on how many farmers are die-hard Trump supporters. We can expect just about any kind of crazy out of them. But I'me reasonably sure Trump alienated himself from many farmers.

In 2020, a majority want someone new in WH:

He could run the country into the ground and there would still be zombies that think hes doing a good job.

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 02:30 PM

Can't you all just leave? Why do you want to be here? Go find a thread that is attempting to find the answers to the mysteries of the universe or the opposite sex! explode

Sorry ! Been kicked out of every other thread . I was told this is the only thread for derelicts !bigsmile

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 02:19 PM

I have to say that a POTUS in the global public eye, in my opinion, should carry themselves with more integrity and discernment than other jobs might require. But, in 2016, the public stopped pretending they cared about how a POTUS actually behaves.

I tend to think, in most OTHER jobs, what one produces is more important than what I may think of them as people in general. But I agree with POTUS having a certain 'image' of behavior and intelligence that should come with it.

I think we are more and more a culture of popularity though, rather than substance, and I think we are still not ready to see someone other than affluent white males as 'leaders' of the country. Obama was one of those exceptions to the rule kind of things, I think, BECAUSE of four things, his behavior and intelligence and McCain chose such a nincompoop female to run beside him, and the culture of partisan politics had been disappointed by the 'republican' before him due to the near depression. So, the democrat had a better shot. Similarly, enough people were so upset about a non white male leadership being elected AND reelected, that a rich white male had a better shot than another minority(female). BUt that is MY OPINION.

Other than that, in the last few decades, it is rare for a POTUS to not serve two terms. So, we may wanna strap in for another term, unfortunately.

Trump condemned for budget cutting welfare while boosting spending for border wall and military: ‘This is for the billionaire class’

Trump has been accused of proposing a budget for the “military-industrial complex and the billionaire class”, after the White House released details of a plan that would cut spending on welfare and education while boosting money for the military and a border wall.

The $4.7 trillion (£3.5 trillion) budget proposal, which is all but certain to be rejected by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and once again put the president on a collision course with Congress over his demand for a border fence, called for an overhaul of Medicare, Medicaid, and other expensive social programmes. Indeed, other than the department of defense, all government departments would see their budgets trimmed by 5 percent.

Meanwhile, the proposal called for spending on the military to be increased by more than 4 percent to $750bn and demanded $8.6bn to build a wall on the border with Mexico.

How about cutting the benefits for those in Congress. After 2 terms you get lifetime benefits and a pension. Most people have to work 30 years to get that!


"The U.S. budget deficit reached its highest level in six years, higher than any point in President Barack Obama’s second term, the Trump administration announced Monday.

Increased spending in 2018 bumped the deficit up 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, largely due to an increase in spending and a decrease in corporate tax revenue because of the Republican tax cuts late last year. The deficit is now on track to surpass $1 trillion before 2020".

The government spends 50% more on corporate welfare than on food stamps and housing, but all of Trump's cuts that everybody is so thrilled with are cuts to people without political pull, and none of them are to the most expensive entities in the country - corporations. Not a single cut to the $500 billion subsidies big oil gets - WalMart gets $7.8 billion a year. Then you've got the Advanced Technology Program. It's to help companies venture into new technology. Nice idea, but it's cost $2 billion now, with Fortune 500 companies like Dow, IBM, Xerox and GE getting the lion's share. We'll cut off people on disability, and increase Medicare expenses to Seniors with a smile on our faces, but the corporate leaders must always be allowed to keep their faces deep in the federal trough.


At this writing, 57% of Americans want someone else besides Trump in 2020. By the end of his term, I look for that percentage to be even higher. By the end of his term, we are projected to be in another recession. That in its self will play a major part in his loss in 2020. And that's not counting all the corruption that we already know about. He has pretty well stacked the deck against himself. What he is about to do to the farmers, one of the biggest groups that helped him get in office, Well, I guess it depends on how many farmers are die-hard Trump supporters. We can expect just about any kind of crazy out of them. But I'me reasonably sure Trump alienated himself from many farmers.

In 2020, a majority want someone new in WH:

He could run the country into the ground and there would still be zombies that think hes doing a good job.

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 12:03 PM
Are you trying to pink off the thread overlord ?surprised scared

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 09:14 AM
And what do you tell the parents of mass school shootings from lack of proper gun control and vetting ? Because a lot more kids die in this manner then the propaganda you inflate

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 08:58 AM

Not going out anymore today. But tomorrow morning, appointment with Jennifer, aka the most challenged psychologist in Ireland bigsmile

She sounds ill equiped but at least shes a sounding board for you to sort out your own thoughts !
Take it for what it is and get what you can out of it ! drinker . Then pound back a stiff Ballantines bigsmile

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 08:55 AM

Are you two lovebirds finished posting?,explode

I DONT THINK SO MISTER ! bigsmile . Are you rose wit da flower on her nose ?huh

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 08:52 AM
Good luck brother ! Wishing you all the best and a safe passage through the stormy weather :thumbsup:

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 08:26 AM

Friar Tuck and his band of merry men ?laugh
G-day big guy waving

How is things? Still in winter wonderland? waving

Yes but very sunny here today and the temp is rising .
Bracing myself for flooding this week with the warm weather moving in .
Hows life on the Big green Island ?

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 08:00 AM
The CDC reports that the rise in diseases such as Rubella and Measles is from a lack of inoculation from ill informed parents and those spreading lies and deception regarding the drug used in such cases .
Lies and deception ! Sounds like the fear and hate posted by those that keep their heads down
rabbit holes and will have you believe the sky is falling because of immigranrs . Ignorance has no place in society today .
Globalist ? We are all one under god
I am my brothers keeper

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 07:41 AM
Friar Tuck and his band of merry men ?laugh
G-day big guy waving

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 03/12/19 07:03 AM

As i once said ! The hat and logo represent dingbat donald tramp and tramp represents bigotry .
MHGA =Make Hamberders Great Again . rofl
And you know what is great ?
Almost 9 million people have now signed the petition against the Idiot & Chief
Go to >>> NEEDTOIMPEACH.COM >>># needtoimpeach
Sig up and be counted

Update : the count is over 11 million signed now
Be part of the solution :wink:

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/11/19 09:54 PM

What a devestating thing to do to children and family's .
So heart wrenching :cry: .
Congrats Charles on 10G :thumbsup: drinker

:thumbsup: waving

Maybe Trump thinks he doesn't need Iowa caucus in 2020? Or is he just screwing over one of the largest groups that helped him to get in office?

Trump budget proposes steep subsidy cuts to farmers as they grapple with crisis

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's 2020 budget on Monday proposed a 15 percent cut for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, calling its subsidies to farmers "overly generous" at a time when they are going through the worst crisis in decades because of depressed commodity prices and Trump's trade tariffs".

Trump's budget also calls for massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Still, think this is winning?

Farmers were one of the big groups that put Trump in office. Elections have consequences.

The tax changes included a huge decrease in taxes paid by real estate developers (Trump and Kushner families). But, those are not overly generous. They are overtly generous.

He is going to have to find more cuts because his tax plan needs 5% GDP to cover and he is currently at 2.6% with a slowing economy. He is basically bankrupting the US like he did his old companies.

The party of fiscal responsibility. Yeah, right. There is no end in site to his spending.

Here you go, farmers. Have you had enough winning with this guy yet? He would be happy if all farms belonged to corporations who he would give huge tax cuts too. Wake up!!

Trump to demand extra $3bn for border wall from Congress, White House officials reveal

Trump plans on asking Congress for $8.6bn (£6.6bn) to build a wall on the US southern border in 2020, a figure that far surpasses previous allocations for the project, according to reports.

The president’s new demand is six times what was allocated earlier this year for the wall, and six percent more than what he has sought to reallocate with his emergency declaration.

The request is unlikely to gain much traction with Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, however, who successfully thwarted his request for $5.6bn in border funding earlier this year.

Comrade Trumpsky just doesn't seem to know when to let up. If it were not for the Democrats being in the House, this guy would be taking all of us to the cleaners. I do believe he would bankrupt the USA because of his wild spending. Some people like to whine about Obama.

Obama never even came close to spending what Trump has spent. Not including what he wants to spend. If he was allowed to spend what he wants to spend, I think he very well could spend more than the past two or three presidents combined. If he had his way we would all be his personal piggy bank. We aren't far from being just that.

Now, he is going to "break it off" in the farmers. Like he hasn't "broke it off" deep enough already with his tariffs and such. I hate to see the farmers suffer for it. But at the same time, GOOD! The more Trump alienates his base, the less likely he is to be voted back in 2020. Unless they like to have it "broke off in them". When it comes to Trump followers you can expect most anything.

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/11/19 09:29 PM
Less then 602 days of the idiot left ! But im sure he will quit and run before the end of his term .
Hes a Coward

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/11/19 09:27 PM

What a devestating thing to do to children and family's .
So heart wrenching :cry: .
Congrats Charles on 10G :thumbsup: drinker

:thumbsup: waving

Maybe Trump thinks he doesn't need Iowa caucus in 2020? Or is he just screwing over one of the largest groups that helped him to get in office?

Trump budget proposes steep subsidy cuts to farmers as they grapple with crisis

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's 2020 budget on Monday proposed a 15 percent cut for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, calling its subsidies to farmers "overly generous" at a time when they are going through the worst crisis in decades because of depressed commodity prices and Trump's trade tariffs".

Trump's budget also calls for massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Still, think this is winning?

Farmers were one of the big groups that put Trump in office. Elections have consequences.

The tax changes included a huge decrease in taxes paid by real estate developers (Trump and Kushner families). But, those are not overly generous. They are overtly generous.

He is going to have to find more cuts because his tax plan needs 5% GDP to cover and he is currently at 2.6% with a slowing economy. He is basically bankrupting the US like he did his old companies.

The party of fiscal responsibility. Yeah, right. There is no end in site to his spending.

Here you go, farmers. Have you had enough winning with this guy yet? He would be happy if all farms belonged to corporations who he would give huge tax cuts too. Wake up!!

Trump to demand extra $3bn for border wall from Congress, White House officials reveal

Trump plans on asking Congress for $8.6bn (£6.6bn) to build a wall on the US southern border in 2020, a figure that far surpasses previous allocations for the project, according to reports.

The president’s new demand is six times what was allocated earlier this year for the wall, and six percent more than what he has sought to reallocate with his emergency declaration.

The request is unlikely to gain much traction with Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, however, who successfully thwarted his request for $5.6bn in border funding earlier this year.

Comrade Trumpsky just doesn't seem to know when to let up. If it were not for the Democrats being in the House, this guy would be taking all of us to the cleaners. I do believe he would bankrupt the USA because of his wild spending. Some people like to whine about Obama.

Obama never even came close to spending what Trump has spent. Not including what he wants to spend. If he was allowed to spend what he wants to spend, I think he very well could spend more than the past two or three presidents combined. If he had his way we would all be his personal piggy bank. We aren't far from being just that.

Now, he is going to "break it off" in the farmers. Like he hasn't "broke it off" deep enough already with his tariffs and such. I hate to see the farmers suffer for it. But at the same time, GOOD! The more Trump alienates his base, the less likely he is to be voted back in 2020. Unless they like to have it "broke off in them". When it comes to Trump followers you can expect most anything.

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/11/19 08:43 PM

You should manscape more often

laugh I know ! I worded that so wrong .
But thank you for pointing that out you big meany rant

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/11/19 07:31 PM

*perks* Ill rub a shiny head for good luck


How will you handle the glare?

They realize it is a solar sex panel. explode

Thats what i call my "Shiny Head" ! And ive got all my hair :wink:

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/11/19 07:29 PM

:notes::notes::microphone::notes::notes: i wear my sunglasses at night

huh I didn't know that the Blues Brothers had a sister. noway

Thats Corey Hart ! rant
How dare you insult the Blues Brothers that way laugh

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/11/19 04:38 PM
Not to mention all the little green leprechauns that come out of knowhere to rub your shiny head for good luck bigsmile

hardBNhard's photo
Mon 03/11/19 03:36 PM
What a devestating thing to do to children and family's .
So heart wrenching :cry: .
Congrats Charles on 10G :thumbsup: drinker

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