Community > Posts By > mikeymike007

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Mon 03/30/09 07:50 PM

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Wed 03/11/09 12:04 PM
Seen this posted last week and though i'd share

Now thats alot of dough

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Wed 03/11/09 11:07 AM
Good cars. just make sure you check for signs of a blow headgasket and check the transmssion fluid

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Wed 03/11/09 11:03 AM
spoon... some times i like to have a body pillow in the middle of the spoon festivities

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Sun 12/14/08 09:17 PM

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Sat 12/13/08 08:40 AM

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Thu 11/20/08 03:08 PM
retarded, i guess i need to get on welfare and head to the tatoo shop and get all tated out and head to walleyworld and buy a wife beater tee shirt so i can be cool. knuckleheads/rant

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Tue 09/23/08 12:52 PM

Would the cost of all those urine tests at certain intervals of time negate the cost to the tax payers? Have you worked out the math on this? Then, how do they compel people to show up at a place to tinky-winky? The water bill alone will balloon. Not sure this is quite the answer, either.

I searched a bit and found this:

Two general methods of testing are immunoassay or radioimmunoassy (RIA) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Immunoassay is used for initial screening of many drugs, like amphetamines, marijuana (cannainoid or THC), cocaine, opiates, and phencyclidine (PCP). However, GC-MS is the acceptable industry standard testing procedure for steroids and for confirming any positive test results. The cost for each immunoassay screening package ordered to test for all the drugs listed above typically costs $20 to $50. To also test for alcohol, nicotine (tobacco), and LSD typically adds another $10 per substance per screening test ordered. Including anabolic steroids in the initial screening would cost between $80 and $120 per test ordered because GC-MS is required to test for steroids and is a more expensive testing procedure. All positive results of initial tests should be confirmed by GC-MS. Thus, a higher percentage of initial positives drives up the cost of a testing program.

So yeah it's pretty expensive, I guess it would be cheaper to test them once, then quit paying them. Peace Out!!!

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Tue 09/23/08 12:44 PM

any particular reason for the reactivation?
And Welcome back!!

myspace wasent cutting

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Tue 09/23/08 12:03 PM
lol thanks for the warm welcome, thats what i have always liked about this site!

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Tue 09/23/08 12:01 PM
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me.

I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine
test with which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the
distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because
I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no
problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I do, on the other
hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their A--, doing
drugs, while I work. . . .
Can you imagine how much money the state
would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public
assistance check?

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Tue 09/23/08 11:58 AM
As the title says.. it's good to be back on here!

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Wed 02/27/08 07:46 PM
Yes, you. You sick ****er. On Wednesday morning I emerged from my girlfriend's building by U.N. Plaza to find that you had sawed the tops off both the sparkplugs on my motorcycle. At the time, I had no idea why anyone would do that. Other than the sparkplugs, the bike was untouched. Some kind of bizarre vandalism? A fraternity prank gone awry? I had no idea. All I knew is that I looked like a huge douchebag riding the Muni to work in a padded motorcycle jacket and helmet.

Because the bike was immobilized I got a $35 street sweeping ticket that night. Thursday I had it towed to the shop ($45) where they replaced the sparkplugs and the boots ($50 including labor). They explained to me that "people" - I use the term loosely here - like you break off the tops of spark plugs and use the porcelain tubes to smoke crack. As an engineer and former MacGyver fan, in a way I think this is kind of cool. But then I remember that I just paid $100 for YOUR crackpipes, and I get angry again.

Crackhead, it was really good to have my bike back though. I rode home from the shop with a couple of spare sparkplugs and a smile on my face. I figured the next time I parked at my girlfriend's place overnight I would have to buy some crackpipes and tape them to my bike as a peace offering. Overall, I wasn't that upset. Despite having to ride the bus for three days and dropping a hundred bones at the shop, I had gained some fascinating knowledge, a new set of sparkplugs, and a pretty funny anecdote about how ****ed up you are, and how our paths once crossed briefly in the night.

But you couldn't just let sleeping dogs lie, could you Crackhead. You couldn't just stay in on Friday, watch Letterman through the window of a home electronics store and then call it a night. You couldn't rest on your laurels. Two porcelain sparkplug crackpipes just wasn't enough for you, was it Crackhead? You just had to come back for more.

This morning, a scant fifteen hours after I rode it out of the shop, I found my motorcycle violated once again. This time you only took the right one - maybe you were having an off night. At least this time I had a spare sparkplug and the tools to fix it - or so I thought - having ordered a 73-piece toolset from last week. But no, the sparkplug socket in my new toolset was for American sparkplugs. So I had to go down to the neighborhood Ace hardware. They had an 18mm socket that would fit over my sparkplug, but it was for a 1/2" drive ratchet. My toolkit only has 1/4" and 3/8" ratchets. So I had to buy a 1/2" ratchet along with the socket. Even though the clerk took pity on me and gave me the senior citizen discount (I'm 25) it still cost me $22 all told. Now, you might say that I should have just gotten a 3/8"-to-1/2" drive adaptor instead of springing for the whole ratchet. And to that I say "Shut the hell up, Crackhead, I'm not finished. And besides, I was eventually going to buy a 1/2" ratchet anyway so it's probably not worth it to take it back now."

OK, now I'm rambling. But the point is, Crackhead, that you have done me wrong. Now, I get that you love crack. That is totally understandable. I've heard it is really fun, at first, and quite addictive. What I don't understand is,


I am an engineer. Do you ever see me shaking down bums in the Loin for a calculator and sliderule? No, you don't. Because engineering is the main thing I do, I went and bought myself a calculator. The main thing you do is crack. How do you get by without a crackpipe? The other crackheads must clown on you non-stop. I mean, the ****ing saw you used to saw off my sparkplugs is probably worth five or ten bucks. Why not sell or trade it for a crackpipe? You really haven't put much thought into this, have you?

Please, Crackhead, please don't tell me you sold your crackpipe to buy crack. Even a stupid crackhead such as yourself couldn't possibly be that stupid.

I've decided that taping crackpipes to my motorcycle would be tantamount to appeasement. You have crossed a line, Crackhead - specifically California Street. You have come onto my own street and you have desecrated that which I hold dear. You have stolen from me, and you have caused me to spend the last half hour writing this post instead of engineering ****, and it is concievable, if not likely, that my boss could find out about this and fire me. I am hella pissed at you dude.

Here are my options as I see them:

1. Write a note saying that I have coated both of my sparkplugs in rat poison and tape it to my bike at night. You can thank Tim for that one, it was his idea.

2. Don't write a note, but just coat both sparkplugs in rat poison. This is probably closer to a punishment that would fit your despicable crime. I'm sure this is super illegal and ****, but it's not like anyone is going to miss you, Crackhead. Don't fool yourself.

3. Wait in an alley near my bike armed with my new stainless steel mirror-finish Ace Professional brand 1/2" drive socket wrench, my 18mm sparkplug socket, and my searing rage. It's pretty heavy and well balanced. I am not a large man, but I am angry.

In conclusion, Crackhead, why don't you just do both of us a favor and buy yourself a crackpipe? It will both enhance your crack smoking experience and save me a lot of time and felony assault charges. Think about it.


*** If you are not the Crackhead that took my sparkplugs, please disregard this posting ***

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Thu 02/14/08 08:18 AM

MALIBU, Calif. - Another Hilton has landed in the gray-bar hotel. Paris Hilton's younger brother, Barron Hilton, was arrested Tuesday morning for allegedly driving under the influence, authorities said.

Hilton, 18, was stopped after a witness reported seeing a black Mercedes-Benz weaving on Pacific Coast Highway, at times drifting into the oncoming traffic lane, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

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Tue 02/12/08 08:27 PM
Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for your wife or girlfriend by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic.

Secretly...guys feel left out. That's right...left out. There's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or just too embarrassed to admit it. This is why a new holiday has been created.

March 20th is now officially 'Steak, Blow job & Shut the **** Up Day.' Simple, effective and self-explanatory...this holiday has been created so your ladies can have a day to show your man just how much you love him.

No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town the name of the holiday explains it all...just a steak, a BJ
& shut your mouth for the rest of the day! That's it!

This twin pairing of Valentine's Day and Steak, Blow job & Shut the **** Up Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere will try THAT much harder in February to ensure a more memorable March! It's like a perpetual love machine.

The word is already spreading, but as with any new idea, it needs a little push to start the ball rolling.
So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world.

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Tue 02/12/08 07:44 PM

noway I thought I was the only one that did that..

Pillow Flippers of America.. drinker drinker


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Tue 02/12/08 07:38 PM
Edited by mikeymike007 on Tue 02/12/08 07:40 PM
I always flip them cause the other side is always cold.

ps. i love the cold side of the pillow. it makes me happy.

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Tue 02/12/08 07:22 PM

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Mon 02/11/08 07:07 PM

because i am shy i guess or fugley.... 1 of the 2

awwww mike you're not fugley at all...for youflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thanks angelwings1020blushing

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Mon 02/11/08 07:00 PM
because i am shy i guess or fugley.... 1 of the 2

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