Community > Posts By > Muchacho

Muchacho's photo
Mon 12/01/08 02:11 PM
Edited by Muchacho on Mon 12/01/08 02:11 PM
glad your haveing a good day i just dont know what to think about mineindifferent indifferent indifferent

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:19 PM

"Re'Anna...I see you have found your way back..."

*she sees the the wood elf in the corner of her eye...but does not shift her position...being only 3 feet is easy to be bother to her...she likes to go noticed by her choice only*

ho there caliope, how fares ye?

hearing this name Caliope the elf got some what of a rush go threw him and rushed over to Caliope and says *you must know me your name sound sounds i think i know that name Caliope*

"you may have heard my name in conversation...I have a time keeping my mouth shut...being nosey and playful at the same time...Im all around...ansy pants I am...The name is Calliope from the hills of Tantor...You have lost your sense of taste and that right"

*hears of the riddles in the backround...thinking she may have one of her own...*

the elf look back a Caliope and says *yes i wish i could tell boromir that the food looked good but i could not taste it *
and right before he walks out the door he tells Caliope *night maden tomarrow is anew* and walks out to find his place for the night

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:14 PM

the elf tired and full he gets sleepy turns to say *Boromir how much for the food* after all tomarrow i will see if i can find some one who knows the name Jindemyth

'The food is on the house today. Those where the last two dishes we had. I do hope you come back soon and perhaps I can find someone to help you out dear friend,'Boromir says.

after hearing this the elf walks out wishing that he had the stamina to stay for the drink but wanders out side lookig for a nice tree to sleep under

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:09 PM
the elf tired and full he gets sleepy turns to say *Boromir how much for the food* after all tomarrow i will see if i can find some one who knows the name Jindemyth

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:53 PM

"Re'Anna...I see you have found your way back..."

*she sees the the wood elf in the corner of her eye...but does not shift her position...being only 3 feet is easy to be bother to her...she likes to go noticed by her choice only*

ho there caliope, how fares ye?

hearing this name Caliope the elf got some what of a rush go threw him and rushed over to Caliope and says *you must know me your name sound sounds i think i know that name Caliope*

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:48 PM

She walks in from the outside with the smell of the fresh forest in her hair. she is out of breath but still laughing to her self.

turns to see who walked in and see a half elf and ask in a quite voice*Miss du u know the name Jindemyth*

she looks to see who has address her. Hmmmm, that does sound familiar. I may have heard it from my many travels.

the elf says *sorry for the hast of my words i seem to not know who i am or where i come from other that the name Jindemyth thats all i know i dont even know how i got hear Idara seemed to know some thing it seemed but was angerd when i spoke the name* witha grim look on his face

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:34 PM

She walks in from the outside with the smell of the fresh forest in her hair. she is out of breath but still laughing to her self.

turns to see who walked in and see a half elf and ask in a quite voice*Miss du u know the name Jindemyth*

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:30 PM

turns to look and see who was talking and says *i do knot know if it was a fight but it feels like one and if it was i could have used u* saying it with a half full mouth

"Anyone looking that bad probably was in a fight. Next time try to let me know. right or wrong doesn't matter I just like the challenge and excitment. My names Thogeon your name is?"

Thogeon if i meet the man or thing that did this to me i will call u for the challenge as long i finish them off* he says with a smerk and then says*Jindemyth is what i believe it is*

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:26 PM

the elf looks at his food and snarles a bit and digs in with great hast and a Boromir leaves the elf ask aloud *Do u know the name Jindemyth*

"I don't know it sir, but perhaps you carry this unique name," Boromir turns to look at the elf.

the elf has a stronge look in his face and says*yes i think your right sir* and bows his head in thought

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:21 PM
Edited by Muchacho on Thu 05/08/08 08:22 PM
turns to look and see who was talking and says *i do knot know if it was a fight but it feels like one and if it was i could have used u* saying it with a half full mouth

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:15 PM
Edited by Muchacho on Thu 05/08/08 08:17 PM
the elf looks at his food and snarles a bit and digs in with great hast and a Boromir leaves the elf ask aloud *Do u know the name Jindemyth*

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:07 PM

Boromir is that your name i heard some one say it do u know that elf Idara

"Well hello there sir. Yes I have seen her come in once or twice or two,"Boromir replies.

can i get some food your choice just something to settle this rumble of a pit and do u know more about her saying my name seemed to upset her and thank u sir

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 08:03 PM
Boromir is that your name i heard some one say it do u know that elf Idara

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:58 PM

be easy on him Idara

suprisingly i'm not interrested in killin him.....i want to learn more about him, i can sense something dark inside him

do u know my name Jindemyth have u heard of it do u know

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:54 PM

after finding an empty chair he plops his body down and looks for some one who can serve him some food

*sees wounded man walks over to him*

sir i am a healer can i help you with your wounds?

*yes plz i do knot know how i got them but i could have been in a fight*

i will have to touch you is that ok

yes but i not much in payment

i ask for no payment

Then i will give my services to u when u need their yours for the asking

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:52 PM

after finding an empty chair he plops his body down and looks for some one who can serve him some food

*she sees the wood elf and is very interrested in finding out who he lost his fight to when he lost his memory*
*walks over and asks if she can sit down with him*

he looks up and hears a voice asking if they can have a seet but he does not raise hes head but says *yes u may but sadly i do not have much to say*

she watches the healer do his work and when the wood elf was healed introduces herself to him.....i'm Idara the dark elf necromancer

Idara hu dont know that name come to think of it i think i know mine its Jindemyth i think

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:50 PM

after finding an empty chair he plops his body down and looks for some one who can serve him some food

*sees wounded man walks over to him*

sir i am a healer can i help you with your wounds?

*yes plz i do knot know how i got them but i could have been in a fight*

i will have to touch you is that ok

yes but i not much in payment

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:45 PM

after finding an empty chair he plops his body down and looks for some one who can serve him some food

*sees wounded man walks over to him*

sir i am a healer can i help you with your wounds?

*yes plz i do knot know how i got them but i could have been in a fight*

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:43 PM

after finding an empty chair he plops his body down and looks for some one who can serve him some food

*she sees the wood elf and is very interrested in finding out who he lost his fight to when he lost his memory*
*walks over and asks if she can sit down with him*

he looks up and hears a voice asking if they can have a seet but he does not raise hes head but says *yes u may but sadly i do not have much to say*

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:38 PM
after finding an empty chair he plops his body down and looks for some one who can serve him some food

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