Community > Posts By > RockandRoll

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Fri 11/06/20 03:52 AM
October 17, 2020 " Could you imagine if I lose this election? I wouldn't feel so good, I may have to leave the country." - Donald Trump

Maybe he'll finally do something he said he'd do !!! I'm sure he could find a nice condo in Moscow. At the very least, maybe in the springtime (just like Covid-19) he'll disappear with the warm weather...Hmmm.

WAY TO GO AMERICA...We are the greatest nation on Earth...enough of us came together, in an amazing display of democracy, to take out the trash.

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Thu 11/05/20 04:44 AM
I am amazed at the lack of real and honest Ohio women here.

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Wed 11/04/20 12:31 PM
Yes...Biden won Wisconsin now...I think Nevada, Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania will go him a huge win. Trump will probably get North Carolina and Georgia, but his chances are slim. He's lawyered up, but I don't think his chance of success is great. Too bad he's a one-and-done President...he had a chance at greatness, at bringing our country together, at making government "for the people"...instead, he blew it...he squandered his destiny on greed and power...what a loser !!!

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Fri 10/30/20 08:54 AM
Well...almost election day...for all of us Americans here..Whoever wins, it is the will of the people...get out and vote. I voted for Biden...whoever you vote for...just vote.

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Wed 10/28/20 03:16 AM
Trump promised:
1. "I will build a wall (at the southern borded with Mexico) and Mexico will pay for it"

Of the 2,000 some miles of border only nine miles of new wall has been built, about 300 miles have been repaired...that's it !!! ...and Mexico hasn't paid a dime.

2. "I will get rid of Obamacare and replace it with a much better program."

He's had four years to come up with a better program, and NOTHING has been proposed.

3. "I will lower your taxes."

Mine went up !!! Taxes were lowered for all the wealthy corporations and upper income earners...basically he helped his rich buddies, and himself...not the middle class. Biden will only raise taxes on corporations and people making more than $400,000 a year.

4. "I will drain the swamp."

He filled it up with criminals. More than half a dozen of his appointees and associates have been indicted for crimes. Who knows how many more have not been exposed yet?

Does this guy deserve another term?...Hell NO !!!

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Wed 10/28/20 02:49 AM
Honesty...very rare here.

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Wed 10/28/20 02:24 AM
The proof is in the pudding.

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Mon 10/26/20 10:34 PM
He hasn't done a damn thing in four years...he's a phony. What world are you living in, the world of make believe?...wake up !!!

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Mon 10/26/20 07:40 AM
Hey...maybe after he loses the election, he'll finally do something he says he'll do, and leave the country !!! Ohhh wait, I'm guessing Canada won't be his first choice...he'll probably go to Russia to live with his friends !!!

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Mon 10/26/20 03:58 AM
Please take him !!! ... you can even keep Trudeau.

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Sat 10/24/20 06:31 PM
I agree with alan...too many lies from this administration...too much alternate reality and bullsh*t coming from this President...the bottom line...Trump isn't fit to lead a girl scout troop !!!

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Sat 10/24/20 02:37 AM
Edited by RockandRoll on Sat 10/24/20 02:40 AM
Trump has done NOTHING in four years...NOTHING but screw up. He's is the worst President the United States has ever had, time for him to GO.

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Fri 10/23/20 06:42 AM
If you break buy it !!!

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Thu 10/22/20 04:58 PM
Edited by RockandRoll on Thu 10/22/20 05:47 PM
Seeking Friends...are you talking about the pitiful fake laptop that Trump and his lackey Rudy (Ghoul)ianni and the Russians are trying to use to smear the Bidens?...How desperate the current administration must be to try and fake such a much so that there's nobody even investigating it because of the complete lack of merit, facts and credibility. There's not even any news coverage of it...because it's such fake news. Oh, wait...I think there's been a few blurbs on FOX news...they like reporting fake news !!!

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Thu 10/22/20 04:46 PM
Haaa...your buddy Trump wrote the book on he's going to get the **** kicked out of him on election day...poetic justice !!!

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Thu 10/22/20 03:45 PM
Edited by RockandRoll on Thu 10/22/20 03:47 PM
I agree are wise beyond your years !!! ...and why are the Canadian trolls even weighing in on our elections? it canucks, you got your own problems to worry about !!! ... if we want to hear from anybody living in the the 51st state, about our elections and government...we'll ask.

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Tue 10/20/20 06:22 PM
Boo Hoo...poor Donald...217,000+ dead on his watch...worse than a world war...perhaps prison is where he belongs.

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Tue 10/20/20 02:49 PM
Edited by RockandRoll on Tue 10/20/20 02:52 PM
Too bad he never followed through with doing all he could to protect the American fact he has not followed through with anything he's ever said !!! Maybe after he loses the election...he'll follow through with what he said, and leave the country...I'm sure his buddy Putin can find him a nice place near Moscow !!!

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Tue 10/20/20 01:28 AM
Edited by RockandRoll on Tue 10/20/20 01:29 AM
Good point CatinIdaho: "Fortunate Son" by CCR is a song about the children of wealthy people getting draft deferments during the Vietnam war, and not having to serve. This President got several deferments for "bone spurs" so he wouldn't be drafted to serve his country during the Vietnam war...then he has the gall to play "Fortunate Son"during an irresponsible-maskless rally !!!As a veteran myself, I think he's a coward.

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Tue 10/20/20 01:21 AM
Edited by RockandRoll on Tue 10/20/20 01:22 AM
He waited too long to take any action...dismissed it as "a flu"...said it would go away in warm weather...didn't encourage the wearing of masks...showed no leadership, or offered no strategy to combat the virus...dismissed the medical advice of his top experts...held rallies recklessly without cocern for the virus...these are all the actions of a poor leader. Then, while people were getting sick and dying, and the economy started to suffer...he scratches his head and wonders why is this happening !!!