Happiness is not finding the right person it is being the right person. ✌❤ On the surface this sounds right. Thing is, life is messy. Life doesn't always go as planned. Assumptions and expectations often blind us from reality. There is no "one size fits all" answer. Realizing happiness and inner contenment is not the same thing might help. Happiness is an emotion and emotions are often fleeting and not meant to be constant. You often hear people saying they just want to be happy. More likely what they mean is they just want to find contentment. How many people do you know who just want to be sad or angry? Happiness is an emotion and should be allowed to come and go naturally. The moment someone says 'right person' it implies expectations. To search for the 'right person' for you places expectations on another that they live up to your idea of who the 'right person' shall be. Its an assumption based on expectation. "Right person" needs to be the 'result' rather than a 'predisposition'. You find out they're the 'right person' after you meet them and get to know them. If I love you when you are being you, you may be the right person for me. And (never 'or') If you love me when I am being me, I may be the right person for you. However, 'right person' requires both statements to be true because relationships are not one sided. Anticipation of fulfilled expectation often deludes us from the reality. We tend to 'see' only that which we want to 'see' in others. Relationship wityh the so-called right person can go bad because we do not see them as the person they actually are but as a culmunation of our own anticipation and expectations based on our assumptions. Plus, we live in a constantly changing Universe. We are part of the Universe, not outside it. It changes and so do we. We change constantly so our relationships also change constantly. The Right Person right now, may not be the Right Person tomorrow. Even if we find someone who fits our assumptions and expectations right now, our expectations and assumptions change with time as well as the people involved. Living in the moment without assumptions or expectations allows you to build experiences with someone as they are. When those experiences are more often pleasing, we determine them to be 'the right person'. 1. Contentment is the foundation from which all emotions flow. 2. The "Right Person" can't be found but only experienced. 3. Accept or reject the person as they are, not as you expected them to be. 4. Always be yourself. 5. Live in the moment, right here/right now. ️️️ |
Sometimes people will step into a SCENE of your life and think they know the WHOLE STORY...
But the scene IS NOT the story. ✌and ❤ |
hey ️ |
U re right ️ |
just drag that person on your left to your right. 🤦♀️❤ |
I tried to find a girl that fits to me. But I was unable to find. Every dating site is useless. can't find a true love or friendship.
cheer up..i believe there is someone out there for you.️ |
Yeah.. And if we find the right person and we are not the right person what do we think we're gonna do to that poor right person.
Sometimes we are so focused on falling in love, that we are very uneducated on the process of staying in love. ❤
Happiness is not finding the right person it is being the right person. ✌❤