Community > Posts By > sandradee1961

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Tue 03/17/09 07:53 PM

FTW=Flush the Water, get rid of old crap in your life.


Flush The Waste

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Tue 03/17/09 11:08 AM
This lassie be Black Irish.

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Tue 03/17/09 10:49 AM
drinker Happy St. Patrick's Daydrinker

drinker May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.drinker
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
drinker May the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.drinker

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Tue 03/17/09 10:34 AM

Missed the sarcasm dripping from the title of the post when I first read it.

I just got an email this morning about the 9/11 monument in New Jersey that was given to us by the Russians.
:heart: i didn't hear that news story...just took the title of my post from one of my favorite novels it was also one of Jack Kennedys favorite books be seeing you

The monument got NO news coverage here. I had never heard of it until my sister sent the email.

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Tue 03/17/09 10:23 AM
Missed the sarcasm dripping from the title of the post when I first read it.

I just got an email this morning about the 9/11 monument in New Jersey that was given to us by the Russians.

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Mon 03/16/09 08:36 PM
Knowing that the repairs would take nearly all my ready cash would not ease the stress any either.

Call a couple of other shops and be sure that quote is fair.

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Mon 03/16/09 08:34 PM
Car problems always make me feel stressed.

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Sat 03/14/09 12:59 PM
The Sex Quiz: Myths, Taboos, and Bizarre Facts

The most taboo elements of society are also the most misunderstood, and sex is no exception. Here we test you on the marvels of procreation (psst - babies don’t come from storks) and attempt to put some of the wildest myths to bed. –Heather Whipps

1. The sex lives of our prehistoric ancestors were likely similar to the -
_ Monogamous penguins
_ Promiscuous, no-commitment bonobo chimpanzees
_ Polygamist, harem-loving gorillas
2. Women in ancient Egypt prevented pregnancy with -
_ Plugs made of crocodile droppings
_ Drinks of lemon, milk and ground water lily
_ Offerings to the fertility goddess
3. Proportionally and compared to other primates, human males have -
_ Tiny genitalia
_ Massive genitalia
_ About average
4. Based on artifacts and cave paintings, Ice Age women were likely -
_ Submissive and dragged around by their hair
_ To have sex only to make babies
_ To enjoy sex as much as their male mates
5. In 2005, the average first time for US girls occurred at the age of -
_ 14
_ 17
_ 20
6. Known aphrodisiacs of the food world include -
_ Chocolate, oysters and spicy foods
_ Oysters, strawberries and turkey
_ Chocolate, figs and zucchini
7. That females have a weaker sex drive than men is -
_ A physical fact
_ A cultural misconception
_ A rumor started in the 1950s
8. The most common sexual problem among men is -
_ Erectile dysfunction
_ Wanting too much
_ Premature ejaculation
9. It is a common misconception that pregnancy can occur -
_ Without male orgasm
_ Without a stork involved
_ From oral sex
10. Whether put to use or not, males produce about -
_ 100 million sperm every day
_ 500 million sperm every year
_ 300 million sperm every day

The answers:
1. Promiscuous, no-commitment bonobo chimpanzees
2. Plugs made of crocodile droppings
3. Massive genitalia
4. To enjoy sex as much as their male mates
5. 17
6. Chocolate, oysters and spicy foods
7. A cultural misconception
8. Premature ejaculation
9. Without male orgasm
10. 300 million sperm every day

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Sat 03/14/09 12:47 PM
Elvis Presley

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Sat 03/14/09 09:33 AM
Definitely. It gets really cold here.

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Sat 03/14/09 09:14 AM

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Fri 03/13/09 05:31 PM
Billie Ray Cyrus
Alan Jackson
Archie Manning

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Fri 03/13/09 09:37 AM
Seriously. I can't possibly be the only one from the Pacific Northwest.

Born in Spokane, Washington and have lived here most of my life.

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Thu 03/12/09 11:14 PM
It bothers me that they can get away with this garbage. They torture their victims and then cry - 'Please don't hurt me!'

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Thu 03/12/09 11:10 PM
I just saw that. Some inmates are contesting lethal injection because it might hurt.

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Wed 03/11/09 07:02 PM
No, but at the time, it seemed like he was a brick wall.

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Mon 03/09/09 10:37 PM

I dont....Life is Short....Laugh Out Loud.....laugh laugh rofl laugh
what if it's at a funeral?

That's the best time to laugh out loud. It's important to remember the good things.

I was just at a funeral for someone who was near and dear to the hearts of many. A friend of hers told a story that had us all laughing - and her son was nearly rolling on the floor.

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Mon 03/09/09 10:32 PM
Unfortunately, that's usually when I laugh loudest.

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Mon 03/09/09 09:10 PM
Edited by sandradee1961 on Mon 03/09/09 09:28 PM
$100 x 25% = first discount
subtract from $100

first discounted price x 15% = second discount
subtract from first discounted price

second discounted price x 20% = third discount
subtract from second discounted price

You will come up with a totally different answer that if you add 25% + 15% + 20% and then multiply it by $100.

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Mon 03/09/09 06:42 PM
I would think - if it were true - that it would have been in the news. Ask him if he has articles about her to share.

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