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I cannot help you any further.
I am done here now. Goodbye. |
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Fri 03/30/12 12:55 PM
But Cowboy,you mean they are one God under a TITLE
of "One God" only...NOT ONE SUPREME BEING. You beleive them to be TWO supreme Beings Under just a TITLE of God. And That is false teaching on your part. One last gonna use a human being as an example here to demonstrate : One human being consists of 3 parts.....body, soul, spirit. NOW those 3 parts of a human being are NOT 3 beings..but are 3 parts in ONLY ONE human being only. Now..there are 3 distinquishable distinctions we call Persons (God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit) WITHIN ONE SUPREME BEING. God The Father ,God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit are NOT 3 ENTIRELY DIFFERENT AND SEPARATE SUPREME BEINGS as YOU believe Cowoby...NO!!! but instead..... God The Father ,God The Son.and God The Holy Sprit are the 3 distinctions or 3 Separate Persons WITHIN WITHIN WITHIN ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING !!! GOD ALMIGHTY IS ONLY ONLY ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING ONLY !!!! THE ONE GOD IS ONE SUPREME BEING ONLY!!!!!!!!! GOD THE FATHER , GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT MAKE UP ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING ONLY !!!!!!!!!!! BEEN EXPLANING THIS FOR OVER A YEAR NOW!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Take care now. |
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Fri 03/30/12 12:02 PM
Study the many characreristics of God, Cowboy. That should help make it clear How God The Father,God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING ONLY. Take care now. |
There are 3 distinquishable distinctions (Father,
Son,Holy Spirit ) WITHIN ONE SUPREME BEING...that's how. |
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Fri 03/30/12 11:26 AM
I see you still believe Jesus is an ENTIRELY SEPARATE Supreme Being from The Father ( whom you believe to be ANOTHER supreme being ). This is FALSE..and is IDOL worship..but I can't help you see because yOu will NOT listen . No matter how much I want to help you see,I realize that ONLY GOD can show you that God the Father,God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit make up ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING ONLY. THE ONE GOD ALMIGHTY IS ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING!!!! You will continue to be in my prayers, Cowboy...but I just see no point in trying to help you any further. ![]() |
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Fri 03/30/12 10:14 AM
Cowboy, what Funches is trying to show you is that
ADAM means HUMAN ...or MAN....NOT A GOD!!!! Meaning..GOD created ADAM to be a HUMAN BEING, NOT a god !!! ADAM MEANS HUMAN.......OR MAN !!! Meaning.....we are NOT gods !!!!! |
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Fri 03/30/12 09:51 AM
Cowboy, there is a teaching that says we are
gods..but it is ONLY SATANIC worship that teaches this, NOT christianity. If you google any info on any christian teaching saying we are gods, you wiLl find NONE!!! Cause the bible does NOT teach this AT ALL. Christianity does NOT teach this ...PERIOD!!! This is ONLY satan worship that teaches that we are gods. And the 2 scriptures in the bible saying, "ye are gods",was ADDRESSED TO A SPECIFIC GROUP OF PEOPLE ONLY !!!! This has been explained to you numerous times already , and has been clearly shown to you!!! WHEN PROPERLY STUDIED ,the scriptures CLEARLY shows we are NOT gods. |
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Fri 03/30/12 10:06 AM
Cowboy wrote:
one God. One supreme being above us all... Your statement quoted above that you made last night....... are you NOW saying that NOW FINALLY UNDERSTAND what the bible teaches? In other words..... Are you saying you FINALLY understand what the Bible teaches.....that God The Father ,God Son ,and God The Holy Spirit are ONLY ONE SUPREME BEING ? Yes or No OR.... are you STILL saying what you said before......that you believe JESUS ONLY is The One Supreme being over us.... cause IF the LATTER is what you are REALLY still saying , then you are into IDOL WORSHIP ,IF you are STILL saying as before ,that Jesus Is an ENTIRELY SEPARATE SUPREME BEING,COMPLETELY APART FROM GOD THE FATHER . AND THEN THAT WOULD BE LIKE SAYING GOD IS 2 SUPREME BEINGS, INSTEAD OF JUST ONE AS THE BIBLE TEACHES. ALSO...BY BELIEVING JESUS IS ANOTHER SEPARATE SUPREME BEING COMPLETELY APART FROM GOD THE FATHER, IS CALLED WORSHIPPING ANOTHER JESUS !!! A FALSE JESUS WHOM YOU BELIEVE TO BE A SEPARATE SUPREME BEING FROM GOD THE FATHER !! SO WHICH IS IT YOU BELiEVE NOW,COWBOY? stated earlier that you were not a human being but ,instead you believe we are gods... Do you think we are NOT human beings AT ALL?? Yes No Do you think we are LITERALLY gods? Yes No |
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Thu 03/29/12 10:34 PM
one God. One supreme being above us all...
Yes..there is ONE GOD..ONE SUPREME BEING over us all. And God The Father, God The Son,and God The Holy Spirit are the 3 Separate PERSONS WITHIN that ONE SUPREME BEING . . And NO Cowboy...we are NOT gods. We were ONLY given DOMINION over the beasts of the field...we were not to RULE over the beasts of the field....or JUDGE the beasts of the field (which is what a magistrate or judge does).... ![]() |
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Thu 03/29/12 09:27 PM
The scriptures are addressing those who are BORN
AGAIN.....those who are born again are ADOPTED into the Family of God. point being.... those who are born again do NOT become gods as you seem to believe...... those who are born again are just ADOPTED by God ...but will NEVER EVER become gods.... so lets just drop that silliness now, ok? ![]() |
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Thu 03/29/12 09:29 PM
No did NOT say God presdestined us...
the scripture does not just stop goes on further to say..... " presdestined us UNTO THE ADOPTION OF CHILDREN BY JESUS CHRIST " ... and that scripture is referring to those already FOREKNOWN by God who would ACCEPT JESUS. ONLY THOSE WHO ARE FOREKNOWN TO ACCEPT JESUS ARE PRESDESTINED UNTO ADOPTION . "Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will" ![]() |
Here are a couple more:
Galatians 4:5 "So that he might redeeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the ADOPTION as sons " Romans 8:15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a sprit of ADOPTION as sons by which we cry out,"Abba Father" ![]() |
Cowboy...below is Just one of many scriptures that
speak of our adoption, whne we become born again : You go find all the rest of the scriptures.... “His unchanging plan has always been to ADOPT us to Himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave Him great pleasure” (Ephesians 1:5). God ADOPTS those who receive Christ as Savior . ![]() |
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Thu 03/29/12 03:18 PM
Born again means your DEAD spirit comes ALIVE again.
WHEN adam and eve disobeyed, their sin of disobedience caused an INSTANT SPIRITUAL DEATH in them both, followed by a PHYSICAL DEATH, which just took longer. WHEN we become born again , our DEAD sprirt is MADE ALIVE AGAIN (BORN AGAIN) , and we ALSO are given ETERNAL LIFE....but we NEVER becomes gods!!!! God also makes born again believers joint heirs with him later....when we are ressurrected into our new bodies one day.....but we NEVER EVER become gods....EVER !!!!! We are ONLY ADOPTED by God when we are Saved ( born again ) !! NEVER turned into gods !!! Although God gives us a God kind of Faith ...and Empowers His body of Christ with The Holy Spirit, and distributes His gifts among the body of Christ, we still Will not EVER become gods !!! NEVER EVER!!!!!! And just because God gave man dominion over animals ,etc, did NOT mean that God made man a god!!!!! NEVER EVER!!!!!! Please...get invloved in a full gospel teaching in your area where you can learn The REAL TRUTH of The Word of God....instead of making a mockery of Christianity on here. Will you listen now, Cowboy??? You are still could get enrolled in a bible college and do something with your life..and get some help in learning The Truth of God's Word. What's keeping and holding you back from doing this, Cowboy? |
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Thu 03/29/12 02:26 PM
Cowboy,it is not my job to keep correcting you and helping you....especially when the help is not received. If you look back thru the previous posts, you will find that it has already been pointed out to you , that adam means human . Man is a human.......Adam means human .... or man...... Now....I will contunue to pray that you will see the Truth and will be delivered from this deception of yours. That is all I can do . "Adam" may mean human, as in is referring to a human when it refers to "adam". But that is because it's being defined in a secular way. Show me a VERSE that uses the TERM "human". The scriptures is translated from another language, if one of those words translated into "human" it would have translated that way when it went from original to the englsh language. It wouldn't leave a word that is needed for further translation. Everyone's name means something. Cause heck my last name "Hale" means the following. dweller at, or near the corner, nook, small hallow or secret place. So again show me the term "human" in a later translation, not a translation of a translation, but closer we get to the original, the clearer the true meaning is that we get. COWBOY...We are ADOPTED by God when we become born again..we NEVER beome gods !!!!!! REPEAT: WE ARE ADOPTED ONLY !!! God's children are ADOPTED and made heirs...but born again christians do NOT EVER become is nothing but foolishness you are posting on here when you poat your is plain silly.....wackyness.... we are born of the flesh...we NEVER turn into gods or angels....God made all things to reproduce after its own kind only ....meaning....humans will NEVER become gods.....otherwise God would have to go against His Word. |
Cowboy,it is not my job to keep correcting you and
helping you....especially when the help is not received. If you look back thru the previous posts, you will find that it has already been pointed out to you , that adam means human . Man is a human.......Adam means human .... or man...... Now....I will contunue to pray that you will see the Truth and will be delivered from this deception of yours. That is all I can do . |
Cowboy wrote:
Show me where it says this specifically. Because best to my knowledge it specifically refers to all three individually. In the beginning was the "Word" and the Word was God and the Word was WITH "God".
No Cowboy...You TWISTED that scripture and REARRANGED the Wording in a DIFFERENT ORDER , and you KNOW it !!! IN FACT, EVERY TIME YOU QUOTE THAT SCRIPTURE, I NOTICED THAT YOU REARRANGE THE WORDING. Here is the RIGHT ORDER of that scripture: "In the beginning Was The Word , and the Word was WITh God , and the Word WAS God." |
Cowboy ,STOP confusing Funches by saying you believe
in one God, when you DON'T. You do NOT belIeve in One God as Christians do at all!!! You know very well that to you ,One God just means a TITLE of Authority over MANY ENTITIES!!! You DON'T believe in The One God as ONE SUPREME BEING, as the bible teaches at all !! SO STOP CONFUSING FUNCHES WITH YOUR FALSE TEACHING AND DECEPTION!!! The Bible teaches VERY CLEARLY That The One God Almighty is ONE SUPREME BEING, ONLY. But you REFUSE to believe this, and would rather just continue pushing your false teaching on here!!! And all I can do is pray for you. And also.... we are NOT Gods!!! And the bible makes this VERY CLEAR also. IF you took time to study The Word, insteasd of posting your usuual crap on here, you would learn...but you won't. We are HUMAN BEINGS, NOT GODS !! Cowboy, you need to stop posting your wacky teaching on here,cause it is making you look very foolish. Seriously. |
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Mon 03/26/12 10:20 PM
We are still ONLY human beings made in The image of God.
We are NOT gods made in the image of God ,as you seem to believe. And when we become born again, we STILL DO NOT EVER become gods, as you seem to believe. This is why one needs The Holy Spirit ,to teach and help understand God's Word. You can lie your head on your pillow tonight and ask God to REVEAL TO YOU ALL HE HAS FOR YOU..and I will be praying here WITH you, Cowboy. Nite now.... ![]() |
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Mon 03/26/12 10:01 PM
God would not visit us(come to dwell with us ) if He
did not care for us. This is why cross referencing is good, because it gives us a deeper and richer meaning of God's Word. ![]() And..... I am Sorry to hear that you do not think you are a human being. Nite now....gotta go..... |