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Fri 01/28/22 06:56 AM
Hi KitKat!
![]() In Virginia the kids used to try to make it snow by doing superstitious things like wearing their pajamas backward/inside out and flushing ice cubes down the toilet. I tell my students here in Kazakhstan about that and they think it's so funny. Hi Bonnie and KitKat, ![]() About funny things which makes that you can enjoy about the snow.. Do you both know how make a eagle on the snow? How to make someone turn into a little snowman ... just stand under a snow-covered tree and shake the twig, making it will be snowing... ![]() For a while you have a little snowman or snowgirl.. There is such a custom among Polish highlanders, that you can to go on the horse- drawn wagons with bells and torches on the snow in the forest. This is so beautiful especially at the night.. Have a beautiful day! |
Change-One-Letter - part 40
Edited by
Thu 01/27/22 10:53 AM
As I said, That is specific to the person you are with.
If, for instance, you visited me. I would do things with you that allows you to experience my countries culture. Some museums and cultural venues, long drives to different small towns so you could see and meet the 'everyday' people, small taste tests of different foods and light shopping at different stores. Perhaps take you on a clothing store tour so you can see how you look in different attire. Then an evening talking about what you witnessed and experienced. If I were to visit you, I would want to see your country and understand the cultures and traditions you know as 'normal life'. I would want to try some of the traditional foods and go shopping at traditional stores. Then, sit down together and talk about what we did and how it is different to me. You describe it in this way, which I always imagined.. how wonderful is to meet people from other countries, what is so amazing in others cultures, perception of the world in which they live.. and as you mentioned not only now, but some times ago.. to being in places and meeting people which are "everyday living". What I noticed, that people from the States have a beautiful smile.. I'm not sure, that it is "every day live style", but I'm pretty sure that I met two years ago in Gdynia, couple of tourists from the States and both woman and man was smiling in that beautiful way.. For me it would be beautiful feeling, to experience all of it.. if only some day I will meet someone, from the other side of the globe.. Thank you so much, Tom. ![]() |
If this is a thread game, Its not working. Mainly because you have no idea who will reply next.
If this is a wish fulfillment for your next actual dating encounter, I exist in the now and in the now my relationship with my GF is quite healthy so, I'm not looking. If this is a general exercise in practical possibilities for your next date, it could be fun but without actually knowing the next person you date, its difficult to dream of possible activities. Some people want to party hardy and let go. Others might want personal and quiet. Some may want to explore new things. Others might want to eat or drink or make out. It REALLY does depend upon the person you are with. Personally, I enjoy a wide range of interests and activities but I am restricted from my disability. Those restrictions affect the activities I can do. I like long walks on the beach at night but my legs swell up when I am on them for long periods. By nightfall, its often difficult for me to stand, let alone walk on the beach. Walking anywhere for duration is painful. I'm also no longer a socialite. I don't enjoy popular venues as I used to. I don't do night clubs or concerts anymore. I can but only for a very limited time. Plus, I feel society is insane and I don't trust social gatherings. My restrictions and limitations affect my date-ability for most women. However, I do have a great imagination and I am creative in the activities I can do. I'm a natural entertainer and I am quite jolly. I treat the people I am with respectfully and acknowledge them as persons. Most people like to be around me. So, it doesn't really matter what we are doing, as long as my pain is manageable, we have a great time. However, when the pain gets too much, I withdraw and become quiet. If I keep the physical exertions to a minimum, the activities I can do last longer. I know my limits. I also know those limits are more than many women can bear. I'm not suitable for all women. Luckily I've found a woman who really enjoys me being me. We enjoy our time together no matter what we are doing. Hi Tom4Uhere, I know that, this is not what I wanted that should be.. What I meant was.. How you can imagine or how you would like to spend the first date with that special someone.. maybe that someone special person from Mingle2.. Have a beautiful afternoon! ![]() |
Anywhere would be special with that special someone. Hi Poetrywriter, ![]() yes it is true.. Have a beautiful day! |
2 words - part 15
Wonderful teacher
Sentence was created in the middle of the night, but of course this fact don't allow to make a mistakes..
Disbelief is what we can avoid or to follow for them...
Enjoy when raindrops are hitting on the window sill or roof..
2 words - part 15
Nothing special
Directions journey
Ops.. missing point ... one word! ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 01/24/22 05:57 AM
Soul of the company on Mingle! ![]() Why dresser? ![]() I don't mind, of course! I could be a dresser, but maybe at the times of Scarlet O'Hara! |
2 words - part 15
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Mon 01/24/22 01:43 AM
Nature harmony
Ps. Wishing you All beautiful day! ![]() |
2 words - part 15
Edited by
Mon 01/24/22 01:32 AM
Road trips
Double espresso
I look at IQ first.
I have a requirement, that a partner be well above "average" IQ. However, I generally will only date within five years of my own age. Hi RockGnome, ![]() I admit that you are right about IQ.. Have a good week! |