Community > Posts By > KATTITUDE

Thu 10/12/06 10:44 AM
My grandparents raised us girls (God help them, they earned our 18th
birthdays!), and there were all kinds of adages they'd throw on us.

When I went "terminally boy crazy", my grandad worried about us getting
pregnant (like I said, they earned those 18th birthdays!), and tried
their damndest to protect us from our hormones. He used to try to
enforce his point (against premarital pregnancy) by saying, "Why buy the
cow when you can get the milk for free?". I heard that once a week ~ or
with the change of the latest "object of my affection".

I looked him square in the eye once and asked, "Well, how does it feel
to have raised a whore?"

He never said it again...

Thu 10/12/06 10:35 AM
OK, OK, that one is hard to play on, so I'll help jumpstart your

daguerreotype photography = Civil War

Thu 10/12/06 09:13 AM

lost artform = daguerreotype photography

Thu 10/12/06 07:08 AM
bleachers = making out

Thu 10/12/06 06:59 AM
D ~

Bite your tongue, Sir! I'd NEVER be a man hater. I love being a woman
too much to hate that which gives me such agonizing ecstacy ~

Jane ~

I've said before that I'm divorced, I got the dogs and the FXR, and it
was THE best deal I've ever made. Today, the dogs and I live in a
lovely big home with nice furnishings. I allow a man into my life if he
can accept my first obligation ~ the dogs. We are a family, and I am
willing to make room for a man in that family...but he has to accept the
fact that I love the dogs and am dedicated to a "dog show life".

I mean, really...

No dog has ever stolen my man, my make-up or my clothes. They love you
unconditionally and think you're the best hunter in the world because
you always bring home the groceries, and they love you even when you've
done something you hate yourself for. What isn't to love about that?

Thu 10/12/06 06:51 AM
There are two obvious possibilities:

1) You've been blocked; or
2) They've de-activated their account.

Thu 10/12/06 06:50 AM
There are exceptions to every rule, of course, but as a rule, I wouldn't
do it.

If I wanted to get with a friend's ex, or if the ex approached me about
getting together, I'd have a heart-to-heart with my friend and be
completely honest...holding back nothing. If the friend were COMPLETELY
cool with it and gives their best wishes, you could give it a try.

By the way, that is a really good pic, Jen!

Wed 10/11/06 08:13 PM
Goodnight, Chica!

Hey, King..."ain't nothin' but a thing" here, ya know? Sorry, but I'm
gonna do the 'down low' myself. I've been online so long, I'm wearing
the "round" off of my butt...


Wed 10/11/06 08:11 PM

Stop that! It's going to my head! OMG ~ my head is swelling!
It's gonna...gonna...BLOW!!!!

"God don't like UGLY".

Wed 10/11/06 08:09 PM
Thanks, D...
Thanks, Jenni...

I'm not a hater, but I hope he stays away. That'll teach me to trust
men that are too nice to me.

I'll say one thing mean:

I hope he paid a pretty penny for that round-trip ticket to get that
info. And if he came here to get laid, I hope that ONCE was worth the
trip! LOL!!!

Wed 10/11/06 08:05 PM
You're so baaaaa-aaadddddd.....LOL!

Wed 10/11/06 08:04 PM
stupidity = trusting posers!

Wed 10/11/06 08:03 PM
Hello, Nerves

Wed 10/11/06 07:59 PM
Hey King!

Wed 10/11/06 07:59 PM
WHOA!!! I went to answer some mail, and this thing's gone 3 pages???

Slow down!

Hey, Cat
Hey, Alpine
Hey, Chica

Wed 10/11/06 07:46 PM
Kat's in the house...

Wed 10/11/06 06:30 PM
Jane, you're sweet...and I always look forward to hearing what you have
to say about everything.

My conscience is clean because I was myself all along. I don't make
misrepresentations. I understand if there is no chemistry and something
falls apart, but this was different. I now believe he was on a
fact-finding mission and it may have been related to some friends of
mine. If that is so, then he needs to STAY gone.

No, we're not continuing the friendship. We chatted daily in the first
4 days after he'd gone home, then he stopped calling. I called him once
and he didn't return the call. He stopped answering his mail, and the
mail he'd sent me here "disappeared", which leads me to believe he's
either blocked me or removed his profile. My life is too full and rich
with blessings to feel a void.

What I do with animals (both in the show ring and with rescue/transport)
is how I can sanely express love to another being without being
rejected, so I suppose I'm selfish in that vein. But where else can you
get truly unconditional love? I mean, even kids grow up and say they
hate you...animals never do.

Thanks for the kind words and suppport, my friend. To end with a quote:

"It's better to be hated for who you are, than be loved for who you're

Wed 10/11/06 06:16 PM
"The Color Purple"; "Dances With Wolves"; "Dirty Dancing";

Wed 10/11/06 06:11 PM
Sorry, Jenni! You're a doll, but Randy's more my type ~


Wed 10/11/06 03:57 PM
Sorry to bust everybody's bubble, but Paul turned out to be someone
other than who he represented himself to be.

Oh, well ~ at least there was a good party to go to and hang with my
REAL honest friends.