Community > Posts By > SheDizzy

SheDizzy's photo
Thu 05/22/08 03:02 PM
i dont know if it's stated in my profile or not, but i'm only 5 foot. So I like my guy to be tall... to reach things that i can't. It sounds shallow, and it's not a total requirement. just something i would like. and if it turns out i met a guy 5'1 and fell in love, i wouldn't think anything of it.

it's the same thing as a guy saying no chicks that are small busted or only girls with nice legs.

it doesnt mean you wouldn't date someone with those attributes, it just means you like certain attributes better.

SheDizzy's photo
Thu 05/22/08 02:19 PM
no i'm not a child, actually 22, 23 in august. i'm just cursed with the gift of youth.

SheDizzy's photo
Thu 05/22/08 02:11 PM
Edited by SheDizzy on Thu 05/22/08 02:12 PM
You can touch the world with magic
And never hear the song
Grasping at love
But barely hanging on
You can have all the blues of the ocean
And yet know not the blue of the sky
You can give all your love
And never know why

--by me

SheDizzy's photo
Thu 04/17/08 01:28 PM
somebody say's that they want to be accepted for who and what they are. What do you think they are saying in actuality?

accepted for who they are:

it means i want to be accepted for who i am... nobody should be with someone that wants them to change everything about them. you can't live in somebody elses definition of what you should be... you are you. and if you try to please some on so much that you have to change everything about you... you'll more then likely have your spirit broken and feel like a pile of crap.

SheDizzy's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:57 AM
mine would be my very first car... i loved it... it was a subaru xt6 limited edition... it was lavender with pink bubbles going down the sides of it. it had a built in speed alarm that u could turn on and off... a trip calculator. it was an awesome little car:( i miss it!

SheDizzy's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:53 AM
i accidently put my ice cream in the fridge instead of the freezer before. i woke up in the morning for breakfast ice cream and was very disappointed.

but i am very absent minded like that.

The other day i couldn't remember what the name of the middle school i went to was. i'm 22... so, it wasn't that long ago... however, i could remember what street the school was on... just not the name... about a half hour later i remembered the name....

and then there was that date i went on with a random guy... two years later i was recalling it in my memory and it struck me that he was wearing a wedding band.... i didn't even realize/notice it on the date.

and i don't say it's because i'm blonde.... i say i let the hair dye sink in a bit to long:)

SheDizzy's photo
Wed 03/26/08 07:59 AM
i yell at soap opera characters

SheDizzy's photo
Tue 03/25/08 02:38 PM
no way in hell..... almost every single relationship is doomed from the start. why waste time "dating" just be yourself and make the most of you and the rest will fall into place.... if i had a reset button. Everyone I ever dated I would tell to F off. Cuz all they did was F me over... again and again and again. Then when I finally found someone that wouldnt I ****ed them over. Like I said it's a loosing battle.

SheDizzy's photo
Tue 03/25/08 07:27 AM
some people don't reply back because they don't want to have to hurt you. like if someone i'm not interested in emails me, i just dont reply. because in my opinion it's easier to ignore someone then to have to go on a rampage about why you don't like that person. and trust me, most people don't take the no i don't like you to heart and will try and try again to get at you.