Community > Posts By > ericthall

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:42 AM
This is a picture of me oh about 35 yeras ago bigsmile
Do i look any older???laugh

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:38 AM

Its Ok she don't want me.... why poo she don't even think i can get into a bar,and don't even think I'am an experienced Driver yetlaugh :wink:
Now if i can convince her i'am barely over 18 then i will be rockinglaugh

ROFLMAO..umm Gypsy is just Gypsy!!! Neither considered male or female. Not sure if anyone REALLY knows. But always good for a chuckle in the threads..hell look, over 53K posts and counting! noway huh bigsmile laugh flowerforyou
somebody's got there eye on younoway what do you think they see in the crystal ball?laugh

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:36 AM
ooops meant to say he... sorry about that

i guess i should have aid attention to the Blue Box not being Pink....DUh on me

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:33 AM

lmaoooooooooooooooooo I know who you are!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ya think??? Wanna bet??? noway :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

I bet you two of your asian guy pics you don't know Jack! noway huh yawn flowerforyou laugh
Hey thats my imaginary bf eric!!!!laugh laugh
Its Ok she don't want me.... why poo she don't even think i can get into a bar,and don't even think I'am an experienced Driver yetlaugh :wink:
Now if i can convince her i'am barely over 18 then i will be rockinglaugh

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:31 AM

Now see i thought my picture made me look 50 or sosmokin

LOL, sorry bro..I don't look real close at guy pics, actually never pay attention to them. So again, my fault, was just trying to add to your post. From the question itself, I just did that bad were much younger. bigsmile laugh
OH NO... its all gooooooooodddddddddflowerforyou bigsmile

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:30 AM
yep thats me Old school...
Started working in the summers at the age of 9 (tobacco fields)
so i wouldn't have to wear them cardboard rustler pants from the NavY store...

Busted wood, had 3 whole channels on the T.V. (only 1 in the house)
Nothing like my Girls have

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:26 AM

Little Brother?he he I'am 41 will be 42 in October so I'am not far behind you:tongue:

Yes i do know of the staement you speak... so many in history have quoted on it way before the country came pout of diapers...
I heard a declaration once By a Man Named CARMEN... and he spoke very stern on the education system and the binders placed on our system...
I agree our children are learning more lessons in the 3 R's but not absorbing as much as we did on the simple basic structures of the ciriculum.
And between the Goverment and policies and the Media we as parents in this generation have so much more to worry with... then the tools of structured life have been removed from us.. and the children really rule the homes and schools...

If Something wholesome does not reenter this society back to some older methods... i feel Love, Marriage,Family and the lifelong pursuit of happiness will not exsist for the next generation... it is becoming more increasingly dissapearing from our generation... motherless and fatherless homes... who really suffers (WE ALL DO) those un parented children will be running the country when we are to feable to fight.. then what?

I Just Pray God preserves me and my family from the catastrophy that is heading our way...

LOL..well chit! My BAD! noway :tongue: flowerforyou

I don't look at profiles much. I was thinking you were maybe around 20 or so (my son's age).

No wonder you described the place where you are like are OLD SCHOOL! drinker drinker flowerforyou

I grew up in the mid-west. Not the sharpest tools in the shed, but you could RELY on them! bigsmile

I sure miss that. I am fortunate, I have some great friends, many 20+ years.

Well I better not give too much away..cause Gypsy is watching and she's trying to guess who I is. noway noway :tongue: laugh laugh flowerforyou

Now see i thought my picture made me look 50 or sosmokin

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:24 AM

lmaoooooooooooooooooo I know who you are!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ya think??? Wanna bet??? noway :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

How can you travel south down into the redwoods from Hawaii???bigsmile

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:19 AM

native americans can hand-fast..look in to it.drinker drinker

Yes Exactly... No Paper.
But the reason i added that was a thread that people where commenting marriage and divorce was just a piece of paper...
Not that i thought they where wrong and me right.
I just could not understand how they thought that way.

Little brother, just had to add this in to let you think about it.

It seems you have a good mind and starting to ask at least questions...never lose that and always question, always think. You'll still have potholes in life, but a LOT fewer when you put thought into it.

As to people thinking marriage/divorce can be just "on paper", thats simply because thats how they are conditioned (taught in subtle ways) to think.

The IQ in the USA has been dropping significantly for the last 30 years or more. And the issue of "education" has been before our government since I can remember (I am 42).

Now, why hasn;t our government ever fixed our "education" problems?? You think its by accident? Much of what you see is NOT accident, but planned and designed by the powers that be (those pulling the strings behind congress, senate and whitehouse). Now ask WHY???

You answers come in the form of questions....

Which is easier to lead/ educated thinker, or an idiot that can't even count back coreect change for a $10 bill?

Which will ask less questions???

Which will more easily conform to "your" ways of doing business, etc?

Starting to see any connections? huh

Life can actually make a lot more sense once you get past the "weapons of mass distraction" thrown out by our "establishment". They will keep the smoke and mirrors going for as long as they can so they keep the control.

Just something to think about. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Little Brother?he he I'am 41 will be 42 in October so I'am not far behind you:tongue:

Yes i do know of the staement you speak... so many in history have quoted on it way before the country came pout of diapers...
I heard a declaration once By a Man Named CARMEN... and he spoke very stern on the education system and the binders placed on our system...
I agree our children are learning more lessons in the 3 R's but not absorbing as much as we did on the simple basic structures of the ciriculum.
And between the Goverment and policies and the Media we as parents in this generation have so much more to worry with... then the tools of structured life have been removed from us.. and the children really rule the homes and schools...

If Something wholesome does not reenter this society back to some older methods... i feel Love, Marriage,Family and the lifelong pursuit of happiness will not exsist for the next generation... it is becoming more increasingly dissapearing from our generation... motherless and fatherless homes... who really suffers (WE ALL DO) those un parented children will be running the country when we are to feable to fight.. then what?

I Just Pray God preserves me and my family from the catastrophy that is heading our way...

ericthall's photo
Tue 04/15/08 12:08 AM

Love In its truest form... to think of the other as the beneficarary not oneself... I believe that has been removed in our ME , Me , Me society and partners make decisions based on themselves not thinking as a serviant mate... and yes this goes for both Male and female to each other.

True Love the essence of a God Given sharing of souls... the mergence to become one (as In the trinity)

To truly feel blessed you have your mate not settled that they are good to you.

to be unable to accept anything or anyone above your mate.not by obligation but by choice.

Treat the marriage vows as they are... a promise, a contract binding.

it just seems that people have taken to choose the easy road... as long as it is OK, maybe even good we can marry... but if i don't like it can divorce as easily and quickly as i married... then to act like the other is worthless... when they had the value of your promise that one sacred day.

Well you have some good ideas in some forms here.

You are a younger generation and its still getting worse.

I come from a time and place that does not exist anymore and you are probably to young to have ever seen it. Now, you may have seen parts of it from your parents (and it sounds like that and that is a very good thing) but you have never experiences it through sources outside your family.

Now where and when I was raised, basically the huge majority of the time, you could count on what a person was saying to you, good , bad , or indifferent.

If they said they were going to help you, you could count on that and they would do everything they could. If they said they were going to kick your *ss, then you better get your fists up, because its coming.

And I was never a "me" person, so I can only understand from an outsider's view.

I would easily and without thought of self, stand in front of any kind of harm for someone I loved. I have always cared about those I love more than myself. Not that I have low self esteem or value, I am a very confident person and in who I am. I simply know the true definition of love, which would be careing more about that other person than yourself, without reservation and or agendas, etc.

To find "true love" these days...good luck brother. because you are talking in terms of a marriage style relationship and that takes more than just "love".

It's a relationship that must connect on many levels and can be a complex maze at times. And now we live in a world of the selfish and self-centered, add to that all the confusion and ignorance (in its truest form again), then you would find something extremely rare...and either of you would be fools to ever let that go.

Sounds like you are on a decent road to discovery...hope you find your way! flowerforyou

Thank You...
Yes it is true.
I have found it as rare as it is...
the same moral fiber and the experience that no matter what our parents(hers and mine) are still together today.

I come from an area that is still like that you describe... if someone stops and says they will do everything they can to help... Even if it means you go to thier house for dinner until it all gets sorted out then so b it.

You are either liked for who you are and will recieve respect from those who know, and they will stand up for your name anyday.

And the same if you hear "you are going to get it" you better prepare to fight or run because it will happen right then...

We Give to those in need with out concern for what they may do afterwards.

She is so much like me in those values it simply amazes me.
She is very rare and niether her nor I have any intentions of letting go of each other.

We even posted one time (well she posted she would give her life for me to have one more minute)
Then i posted the same to her... then it beacame me saying we would argue about who was going to take the bullet the shooter would just throw up thier hands and walk away leaving us to itlaugh

We disagree fuss and growllike a couple of elderly .. but love and respect always nevr have we shouted, called name or threatened physical actions other than
(you Know...sexblushing)as punishmentlaugh yeah like punish me atleast 4 times a day:heart: love

I just wonder how rare it is... how many truly want it?
And what they are willing to do to see it happen in thier life.flowerforyou

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:56 PM

native americans can hand-fast..look in to it.drinker drinker

Yes Exactly... No Paper.
But the reason i added that was a thread that people where commenting marriage and divorce was just a piece of paper...
Not that i thought they where wrong and me right.
I just could not understand how they thought that way.

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:54 PM
Me personally ... I have faced it all.
Not me doing but me as the reciever...
Using our home and children as a revolving entertainment.

Now after 5 years i have found another whom i truly Love and returns the same love to me...

I trust again with All and everything she will never defile our Love.
I know i will never...

But looking over threads a lot of times i just do not see this type of relationship being able to happen for others.

So it makes one wonder... I Know I have been blessed... But her and i cannot be the minority with so many thousands of people searching everyday... how come one a handful really make it to achieve true happiness???

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:47 PM
the reason i ask is...

I read a seperated AN divorced thread once and was deeply sadened.
Not that i Judged... but thought it wrong to be with another while still married to one.

Seperation is not divorce... and yes i know it is a fine line... But still it is a given time by Man's Law to see if reconciliation could happen.
But i do understand that Divorce due to infidelity is blessed by The Word.
But if One is not divorced aren't they really still married???
Doesn't that put them equally in the position of Adultry?
Or Am I the only one who cares???bigsmile

Just so many changes in the family values over the past 20 yaers or so... have we really progressed or digreesed???

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:41 PM

in the heart,.. not on paper...
it rapes him,..and it rapes her...
the system lacks,.. and it'll use you...
phuck you up,.. and abuses you...
and divorce,.. is most certain...
it'll for sure,.. pull the curtain...

the heart is stronger than has been since the ice paper there....

I agree... Paper is only Man's law of recording the event.

But in one's heart they make a promise if you will (a Vow) and i do know you can even get married without the vow.(how sad is that)

But when one breaks the vow... Should they ever be trusted by ANYONE ever again???

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:38 PM

I would do anything for love,especially if it's for the "one"
And,marriage is a real commitment so no it's not only just a document...

Would you hold on to your spouse in everything short of defiling your love with another?

i guees that is the real question i was going to ask...

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:36 PM

This is truly something of my curiosity... so if you post... i will have no judgement... but maybe some questions on the how, why, what,

I see some real problems in your question.

First, you have to take into consideration how many people even know what the true definitions of these words are.

Unfortunately most people these days have no clue what the real meaning and value of these words are. They say things like "I love you" like it is something of very common place. They say it in an ignorance that astounds me (and I mean ignorant in its true form, they simply do not know, because they were never taught or learned a different form).

So first, do you know what you are really asking? And if you think so, what are your definitions? Give some examples. That way you may be able to get more detailed and direct answers. Many levels to be considered. flowerforyou

Love In its truest form... to think of the other as the beneficarary not oneself... I believe that has been removed in our ME , Me , Me society and partners make decisions based on themselves not thinking as a serviant mate... and yes this goes for both Male and female to each other.

True Love the essence of a God Given sharing of souls... the mergence to become one (as In the trinity)

To truly feel blessed you have your mate not settled that they are good to you.

to be unable to accept anything or anyone above your mate.not by obligation but by choice.

Treat the marriage vows as they are... a promise, a contract binding.

it just seems that people have taken to choose the easy road... as long as it is OK, maybe even good we can marry... but if i don't like it can divorce as easily and quickly as i married... then to act like the other is worthless... when they had the value of your promise that one sacred day.

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:29 PM

the one truest form of love is the love of a parent for a child. my daughter has a place in my heart that no one will or can ever take. when you would die to protect them, you know you love them

My question to this is...

your post is excellent and true to my heart as well... if i could not or would not offer my own life to give them a chance then it is not my ALL...

Why does it seem that Adults... if christian belief, would not do the same for thier mates as thier children? when it is written that the spouse comes next under God...
Do you think society has chosen to quit Marriage in a biblical term?

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:25 PM

I've given her my all, but she doesn't want it.
I've let go, and gone with the flow, but she turns off the faucet.
My past leads my way, no longer will i be foolish.

Do you feel that Most if not all relationships are one sided?

i have seen it many times one gives all the other takes all but never seems to be an equal exchange.

Why and how could we seek love in that?

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:22 PM
This is truly something of my curiosity... so if you post... i will have no judgement... but maybe some questions on the how, why, what,

ericthall's photo
Mon 04/14/08 11:21 PM
What would you do for True Undeniable Love.
How Far away is too Far for something truly real.

Would you give your all?

Would You Hold Back?

Could Your past give you strength or destroy what may be?

How much do you really value True Love...

Do You Believe Marriage is just a piece of Paper?
And If so Divorce is Too???Just a piece of Paper?

Really... what do you want, How much are you willing to give, what is it really worth to you?
How Much does it really mean beyond the Laws Of Man?