Community > Posts By > kerbear73

kerbear73's photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:46 AM
CNN should be ONN - Obama News Network, they are his Cheerleader

kerbear73's photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:44 AM
Has a shrine for GI Joe, Her Love

kerbear73's photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:42 AM
BLANKLEY: Media chronicles
Obama remains unknown
Tony Blankley
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The mainstream media have gone over the line and are now straight out propagandists for the Obama campaign. While they have been liberal and blinkered in their worldview for decades, in 2007-08 for the first time, the major media are consciously covering for one candidate for president and consciously knifing the other. This is no longer journalism — it is simply propaganda. (The American left-wing version of the Volkischer Beobachter cannot be far behind.) And as a result, we are less than seven weeks away from possibly electing a president who has not been thoroughly and even half way honestly presented to the country by our watchdogs — the press.

The image of Barack Obama that the press has presented is not a fair approximation of the real man. They have consciously ignored whole years in his life, and showed a lack of curiosity about such gaps that bespeaks a lack of journalistic instinct. Thus, the public image of Mr. Obama is of a "Man who never was." I take that phrase from a 1956 movie about a real life WWII British intelligence operation to trick the Germans into thinking the Allies were going to invade Greece, rather than Italy, in 1943. Operation "Mincemeat" involved the acquisition of a human corpse dressed as a Maj. William Martin, R.M. and put into the sea near Spain. Attached to the corpse was a brief-case containing fake letters suggesting that the Allied attack would be against Sardinia and Greece.

To make the operation credible, British intelligence created a fictional life for the corpse — a letter from a lover, tickets to a London theater, all the details of a life — but not the actual life of the dead young man whose corpse was being used. So, too, the man the media has presented to the nation as Mr. Obama is not the real man.

The mainstream media ruthlessly and endlessly repeats any McCain gaffes, while ignoring Obama gaffes. You have to go to weird little Internet sites to see all the stammering and stuttering that Mr. Obama needs before getting out a sentence fragment or two. But all you see on the networks is an eventual one or two clear sentences from Mr. Obama. Nor do you see Mr. Obama's ludicrous gaffe that Iran is a tiny country and no threat to us. Nor his 57 American states gaffe. Nor his forgetting, if he ever knew, that Russia has a veto in the United Nations. Nor his whining and puerile "come on" when he is being challenged. This is the kind of editing one would expect from Goebbels' disciples, not Cronkite's.

More appalling, NBC's "Saturday Night Live" suggested that Gov. Sarah Palin's husband had sex with his own daughters. That scene was written with the assistance of Al Franken, Democratic Party candidate for Senate in Minnesota. Talk about incest.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen.Barack Obama, D-Ill., greets supporters before his speech in downtown Charlotte, North Carolina on September 21, 2008. (UPI Photo/Nell Redmond)

But worse than all the unfair and distorted reporting and image projecting, is the shocking gaps in Mr. Obama's life that are not reported at all. The major media simply has not reported on Mr. Obama's two years at Columbia University in New York, where, among other things, he lived a mere quarter mile from former terrorist Bill Ayers— after which they both ended up as neighbors and associates in Chicago. Mr. Obama denies more than a passing relationship with Mr. Ayers. Should the media be curious? In only two weeks the media has focused on all the colleges Mrs. Palin has attended, her husband's driving habits 20 years ago and the close criticism of Mrs. Palin's mayoral political opponents. But in two years they haven't bothered to see how close Mr. Obama was with the terrorist Ayers.

Nor have the media paid any serious attention to Mr. Obama's rise in Chicago politics — how did honest Obama rise in the famously sordid Chicago political machine with the full support of Boss Daley? Despite the great — and unflattering details on Mr. Obama's Chicago years presented in David Freddoso's new book, the mainstream media continues to ignore both the facts and the book. It took a British publication, the Economist, to give Mr. Freddoso's book a review with fair comment.

The public image of Mr. Obama as an idealistic, post-race, post-partisan, well-spoken and honest young man with the wisdom and courage befitting a great national leader is a confection spun by a willing conspiracy of Mr. Obama, his publicist David Axelrod and most of the senior editors, producers and reporters of the national media.

Perhaps that is why the National Journal's respected correspondent Stuart Taylor has written that "the media can no longer be trusted to provide accurate and fair campaign reporting and analysis." That conspiracy has not only photo-shopped out all of Mr. Obama's imperfections (and dirtied up his opponent Mr. McCain's image), but it has put most of his questionable history down the memory hole.

The public will be voting based on the idealized image of the man who never was. If he wins, however, we will be governed by the sunken, cynical man Mr. Obama really is. One can only hope that the senior journalists will be judged as harshly for their professional misconduct as Wall Street's leaders currently are for their failings.

Tony Blankley is a syndicated columnist.

kerbear73's photo
Thu 09/25/08 07:29 AM
Has a Huge barbie Collection

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:59 PM
I think I am going to have a nice juicy steak tonight

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:58 PM
Judges a klingon Wet T shirt contest

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:45 PM
Starred in a Vogon Porn

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 12:51 PM
symbelmyne see's it the most

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:59 AM
All hot For Michael Phelps

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:27 AM
Got Stuck in a photobooth at the Mall

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:59 AM

I'm not certain on this but doesn't a woman's body only produce breast milk when she is pregnant? If that is the case would they not, then be taking the milk that should go to the woman's child? Wouldn't that also mean the woman would have to constantly be pregnant?

and......human breast cream....ewww

I just can't picture that, it doesn't even sound tasty lol

The women's body produces milk when the child is born.flowerforyou

Ben and Jerry would not need that much, no one buys their ice Cream here in Texas anyway, We are in Blue Bell Country.....

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:58 AM

Wait, don't animals eat other animals???

Ever seen a great white shark play with an injuried seal? Or a cat with a bird or mouse?
Or bears eat salmon??

If we did not raise cows, chickens and pigs to eat do you think there would be any left????

The best way to save an endangered animal is to create a demand for that animal product and manage it. Yes there are exceptions to that. If you want to save wolves, create a demand for wolf pelts, teeth, whatever. Some business person will start breeding wolves for just that reason.
Result, more wolves.

animals are not objects...when you start objectifying a living creature you become indifferent to their suffering...a market for wolf pelts??? how many wolves need to be killed to make a coat?? how are they killed, how are they kept? whats it going to cost ??...profits win over humanity every time...animals suffer and loose...

But Meat is sooo Tasty, Now I am hungry for a Big hamburger, there is a place by my work that sells Bison Burgers, I think I might go there.

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 08:44 AM

Honestly, how many of you all have tasted breast milk? I don't mean as an infant. I mean when you were old enough to evaluate the taste?

If you haven't well, I can tell you that is does not taste like cows milk. So, from a taste point of view ice cream made from human milk would taste very different.

It would taste nasty... No way I could ever drink that...

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 08:24 AM

Animals are not OURS to eat

Animals are not OURS to wear

Animals are not OURS to experiment on

Animals are not OURS to use for entertainment

Animals are not OURS to abuse in any way

..while at face value the letter may seem over the top and bordering on the rediculous..if one really believes the above mandates of PETA..then the letter makes sense, the dairy industry is a just that,, breathing creatures are a commodity treated no differently than just another piece of machinery...

Ben and Jerrys claim to be animal friendly amongst other things, if they are, really, then they will take the letter seriously...wonder how many will rush to buy MOMS VANILLA ICECREAM..?? ohwell

Actually we are here to eat animals, it is called the Food chain and we happen to be on Top of it. But Animals Do eat people on Occaision. But I agree with you on the Entertainment, Experiment and Abuse, they are not here for that.

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:02 AM
PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk

POSTED: 2:21 pm EDT September 23, 2008
UPDATED: 10:28 pm EDT September 23, 2008

VERMONT -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cow's milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.

"PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 percent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the statement says.

PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies on factory farms and benefit human health.

"The fact that human adults consume huge quantities of dairy products made from milk that was meant for a baby cow just doesn't make sense," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "Everyone knows that 'the breast is best,' so Ben & Jerry's could do consumers and cows a big favor by making the switch to breast milk."

In a statement Ben and Jerry's said, "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child."

Read PETA's letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield

September 23, 2008

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Cofounders

Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc.

Dear Mr. Cohen and Mr. Greenfield,

On behalf of PETA and our more than 2 million members and supporters, I'd like to bring your attention to an innovative new idea from Switzerland that would bring a unique twist to Ben and Jerry's.

Storchen restaurant is set to unveil a menu that includes soups, stews, and sauces made with at least 75 percent breast milk procured from human donors who are paid in exchange for their milk. If Ben and Jerry's replaced the cow's milk in its ice cream with breast milk, your customers-and cows-would reap the benefits.

Using cow's milk for your ice cream is a hazard to your customer's health. Dairy products have been linked to juvenile diabetes, allergies, constipation, obesity, and prostate and ovarian cancer. The late Dr. Benjamin Spock, America's leading authority on child care, spoke out against feeding cow's milk to children, saying it may play a role in anemia, allergies, and juvenile diabetes and in the long term, will set kids up for obesity and heart disease-America's number one cause of death.

Animals will also benefit from the switch to breast milk. Like all mammals, cows only produce milk during and after pregnancy, so to be able to constantly milk them, cows are forcefully impregnated every nine months. After several years of living in filthy conditions and being forced to produce 10 times more milk than they would naturally, their exhausted bodies are turned into hamburgers or ground up for soup.

And of course, the veal industry could not survive without the dairy industry. Because male calves can't produce milk, dairy farmers take them from their mothers immediately after birth and sell them to veal farms, where they endure 14 to 17 weeks of torment chained inside a crate so small that they can't even turn around.

The breast is best! Won't you give cows and their babies a break and our health a boost by switching from cow's milk to breast milk in Ben and Jerry's ice cream? Thank you for your consideration.


Tracy Reiman

Executive Vice President

kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 08:01 PM
I don't need to post for people to check me out...

kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:36 PM
Wishes that he had a helmet to shine

kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:31 PM
Edited by kerbear73 on Tue 09/23/08 07:31 PM
Ran out of tape alsoflowerforyou

I was trying to go Green and Organic

kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:30 PM

Oh I cannot WAIT for this movie!

Preview looks great!

James Bond Date Night, YAHOO!!

I just watched the trailer and it looks a little better than Casino Royale

kerbear73's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:13 PM
That is going to be a great movie