Community > Posts By > Jonathan83
The loading/s can be from few various reasons..Too many Pictures & GLITTERS POSTED, DOUBLE, TRIPLES or more so on ACCOUNTS, NO Monthly maintenance of Traffic ( Illegal can be identified easy ), Bugs, the Deactivated Accounts which are Activated when ScumBags SCAMMERS invade the site at theirs leisure ( Can be up to and close to half a million or more ( That's unnecessary traffic ). M2 needs to have once a month ( At least ), MAINTENANCE SERVICE ( By IT specialist/s ) and BUGS Cleaning.( Very Important ) That's my USELESS Half a penny wort of SAYING You said it... You totally said it. Thanks. Be careful or your reply will get deleted, and so will mine. :p They don't like to hear that they could be doing better. The scammers suck up all the server resources. I also think there may be DOS (Denial Of Service) / DDOS (Distributed Denial Of Service) attacks going on. Database optimization should be performed every day, and multiple times per day on very large websites. |
The secret life of Muslims
muslim extremists practice violence on muslims and non muslims who don't believe in their extremist values ...just saying..they sure have a lot of extremists for today's ideologies ...and pretty sure technology has allowed most eyes to see that it is not common nor acceptable behavior...and any faith that supports and practices hurting women and children...Nope...but gotta give the peaceful people who don't "practice " what they preach.. This not only affects women and children. Think about how a man's mind can be forged into something that he really doesn't want, or is not proud of. Every religion is a cult. Pretty much all religions teach us to dislike others because they are not of the same religion. In essence we are merely replicating the same fascism that has been known from oppressive governments. "We don't like any others besides our own/ourselves and if you do, we no longer like you." The Muslim religion is not the only one that causes these types of cultural/ethnic/religious upsets. ENTER SOCIOECONOMICS. Who has more? Who has more and better? Who has the most and the best? Like religion, wealth itself is just as much to blame for the way people think and act. It all comes down to claiming the physical and mental real estate of the masses. Through cultism we arrive to false ideologies of how we should expect those around us to act, causing much disturbance, great divide and upset, and driving the good people of the world to hate others based on a very basic system of indoctrination that has been around for longer than any of you or I have. I wish more people would realize just what is going on here. |
I have found that illness is almost entirely environmental and is avoidable. If our government should decide to stop stressing us out with their inefficiencies, perhaps fewer of us would be sick. If American jobs were more abundant (meaning government needs to stop encouraging business to operate outside of the US) there would be more people with more money. More money generally means better health because we can buy better foods and less toxic personal care/everyday items.
We can't blame every sick person for being sick. Some people are mentally exhausted and physically fatigued from all the undue stress caused by the abundance of taxes and regulations (many of which are very harmful to small business owners). There would be far fewer people on government assistance programs if the government would keep the wealth of this country in OUR pockets instead of sending everything overseas. Let's not forget about all of the untold/unrecognized genetic mutations because of cheap products, bad medical practices (radiology and using radioactive tracers when there are other safer options) and bad international business standards that we have to deal with because of our debt to China. In any case, it's imperative that we realize the real cause of disease and stop getting upset with each other because of what it is that we are unaware of. Vicious cycle... And, not to upset anyone here, but what about all the illegal immigrants that really have no place here. I feel that this country needs to get back up on its feet again before letting more people in from other countries. As it is, approx. 85% of our earned income goes to taxes and regulatory fees in one form or another. You can't fix broken people until the broken government is fixed. |
My son
"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." - Henry David Thoreau
My two cents might not be worth much to most but to the few it will be something they'll remember forever. No offense with what I say. Being an uncle of more than I can count, having to play father for some of them, I know how careful we must be with children. Most people do not have a clue just how important it is that we start off the right way. Kids, like animals, respond to the stimuli you give them, whether good or bad. Children, much like pets, will work hard to train you to understand what they want. Don't let any dangerous habits form since they will be very hard to break. The younger the mind, the more potential (neuroplasticity) it has to grow. The more we use our minds for specific tasks the more specialized our minds become. Children are very impressionable. Just as Krissy says, don't let your kids run your life. They'll be much happier (in the end) with some relatively strict policies. Yes, he's cute, adorable, etc. but you don't want him to be mad at you later because you need to suddenly break habits that at first you didn't realize were detrimental. I wish you the best. :) |
Such a fun game. Everyone is a winner of absolutely nothing. We should play this game more often. :p
Casual dating & Romance.
Edited by
Sat 02/04/17 12:40 AM
I agree. There's no point in gluing something until you're sure that's where you want it. yeah, don't use glue.. that's for sure.. otherwise it will be a call into 911 Haha. I was waiting for someone to comment on that. :p |
Am new
Seems like the system does weird things sometimes. I doubt you're getting singled out. One thing I've learned is the system will automatically penalize you for swearing in messages to others. I doubt that's what's going on with you. Anyway, relax man, I'm sure you being black has nothing to do with it. Best of luck.
Casual dating & Romance.
I agree. There's no point in gluing something until you're sure that's where you want it.
Name a SONG that is colorful
Henry Mancini — The Pink Panther Theme
Chicago - Colour My World Neil Young - Heart of Gold The Who - Behind Blue Eyes Ram Jam - Black Betty AC/DC - Back In Black Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon Metallica - Fade to Black Blue Oyster Cult - The Red & The Black Blue Oyster Cult - Black Blade |
Yeah, me too. Language problems with this one. Women who already have what? In general, people can't "take advantage of you," unless you make yourself vulnerable. Exactly. Does she blame the sky because she got wet or because she didn't use an umbrella? In any case, men are just as screwed over by women as women are by men. We just don't see the actual values in plain black and white since men tend to give women breaks for being so cute. |
Not until you've learned not to allow yourself to be mentally abused. Once youre in control, enjoy that other person, and get to know them. If someone wants something from you that youre not ready to give, say so. Exactly. Well said. |
My first beer was actually a triple of gin at about 4:20 this morning.
a nice site
Welcome. Yes, this is a nice site but rife with scammers. Good luck in your search.
I read (the real-looking) profiles. I'll pull over and ask for directions rather than drive in circles. I do at least glance at instructions, but there usually isn't any point. Think about it this way: Most people have to do the same things over and over and over. Why read the same directions over and over and over when you already know them by heart?
This is directly to the women here: Perhaps most men are idiots and jerks but so are most women. There are MANY great men and women left but they're too busy living life to stop and check you out. Give it time and be less stereotypical in how you analyze those of the opposite sex. When we start stereotyping, we start judging. We're all in this together whether we like it or not. For example, I hate all the cleavage everywhere, but what am I going to do about it? Men can't get a special ball bra and sport around some cleavage of their own, can they? Totally unfair. I also find interesting how most guys are circumcised and how it's the guys fault if he gets turned on easily. You know, that skin is supposed to be there to protect from chaffing and unintended stimulation. Imagine if you had nothing to protect you from that, had many things to do throughout the day, and then others got mad if you got turned on more easily than they did. Is that guy a pervert or??? That's kind of what it's like. I think what this all boils down to is men and women may both skip the profile, but a more likely situation is that you're dealing with a scammer. I always wait to see if they are actually interested in answering my questions. If they aren't, then I move on. So yes, both men and women can be scammers, scammed and misled about what to expect from the opposite sex. |
Edited by
Tue 01/17/17 06:10 AM
Well put. I see it all the time. I find it rather difficult to speak with most people. The reason is probably because they focus on the less important items in the conversation and miss everything that could help them.
New Friendship
Welcome to the asylum known as mingle... I wish you the best of luck here... Hahaha. You're spot on. Happy new year. :) |
What Instrument do you Play?
Acoustic/Electric/Bass guitars, piano, drums and vocals.
Wilhelm Reich or Nikola Tesla for their intricate knowledge of energy. Who would you choose and why?
Edited by
Tue 08/23/16 06:53 PM
Follow me here: click on home > edit profile > general
She heard me fart!!!
Edited by
Mon 08/22/16 08:44 PM
As Annierooroo said, everyone does it (except my mom... never heard her fart one time in my entire life). She probably almost laughed when it happened but didn't want to embarrass you more than you already were. Hey, at least you didn't $hit yourself. Right?