Community > Posts By > SteveX33

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:45 PM
I'll avoid responding to your personal attacks. But you said don't hold people accountable bla bla bla. For entering into loans bla bla bla. Well think it out zap, who were they entering into agreements with in those loans, think on it, yes that's right it's corporations! Good zap, now your catching on.

Why do you think even the repugs are using the phrase "predatory lending practices"?

Even very educated people were taken in by these sub-prime loans. That's what the role of our gov. should be to protect citizens from con artist and theives. Not just have economic anarchy like you seem to think would be a good idea.

As far as your middle class thing goes, there was no middle class in this country before FDR. Let me tell you in LIB speak,

WE CREATED THE MIDDLE CLASS! If I knew your families history, I could show you how lib programs helped you to get whatever it is you got! You can kid yourself and think your so wonderful and hardworking you just made your own way, but people that came before you worked a lot harder and didn't have a pot to **** in! That is before FDR and all the LIB programs you hate so much. Like GI bill, and subsidized home loans, and trust me I could go on and on!

The Gov and Libs are not your enemy, the greedy rich are!

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:30 PM
Tommi, I don't know if your just trying to spread propaganda or really believe what your saying but your way off. That's about the most polite way I can say it.

His father died in a traffic accident in 1982 in Kenya. Was he plotting with those evil terrorist way back then???

Cmon man, use some common sense!mad

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:26 PM
Well isaac,

I can tell you where you got your info. From some chain email circulating on the net. Or some other Christian propaganda site.

Your info is wrong. It's been in the news and was asked in the debate. He says he was raised as a Christian by a white mother from Kansas and was sworn in with a bible.

It is pretty scary reading this thread how many people just took you at your word and assumed he's a muslim.

I think we're doomed as a country. There is just too much easy prey out here for people. Go rent that movie idiocracy, you'll see what I'm talking about.

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:15 PM
Hey Starsailor, if staying in Iraq is such a good idea, why don't you join the Army or Marines and get in a combat unit. Your only 25. If I was your age and believed it was our duty to stay in a war, that's where I would be.

So practice what your preach. If your not willing to go, then it must not be a worth while fight, huh?

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:10 PM
Yeah zap, that makes a lot of sense. corporations should be allowed to prey on people and the government just sit back and say oh well. That sounds like a nice country to live in. Like Italy 1940.

Have you ever read our counstitution? It says Congress has the right to regulate all commerce. Our Founding Fathers put that in there because they were students of history. Someone always regulates. It's either a dictator, or a representative gov. or those who have the economic power.

I guess in your ideal world, you would like to be at the mercy of those with wealth. If there was no gov. regulation, you would have nothing! It would be walmart and ATT and you would take what they gave you.

Repugs just are not students of history. Bush proved that. Basically the little jerk embodied everything your saying, and look how good that's turning out.

Basically, 9/11 allowed repugs to put just about all their theories into practice and we now see the results.

Your still going to try to defend the insane just because you can't admit your wrong?

Come to the enlightened side, and quit getting trickled on!

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 02:25 AM
She is smarter and has a better command of the issues than any Republican in the race! She also has first hand experience in the exec branch.

Sure, she is a pragmatist and won't win the profiles in courage award, but that's what's required to get things done in this country. Idealist, historically don't fare very well. While she may not be the most dynamic canidate, she is probably the best prepared.

As far as the sexist crying thing, she didn't even cry. She got a little choked up. I think Bush was crying when he was reading My Pet Goat while we were under attack. All President's have cried in recent years. Bush scored major points with his tears.

But what a double standard when it's a woman. I think she's proven her toughness. She's been accused of everything from being a multi murder to a lesbian and she still keeps fighting the good fight. Most other politicians could never stand up to the kind of scrutiny and venoumous attacks she has.

And all the people on this thread can say is they don't like her. There is no supporting reasons to anything I've read on this thread. People just buy the dope the righ wing echo machine puts on her. Like Hillary care and all this other BS. None of the has any basis in reality.

I like Obama, but I'm not sure he will be able to stand up to all the racist crap the repubs will be bringing his way. I think it's funny how all the Repugs are singing his praises. I think they want him to win because they can play there same wedge politics and divide through racial polarazation.

I'm still not sure. I may change to Obama, because I don't think Senator Clinton will be able to get a fair shake in the media.

The media has ADD and they are tired of the whole Clinto story. They want to move on, and it shows. It showed in NH when they all but said whe was dead.

The truth is, she still has a higher probability of winning. The establishment canidate always does. I just hope some people who have negative perceptions of Clinton will aks themselves, is it really worse than continuting the policies of Bush? Mccain is Bush on steroids as far as Iraq goes.

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:49 AM
Nite Lisa:) Nice meeting you too!

Nite OC, nice meeting you too!glasses

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:47 AM
It will be a freakish turn of events if the Giants some how pull out a win. I don't see it. The Patriots are going to be fired up to make history and just have too much fire power!

Really the question is: How many more Super Bowls can they win before Brady retires. I think he can have a ring on every finger.

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:27 AM
Yeah Lisa, we've been getting our fair share up here too! And having to work outside kinda sux. Wish it would stopmad

And OC everythings going pretty cool. Just trying to get the feel for this place. Good to be back in contact with my buddy Scotty. We've been friends longer than you been alive. LOL I (looked) at your profile. Congratulations on meeting a good lady.:smile:

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:20 AM
well after 22k posts, i'd think you'd prolly know. LOL:wink:

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:17 AM
Hey OC, So what's the deal, they don't actually have chat rooms here, huh?

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:14 AM
So you still around Lisa? Is it still raining down there in Socal?sad

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:49 AM
Man, even on dating sites Republicans try to spread propaganda!

How much clearer can the man be, he says he is a Christian. He attends a Christian church.

This is main reason I've been so far supporting Clinton. Because I see what the right is giong to do with race if Obama wins.

But right now, I'm starting to re-think this. There is something very speical about this guy. I hope at least he will be VP. After the 7 years of like and theiving in under the name of Christianity, not to mention professing Christians being pro-torture, it makes me wonder why anyone listens to anything the right has to say at all anymore!

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:35 AM
Nite Scottyyawn

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:15 AM
lol what's superjuke?

SteveX33's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:07 AM
It's tough being popular, huh?glasses

SteveX33's photo
Sat 01/26/08 11:57 PM
tell her you got to teach Sunday school tomorrow.laugh

SteveX33's photo
Sat 01/26/08 11:44 PM
Hi Lisa! Thanks!:wink:

SteveX33's photo
Sat 01/26/08 11:34 PM
Oh that explains his ex wife. bigsmile

SteveX33's photo
Sat 01/26/08 11:30 PM
howdy madam! How did you get your lipstick like that?:wink: