Community > Posts By > fjr

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 01:46 AM
I can't stand it! When does the next season start? I hate it when I get hooked on a tv show.

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 01:38 AM
rofl rofl rofl rofl

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 01:33 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh rofl

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 01:28 AM
I'm embarrassed to admit this, but...
my key I lost 3 months ago.

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 01:14 AM

I'm the ultimate recycler...:wink: laugh
laugh laugh laugh

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 01:06 AM

Well if you look at it a certain way, my ex was the one that got away. Which fits the qualifications of your post. I just did not have the Christ-like qualities to keep her true to me. And the fact that she was a wiccan, does not make her attracted to the Christ-types. Maybe it was meant to be.

Hmmm actually it does not fit the qualifications of my post, perhaps I should have been more specific. I refer you back to Irish_Dude's post, as the same thing happened to me, a relationship long ended that you begin to wish had come to fruition or that you regret (at a later date) ended.

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:59 AM

When I started this post, I was referring to someone you regretted not making a more permanent relationship with, not the ones that broke your heart. It just seemed to me reading the post that there seemed to be more men than women who thought about "the one that got away"

Maybe the men just whine about it more?flowerforyou

I will never admit to that!sad flowerforyou

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:57 AM

I tried to lose them but they kept following me....scared shocked rofl

laugh laugh

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:57 AM

Hahahaha....attention spans of 3 year olds....threads that have a life of their own.:wink: laugh

No doubtlaugh

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:52 AM
When I started this post, I was referring to someone you regretted not making a more permanent relationship with, not the ones that broke your heart. It just seemed to me reading the post that there seemed to be more men than women who thought about "the one that got away"

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:26 AM

:heart:Is it actually possible to fall out of love,and then back in love with the same person?:heart:

I don't think so. I do think it is possible to fall in love with someone who you can't stand to be around 24 hours a day! laugh

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:04 AM

yanno....Ive always wanted to date a motorcycle!!!:wink: laugh

fjr's photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:03 AM

Irish_Dude made a post about "The one that got away." Do men more often experience regret over past relationships than women? Or vice-versa?
:smile: men talk about it more:smile:

:smile: How have you been Mirror?
I would have believed women talk about it more... Does that mean men experience it more? Maybe women are better at forgetting their past relationships and focusing on the present or future?

fjr's photo
Sun 10/04/09 11:59 PM

I think it is about even but when guys do really get hurt I think they carry it a lot longer. Sad when you see someone get crushed and it just closes their heart.

I think you are correct, men do carry it longer. However I have seen a lot of bitter women also. When it comes to "the one that got away", is it men or women most likely to regret and pine over the ending of a past relationship?

fjr's photo
Sun 10/04/09 11:51 PM

I often have regrets with past relationships...

my behaviours, my mindset....all sorts of things.

It's called growth.


fjr's photo
Sun 10/04/09 11:50 PM

In my opinion when some men aren't ready when women are and down they road the men can't find what they're looking for and often times remember the one that got away, the one they should have treated right so she wouldn't leave him, etc.

I'm sure some women have done the same...

I think you are on to something there. If men are "slower" to commit to a serious relationship, or fall in love, wouldn't that create that exact situation? By the time the man commits, the woman has moved on...
Good postflowerforyou

fjr's photo
Sun 10/04/09 11:41 PM

There was this one time....

A man I was instant, crazy, punched in the solar plexus insanity!

We drove each other crazy....and crazier....frustrated the begeeezuz out of me! Nearly four years together.

I said goodbye...waved him off...with nary a backward glance.

(who am I kidding)ohwell laugh

three years later....

yep three years later...I was still pining for the one who got away...
had tried to move on...had other dates, relationships....I tried to move on..

...and then he rang....and said he is ready now....he was coming home.

and he did....and he is...

and we still drive each other nuts...he goes away, touring, for weeks on end...and I feel as though he has taken a part of me with him...I miss him so, that it is a physical pain.


Great post. flowerforyou

fjr's photo
Sun 10/04/09 11:39 PM

There was this one time....

A man I was instant, crazy, punched in the solar plexus insanity!

We drove each other crazy....and crazier....frustrated the begeeezuz out of me! Nearly four years together.

I said goodbye...waved him off...with nary a backward glance.

(who am I kidding)ohwell laugh

three years later....

yep three years later...I was still pining for the one who got away...
had tried to move on...had other dates, relationships....I tried to move on..

...and then he rang....and said he is ready now....he was coming home.

and he did....and he is...

and we still drive each other nuts...he goes away, touring, for weeks on end...and I feel as though he has taken a part of me with him...I miss him so, that it is a physical pain.


fjr's photo
Sun 10/04/09 11:38 PM
Irish_Dude made a post about "The one that got away." Do men more often experience regret over past relationships than women? Or vice-versa?

fjr's photo
Sun 10/04/09 11:29 PM
Wow, interesting post. Reading through the replies I believe it seems men experience those feelings more than the women....hmm I would have believed it would have been otherwise. Maybe too few replies to post make a judgement? Maybe a good idea for a new post...
I have dwelled on "the one that got away" and regretted it. I think we should take a poll.

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