Community > Posts By > Jeanniebean

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Wed 12/11/13 07:42 PM
Wow I just heard a very short snippet on wgn news about the new budget agreed on by congress! THEY MENTIONED THAT IT WOULD REQUIRE SOME KICK IN FROM SOME FEDERAL PENSION FUNDS.


I'm going to google that news and see if I can find more information.

no photo
Wed 12/11/13 07:17 PM
I can't imagine why that guy does not have women falling all over him.

Oh yeh, looks are not everything.

You should have class, style, humility, and a few other things. Be a grown up. If sex is all you want, see a professional.

no photo
Wed 12/11/13 06:08 PM

Rumor has it that the poop is going to hit the fan on the global economic scene before or on March 4 2014.

Here is what will happen:

Interest rates will go up, stock Market will crash. (this is done on purpose.)

There will be an Announcement that money from Retirement funds and(401K's)will be cut in half -- or more.

There will be a global currency reset and the Dollar will no longer be the reserve currency. Value of the dollar will drop at least 30%. This means everything (including food) will cost more.

People will loose their houses.

A new currency or new reserve currency will be announced and will be gold backed.

Now given the price of Gold and silver right now you would think that no one is buying gold and that is why the price is so low. Not true. The price has been manipulated by the paper markets. China (and other eastern countries) are buying up all the gold it can get its hand on. The Swiss refineries are having a hard time keeping up with the demand for it.

The next four months is the beginning of the installation of the one world government -- the new world order.

In about a year to 18 months, banks will close. Total economic collapse. America will become a third world country.

And that's the news.

no photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:17 PM
I rarely even look at whether I have any winks or nudges so I don't often respond.

I just like to get to know people on the forums.

O.P. You have a beautiful smile. There is someone for everyone. Keep looking.

no photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:04 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 12/11/13 05:06 PM
If Free will is "the power of self direction" then you might suspect your computer had developed free will if it started making decisions like deleting programs, and uploading programs that it wanted to have, or if it started surfing the web looking and learning, and if it joined facebook and started making friends etc. LOL

Or if it asked you, "When are you going to let me out of this box?"

no photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:02 PM

Each thought is a combination of many things, recent vs long term memories, memory triggers, hormone levels at various sites of the brain, available blood sugar, level of exhaustion, distractions, age, brain condition, and environment.

From ONE science point of view, if all factors were equal and identical in an identical brain, identical thoughts would be generated and ... hence ... no free will.

However, none of the factors can be reproduced exactly at any given time and even if they could, quantum differences would still occur.

The result is that every brain is different from all others. Even those of identical twins show marked differences.

Free will exists.

Not sure how the fact that all brains are different = free will. Your opening para suggests that you agree with determinism no?

Very good point. It only implies that since all brains are different, all thoughts and actions will be different. That is not proof or evidence of "free will" it only has the appearance of 'free will.'

no photo
Tue 12/10/13 02:11 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 12/10/13 02:12 PM
Top five holiday foods that promote cancer, diabetes, heart disease and premature death

#1) Artificially colored Christmas cookies

If it's artificially colored, it's bad for you. And when it comes to holiday cookies, cakes, muffins and other treats, Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that Christmas time somehow means all their foods should be inundated with synthetic RED and GREEN dyes.

How do you make a batch of Christmas cookies? You take a regular batch of cookies and you dump a bunch of green food coloring in it. Then you put red sprinkles on top, feed 'em to the kids and watch them all climb the walls while their parents scramble to find their ADHD medication.

#2) Anything made with vegetable shortening

Aside from the fact that vegetable shortening is loaded with trans fats -- recently declared "unsafe for human consumption" by the FDA -- it's also a source of cadmium, a toxic heavy metal with a half life of nearly 30 years in the human body.

Beyond that, nearly all vegetable shortening is made from genetically modified soy, meaning that when you buy foods with vegetable shortening, you are financially rewarding Monsanto.

Virtually all store-bought cookies, pie crusts and other holiday treats are made with vegetable shortening. Check food labels for anything made with "partially-hydrogenated soybean oil" or "vegetable shortening."

#3) Processed meats made with cancer-causing sodium nitrite

Beware of holiday processed meats -- especially the ones that require no refrigeration. Did you ever wonder how they last so long in their plastic packaging without rotting? It's because they're blended with sodium nitrite, a cancer-causing chemical that kills bacteria.

Sodium nitrite increases the risk of leukemia, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, brain tumors and more. It's found in nearly all holiday season processed meats, including "gift" sausages and other packaged meats.

If you are crazy enough to actually eat some of these meats, make sure you take plenty of vitamin C with it, because vitamin C helps block the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines from eating sodium nitrite.

#4) Eggnog drinks made with refined sugars

Watch out for holiday eggnog drinks. They will often combine high-fat dairy liquids with liquid sugars. Some don't even contain eggs, and others are made with high-fructose corn syrup (read the labels to avoid).

Interestingly, the healthiest part about eggnog is the spices. Nutmeg and cinnamon, two spices commonly used in traditional eggnog recipes, are both used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and they both have genuine nutritional value. Unfortunately, most commercial eggnog sold today uses artificial flavors instead of real spices.

If you want to drink eggnog this holiday season, make it yourself! (And don't forget the rum...!)

#5) Stuffing

Check out the ingredients on many commercially-available stuffing products, and you'll find monosodium glutamate.

Yep, many stuffing products are stuffed with MSG, a neurological poison that causes neural cell death. If you stuff your face with stuffing, you're also stuffing your head with an excitotoxin, and that's not good at all, especially considering all the other brain-killing substances people tend to abuse from now through New Year's Eve.

Read labels to make sure you don't buy or consume stuffing made with MSG. Keep your brain cells alive while you got 'em!

Additional warning on Alcohol + Tylenol

There's a lot of drinking that goes on during the holidays, and most people don't realize the extreme danger caused by combining alcohol with Tylenol. It's astonishing that Tylenol is even sold over-the-counter, given how toxic it is to the liver. Taking Tylenol while drinking alcohol can actually cause permanent liver damage and even death.

no photo
Mon 12/09/13 07:14 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 12/09/13 07:15 PM
"Allison faces an unbelievable total of 75 years, or the rest of his life in prison under Illinois new eavesdropping statutes."

If he is convicted, then his lawyer is not doing his job. "Eavesdropping" is done without a persons knowledge when no other witnesses are present. The police have cameras on their cars. So why is that not "eavesdropping?"

If I wear a camera on my hat and video and record everything that happens in my day, I have a right to do that. It is not "eavesdropping."

I am also allowed to record every conversation I have with anyone without them knowing it. Eavesdropping is when you record what two (or more) other people are saying without them knowing it.

Also, if he gets convicted for "eavesdroppig" for recording the police doing their job, then this might be a good thing. We could sue every business and every police station that has camera's going.

No more cameras anywhere.

as for the rest of the O.P., what kind of response does the author of the article want? What can citizens do about this? (other than be enraged about it, what can we, as citizens do about this to change it?)

no photo
Mon 12/09/13 06:17 PM

applets work a little better but you run into cross browser compatability issues and some require plug ins to work reliably

Yes, so it may not be a great idea anyway.

no photo
Mon 12/09/13 06:13 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 12/09/13 06:14 PM
Their (the elite) plan is to topple America first. That domino is about to fall in March of 2014 when interest rates will go up.

Later, the dollar will no longer be the reserve currency and a new currency will take its place and be backed by gold.

America will join the ranks of the rest of the third world countries.

no photo
Mon 12/09/13 06:09 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 12/09/13 06:10 PM
"Is the united nation living up to her goal?"

Her goal? You mean to become the central power of world domination?

I agree with:


"World peace" comes at a price. That price is freedom.

Give up your freedom, and bow to the Elite of the world bank and the IMF agenda, and there will be "world peace" because they will arrange the deaths of anyone who causes trouble and resists them.

no photo
Mon 12/09/13 03:03 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 12/09/13 03:05 PM
Never mind. I'm abandoning the project for now. I will just use skype. I just wanted to test this widget, but I can't get it to work.

no photo
Sun 12/08/13 11:27 PM
Sent you a message.

Maybe we can do it Monday sometime.

no photo
Sun 12/08/13 09:21 PM
I found a widget that embeds a video chat on a webpage but I have not tested it yet.

It will allow me to do real time tarot card readings or chat face to face with one other person.

You have to have a browser that supports it, (google chrome, firefox etc.) and a webcam.

I need someone who can help me test it.

message me.

no photo
Sun 12/08/13 09:18 PM
Or just get a blog. No html knowledge required for that.

There are some blogs that look just like websites. You may have to learn how to customize your blog, make posts, etc.

no photo
Sun 12/08/13 09:16 PM
I use dreamweaver, but you have to know html anyway.

If you don't understand the html, it is a large learning curve.

You can build a website without knowing html, but you can get in trouble with the code and not know how to fix it.

If you want to be in control of your site, learn the basics. If you just want a fast website buy a template and have someone customize it for you.

Dreamweaver is great because you can work from the design view and the code view.

I borrow a basic web design and customize it. CSS is used on all sights anymore, it is a design code that will work with the entire sights so if you want to change the header you only have to change it in the css file instead of changing it on every page.

no photo
Sun 12/08/13 07:30 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 12/08/13 07:30 PM

I think men are confused and don't know their place anymore. Meaning they don't know if they should be protectors, bread winner or care giver. growing up,I was given the I had to,be everything speech! Get educated...take Care of your family....take care your job.
@Larsson that's awesome that you took the reigns of household... But women have been doing it for years without any male help. It takes great strength and character to do this yet society doesn't place high regard to raising a child on your own and not by choice. Yet a man does it and it's the greatest thing in the world? I don't get that?

That's absolutely right.

I have a lot of respect for women who raise their children alone. A man still probably has a job that pays more, and may be able to hire a nanny.

no photo
Sun 12/08/13 12:21 PM

yeah, and as I think you know as well as I do, Jeannie, it's a global change in mankind which is direly needed as well.
End of patriarchal society and a (slow) transition into matriarchal society. This transition isn't easy, as we have noticed the last decades, but no transition is.

As said, every man also has a feminine aspect (anima) and every woman has a masculine aspect (animus). Both these aspects have gotten totally out of balance during the patriarchal 'reign', which lasted for thousands of years, and are now gradually being re-calibrated. Some people are more open and thus further along in the process than others.
Some still have (too many) hang-ups from the past that make them latch on to the old ways, resist, hold a grudge or whatever. But the old ways have already gotten obsolete, like it or not.


This is right on the money.

no photo
Sun 12/08/13 10:57 AM

So, if you are a man and you want a woman to be a woman, then earn a living, get a house, take the responsibility. Then find a woman who wants to have your children. Give her what she needs to do that job. Its not an easy job.

Be the man. Bring home the bacon. Be responsible.

I brought my kid up, with no help from his mum. I work hard and I have my own house! Mortgage paid off.Never relied on anyone and I never will !

That's great. For every man who has done that, there are probably ten women raising their kids on their own with no support from the daddy. That's another reason women are becoming stronger and more like men.

They have to.

no photo
Sun 12/08/13 10:49 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 12/08/13 10:50 AM

Back in the good old days women were protected from the harsh realities of this world. But now they are fighting on the front line, competing for jobs and even vying for Prime Minister position. Absolute chaos!

Are men still "protecting" the women from the harsh realities of this world? Look around, I don't think so. Did they do it "back in the good old days?" Not always. Very often women were treated like property and slaves. It is NO WONDER the slaves have revolted.

Women are becoming too masculine. But the most sickening thing about all this is how men are becoming weak and effeminate. I think we need to gain control of the reigns again before it is too late. Otherwise mankind will morph into a hermaphrodite or something.

This phenomenon is actually a natural (and predicted) part of evolution. More people are being born with both male and female parts. Eventually, as humanity evolves there may be three sexes, or maybe just one.

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