Community > Posts By > challengingmind

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 01:55 PM
So if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck,is it a duck?
Hell no..its a kid in a halloween costume with scewed up vocal cords from whooping cough

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 12:25 PM
Let me show ya an example:
A 40 yr old woman was assaulted by another pedestrian while walking across 5th ave and madison..we were unable to get further conformation from the hospital as to the well being of the woman..passerby's had witnessed the whole incident..stay tuned in for further details...

Real story:
A 40 yr old woman was assaulted by another woman while crossing the street.The woman who did the assault had a child with her and was texting on her cell.A truck was about to turn the corner but the driver didn't see the child.
The other woman saw what was about to occur and grabbed the child.The woman then told the mom that she was a dipshyte for not paying attention..the mom smacked the woman for saying that and took off with her child and didn't say thank you to the woman for saving her child.

No...this isn't a true story..I made them both up but you can tell the difference if it were a true story

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:42 AM
Not a chance..they misconstrue everything and are always taking words out of context..their job is to report the facts and only the facts

For instance,they are reporting about doomsday prophecy yet there are no viable facts worth reporting on..nowadays all they want to do is make people feel like crap

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 11:04 AM
Imo..he did accomplish one got him attention..which is what he was after.

The whole point of the flag was to let other countries know who we are on the battle field .That idea wasn't even ours to begin with. Scotland and Irland were doing it way before us.They used their family colors in their kilts and spartens and also on their shields so they wouldn't get confused with other clans during a battle

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:27 AM
See what I mean...easy pickings lol

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:21 AM
Hell yeah!..we out number the men..they would be screwed blue and tatooed.

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:12 AM
That's right..there's a new super power in town..and I'll be teaching the class on how to pass a law in 60 seconds....mwahahahaha

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 10:00 AM
Hey! All you women out there! wanna pass a law? Just show the males a sex article involving a teacher..since they won't be paying would be easy! Lmao

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:54 AM
Well..if no one googled it..they are guys are bad naughty boys you!

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:41 AM
It usually stems from a traumatic experience..such as something or someone being taken from them and them not having any control over it...I've come across it a few times in my 16 yrs of experience working with special needs children.When the objects are taken away,they lose it really bad due to anxiety.

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 09:04 AM
No they actually don't get high from it..its a severe form of OCD. The mania in this disoder is different from bipolar bipolar disoder the mania is a high due to out of control endorphins
In cleptomania,they have to steal or they feel that something really bad is going to happen.This disorder isusually accompanied with the disorder of hoarding and children who have this disorder usually start out by hoarding food underneath their bed.

challengingmind's photo
Wed 05/18/11 07:19 AM
Need more what exactly was the conrversation and what were you doing at the time.
What your friend said can be taken a lot of different ways

Regardless of what everyone in your life says, you'll date the right one when you find
her. It doesn't matter if you have issues or not from past experiences cause the right person will be able to deal and cope with those issues.

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 07:21 PM
Its all in good fun

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 06:15 PM
Baister lol..I was laughing to hard to spell correctly

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 06:12 PM
Lmao..ok I'll be good now :)

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 06:08 PM
don..what you just said...I'm pretty sure that's the warning lable on the back package of a turkey baster...yup..its listed under side effects and also says use with caution

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:57 PM
How would you guys even know if your doing it right? You wouldn't unless us women told ya

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:54 PM
You can always tell the men to layoff our girls and go hit up a teacher lmao

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:49 PM
Rotflmao at go girl!

challengingmind's photo
Tue 05/17/11 05:46 PM
I'm looking for the number to order a massive lot of chasity belts..anyone laugh want one?

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