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Thu 03/07/13 11:12 PM
4. Darwinism also supports the accuracy of the Bible. How? One-hundred percent of the ‘missing links’ (1859 to 2012) were discovered by atheists. (Can you say conflict of interest?) All of there so-called ‘finds’ were filled with fraud … forgery … and fabrication.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey massagetrade, here's 40 more facts for you to answer with ... cartoon characters. (That's 320 [plus] factual evidences vs. your 12 cartoon characters.) Evolution Frauds, Forgeries & Fabrications 1. 1812 - Lady of Guadeloupe (female human skeleton fossils cover-up) 2. 1856 - Neanderthal Man (human fossils with rickets and osteoarthritis) 3. 1856 - Dryopithecus (fossils of deceased chimpanzees) 4. 1859 - Darwin’s Theory published 5. 1860 - Castenodolo Skull (radiocarbon dating shows its’ a modern human skull) 6. 1860 - Archaeopteryx (forged bird-reptile slabs/plates) 7. 1860 - Ernst Haeckel (German biologist, atheist and artist; embryo drawing fraud) 8. 1863 - Moulin-Quignon (gravel pit in France; human tooth & jawbone forgery) 9. 1866 - Calaveras Man (California; American Indian skull hoax) 10. 1868 - Cro-Magnon Man (cave in SW France; modern human skeletons) 11. 1879 - Hyracotherium (horse fraud: fossils “appear fully distinct; remain unchanged”) 12. 1888 - Wadjak Skulls (fraud by evolutionist Eugene Dubois; modern human skull) 13. 1888 - Galley Hill Man (Darwin supporter, A. Kings’ fraudulent dating of human skeleton) 13. 1891 - Java Man (Eugene Dubois’ [student of Ernst Haeckel] missing link fraud) 14. 1907 - Heidelberg Man (fraudulent dating method of human jaw) 15. 1912 - Piltdown Man (evolution fraud: human skull & orangutan jaw joined together) 16. 1914 - Australia Man (human skull fraud) 17. 1921 - Rhodesia Man (human skeleton fraud “…misinterpreted … curious errors…”) 18. 1922 - Nebraska Man (Hesperopithecus - pig’s tooth; from a peccary [species of pig]) 19. 1924 - Australopithecus Africanus ( evolution fraud; skull of extinct species of chimpanzees) 20. 1929 - Peking Man (small human skull-cap ‘reconstructed’ to resemble a missing-link) 21. 1932 - Ramapithicus (fossils of extinct orangutan) 22. 1935 - Swanscombe Man (human skull fragments; discovered in England by A. Marston, [dentist and avid evolutionist]; the 1937 the Royal Anthropological Institute said the small fragments were “ … indistinguishable from homo sapiens.”) 23. 1938 - Coelacanth (evolutionary ‘transitional form’ proven false; currently a living fish) 24. 1947 - Fontechevade Man (human skull cap pieces found in cave; modern looking) 25. 1953 - Peppered Moth (natural selection f-r-a-u-d by B. Kettlewell of England) 26. 1972 - KNM-ER 1470 (Kenya; evolution fraud of large ape skull ‘creatively’ reconstructed) 27. 1974 - Lucy (deception; skeleton 3 and ½ foot tall; resembles modern chimpanzees) 28. 1977 - Darwin’s Finches (natural selection fraud re: beaks; no evolution whatsoever) 29. 1983 - “Flipperpithecus” (dolphin bone fraud; found by evolutionist Dr. Noel Boaz) 30. 1984 - Turkana Boy (Mr. & Mrs. Leakey’s fraud attempt; skeleton of 12 year-old human) 31. 1984 - Orce Man (discovered in Spain; later found to be a skull fragment of a donkey) 32. 1986 - Stone Age Swindle (Tasaday tribe hoax; local tribes paid to dress in leaves) 33. 1994 - Boxgrove Man (human bone fragments -- not missing link -- found by atheist Mark Roberts) 34. 1999 - Archeoraptor (evolution forgery - bird fossil with dinosaur tail glued on) 35. 2000 - The Devils’ Archaeologist (artifact forgeries by Japanese archaeologist) 36. 2001 - Vestigial Organs (whale’s vestigial [useless] pelvis & leg bones proven false; bones are found only in males and are necessary for reproduction) 37. 2004 - Bacteria’s Resistance to Antibiotics (fraud; horizontal gene transfer already built-in) 38. 2005 - Anthropology Fraud (German Prof. Dr. Reiner Protsch found guilty of falsifying dates on fossils -- for the past thirty [30] years) 39. 2009 - Ardi (evolution fraud involving Modern Bonobo [pigmy chimpanzee]; fossils were very small, scattered, broken, fragments. 40. 2010 - Darwinius Maxillae or “Ida” (huge evolution fraud/media blitz; fossils have exactly the same characteristics as modern lemurs) |
The Coelacanth is a species of fish that used to be put forward as evidence for vertebrates’ “transition from water to land” thesis. Fossil Coelacanths were once regarded as evidence of an intermediate form between fish and amphibians. Based on fossil remains of the creature, evolutionary biologists suggested it contained a primitive (and not yet fully functional) lung in its body. This organ was described in a great many scientific sources. Drawings were even published showing the Coelacanth moving from the sea onto dry land. On 22 December 1938, however, a most significant discovery was made in the Indian Ocean. A living member of the species Latimeria, a member of the Coelacanth species that had been portrayed as having become extinct 70 million years ago, was caught in the open sea! The discovery of a living Coelacanth definitely came as a major shock to evolutionists. The evolutionist paleontologist J. L. B. Smith said that he could not have been more astonished if he had met a dinosaur in the street. In the years that followed, more than 200 Coelacanths have been caught in various regions of the sea. When the first few of these fish were examined, it was realized that the speculation concerning them had been groundless. Contrary to what had been claimed, the Coelacanth had no primitive lung or a large brain. The structure that evolutionist researchers had thought to be the fish’s a primitive lung was actually nothing more than an oil sac in its body. Moreover, it was also realized that the Coelacanth, which had been depicted as aamphibian-to-be preparing to emerge from the water, actually lived in deep ocean waters and hardly ever rose to above 180 meters (590 feet). At this news, the popularity of the Coelacanth among evolutionist publications suddenly waned. An evolutionist paleontologist by the name of Peter L. Forey made this admission in an article in Nature magazine: The discovery of [living specimen of] Latimeria raised hopes of gathering direct information on the transition of fish to amphibians, for there was then a long-held belief that Coelacanths were close to the ancestry of tetrapods. . . .But studies of the anatomy and physiology of Latimeria have found this theory of relationship to be wanting and the living coelacanth’s reputation as a missing link seems unjustified. As his admission shows, no intermediate form between fish and amphibians ever existed. The Coelacanth, the only serious intermediate form proposed by evolutionists, is nothing more than a living species of fish with nothing whatsoever to do with evolution. |
That was humorous and Funny
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A little boy got lost at the YMCA and found himself in the women's locker room. When he was spotted, the room burst into shrieks, with ladies grabbing towels and running for cover. The little boy watched in amazement and then asked, "What's the matter, haven't you ever seen a little boy before?"
Partners Not Playmates
You're right.
Sexual attraction is not the most important thing. But it is an important thing in marriage. The most important thing is for 2 people to be submissive to God's will and marry God's choice for each of them. (My experiences have been: God can only give Very Good [teleios; complete, your hearts' desires] gifts.) Also, it is smart to understand how God intentionally designed male and female. God gave women estrogen, so they need AFFECTION like air and water. And God gave men testosterone, so they need SEX like air and water. These are Divine design (intentions) -- I guess so there would be procreation ... population. |
Summary of the “10 Things Everyone Needs to Know about Islam”: by Dr. Emir Caner 1. Allah and Jehovah are NOT the same God 2. Jihad, or holy war, is prescribed in the Koran and Hadith 3. There are specific protocols in Islam (e.g. women are not to go to Jihad) 4. Islam does not believe in religious freedom 5. Islam has a lower view of woman than Christianity 6. Islam has a low view of Jesus 7. Islam has a low view of the Bible 8. Islam is the most work-based religion in the world 9. Islam is divided among denominations 10. Many Muslims are coming to faith in Christ |
Edited by
Tue 03/05/13 01:38 AM
World's largest religion?
Yes, Christianity is the world's largest religion (33% and has 2.2 billion practicing followers). Has the most supporting evidence? Yes, absolutely. Consider the following: 1. Jesus Christ fulfills over two hundred (200) very detailed, specific Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament. (You are more than welcome to research these 200 (plus) prophecies using the Hebrew and Greek and other resources.) http://www.bibleprobe.com/365messianicprophecies.htm http://thedevineevidence.com/prophecy_jesus.html 2. Forty-five (45) first century sources (28 Christian and 17 secular/hostile) confirm Jesus Christs' existence -- that He walked the earth. http://thedevineevidence.com/jesus_history.html 3. Jesus makes 35 “I AM“ statements [30 in The Gospel of John and 5 in Revelation] (Gk. ego eimi) asserting His deity. Two examples: “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born [lit. came into being], I Am.’" (John 8:58, NASB) Jesus also said, “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I Am, you will die in your sins." (John 8:24) http://catholic-resources.org/John/Themes-IAM.htm 4. Darwinism also supports the accuracy of the Bible. How? One-hundred percent of the ‘missing links’ (1859 to 2012) were discovered by atheists. (Can you say conflict of interest?) All of there so-called ‘finds’ were filled with fraud … forgery … and fabrication. 5. The witness of the Holy Spirit [God’s guidance] to Christians in their lives. There are literally tons of other evidences (in various fields) which show that Christianity as the only practicle/viable/possible religion. |
Summary of the “10 Things Everyone Needs to Know about Islam” by Dr. Emir Caner: 1. Allah and Jehovah are NOT the same God 2. Jihad, or holy war, is prescribed in the Koran and Hadith 3. There are specific protocols in Islam (e.g. women are not to go to Jihad) 4. Islam does not believe in religious freedom 5. Islam has a lower view of woman than Christianity 6. Islam has a low view of *Jesus 7. Islam has a low view of the Bible 8. Islam is the most work-based religion in the world 9. Islam is divided among denominations 10. Many Muslims are coming to faith in Christ *Jesus 1. Did you know that Jesus Christ fulfills o-v-e-r 200 very detailed and specific Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament? 2. Did you know that 45 first century sources [28 Christian and 17 secular/hostile] confirm/support Jesus Christs' existence (that He walked the earth)? 3. Did you know that Jesus makes 35 [30 in John and 5 in Revelation]"I AM" (Gk. ego eimi) statements asserting His diety? Ex: Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born [lit. came into being], I Am." If you do open/honest research, you will find that Jesus Christ is God. God bless you. |
Religious vegetables
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Mon 03/04/13 09:11 PM
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The neighbor's barking dogs
AK-47 ?
1. Great photo (scenic & picturesque). 2. Nice tan. 3. Nice hair. 4. Nice smile. 5. Need to work on toneness (slimming up a bit). (I'm working on that myself -- mainly via exercise and trying to eat more veggies.) Have a good day & God bless. |
Please rate my profile
Hi -- I like older women -- so this is afriendly advisement. Personally, I think straight hair (your second photo) looks Best on you. You are separated (...) so some guys may be thinking this could take years... But, if the *paperwork has been filed -- that would be beneficial for you to List that point.
Main Photo is crooked..... I forgive you. (You're welcome.) I don't have any Info Training degrees... but, if you have Windows 7 [you can google anything - thats how I got this info]try this: 1)Click on Start [bottom of screen, farrr left] 2)Type in "Windows Live Photo Gallery" 3)Double click on that sentence 4)Double click on your main photo 5)Take a tea break ... [ha, haa] 6)"WLPG" box appears 7)Look at the bottom right of the page 8)Click on the "Blue Arrow Thingy" that says "Rotate Counter Clockwise" [as you hoover/linger over arrow] 9)Click on File (upper left) 10) Rename your photo (I think this would 'reset' your new and improved [non-neck breaking] photo. 11)Dance to your favorite songs (it feels danke). God bless. |