Community > Posts By > cuddlebunny00

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Mon 12/23/13 06:44 PM
Its time to relax in Canada Decenber 23 2013

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Mon 12/23/13 06:38 PM

Not materialistic things either.

What is your wish?

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Mon 12/23/13 02:34 PM
Sometimes people need to walk in other people's shoes for awhile to understand. Must be nice to always be so strong.

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Sun 12/22/13 06:37 PM
It takes a REAL man to say NO

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Sun 12/22/13 04:43 PM



Can you say B E O T C H !

I love it..thankyou for that post bigsmile

What a B E O T C H!!

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Sun 12/22/13 04:35 PM

Driving a flying car would be cool too!

I worry about this sometimes, since with all the horrible drivers we have on the ground, it is terrifying imagining them in the air.

:thumbsup: laugh

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Sun 12/22/13 03:37 PM
It would be a bit scary to go into the future as its inknown and who knows, there may not even be a future {although I don't believe it}

We have ideas of what was in the past so it feels a bit safer to me :smile:

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Sun 12/22/13 03:26 PM
I assume I will be buying my own unless he insists and only after the first date.

I def buy my own on the first date so theres no expectations of me bigsmile

Sad to say but some men do that.

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Sun 12/22/13 03:17 PM
The Ultimate wish

Peace on Earth bigsmile

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Sat 12/21/13 01:22 PM
Edited by cuddlebunny00 on Sat 12/21/13 01:23 PM

I would go back about four months ago and not say something, a mistake I made to someone who is still in my heart.

I hear ya sad2

I said something 4 years ago that I wish I never said. I still think about him frustrated

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Sat 12/21/13 01:14 PM

pagan times ... Let's say time of Robin Hood. Not sure what century that's supposed to be exactly?
The dresses, nature, freedom,,, sigh ...

Then again, those days weren't particularly fun either, no proper healthcare, ppl dying young, religion dictating life, not even having the freedom to choose your own religion, the way women were treated, getting burnt at the stake, stoned or quartered ...

I think I'm just gonna stay where I am right now. :angel:

The fifties, huh ... You couldn't even watch Elvis shake his thing on telly then. shades
Nope, I'm staying here where I can watch Elvis or anyone shake anything if I choose to.
You're wrong about Elvis cause he appeared on the Ed Sullivan show in 1957 cause I was there.


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Sat 12/21/13 12:33 PM

Chivalry is men treating women like they are weak and inferior, I thought we all wanted to be equals?

The Knight's Code of Chivalry was a moral system that stated all knights should protect others who can not protect themselves, such as widows, children, and elders.

I don't want to be equal to a man,, I want to be AS IMPORTANT As a man while being a WOMAN

I think doing for others is not a sign of thinking they are weak, its a sign of appreciation,, I cook for my grown son, he certainly isn't weak,, but I appreciate him,,, I would go to the store for my father, who wasn't a weak man, but I appreciated him

chivalry , like most things, is a matter of perspective,, but I consider it one way for men to show APPRECIATION of women,,,,

or we can call it being a gentleman, if chivalry is not correct terminology

but its nice to be appreciated,, whatever its called when it manifests in others,,

Respect and appreciation for all. Why is it so hard for so many people?

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Sat 12/21/13 12:25 PM

I'm old fashioned and a modern woman at the same time. I have learned to be independant and had no choice in the matter as I didn't have a knight running to my rescue.

There seems to be so much bitterness between women and men as they try to find their positions in this game of life.

Personally I think we should all meet in the middle and consider ourselves equal and share as a couple without thinking one is better than the other or one is less than.

BTW..Does anyone know anything about this? My mother once told me that Jesus WAS actually married to Mary Magdalene but was kept secret from us to know' Also women in Biblical times did have alot of say and clout..that is also kept from us in the scriptures. If this is true..then who was it that changed this?

I have heard rumor of Jesus being married, I don't believe it to be true as it would have interfered with his calling

I also was never taught that women didn't have say or clout in the bible,,,I always knew they did,,, I think people who don't read the bible much have started the idea that women were meaningless doormats,,
It all comes down to how you interpret it

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Sat 12/21/13 11:58 AM
Edited by cuddlebunny00 on Sat 12/21/13 11:59 AM
I'm old fashioned and a modern woman at the same time. I have learned to be independant and had no choice in the matter as I didn't have a knight running to my rescue.

There seems to be so much bitterness between women and men as they try to find their positions in this game of life.

Personally I think we should all meet in the middle and consider ourselves equal and share as a couple without thinking one is better than the other or one is less than.

BTW..Does anyone know anything about this? My mother once told me that Jesus WAS actually married to Mary Magdalene but was kept secret from us to know' Also women in Biblical times did have alot of say and clout..that is also kept from us in the scriptures. If this is true..then who was it that changed this?

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Sat 12/21/13 11:31 AM

I'd go back and kill the snake that tempted Eve.

Then,she'd be my ho!


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Sat 12/21/13 11:29 AM

I wouldn't want to be anywhere but in this life, no era was without its obstacles and tragedies,, imho

I would like to go back to when I was 16 and have a chance to make different choices,,,

I agree, I would love to have another chance to make different choices. I also had so much fun as a teen :smile:

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Sat 12/21/13 11:26 AM

pagan times ... Let's say time of Robin Hood. Not sure what century that's supposed to be exactly?
The dresses, nature, freedom,,, sigh ...

Then again, those days weren't particularly fun either, no proper healthcare, ppl dying young, religion dictating life, not even having the freedom to choose your own religion, the way women were treated, getting burnt at the stake, stoned or quartered ...

I think I'm just gonna stay where I am right now. :angel:

The fifties, huh ... You couldn't even watch Elvis shake his thing on telly then. shades
Nope, I'm staying here where I can watch Elvis or anyone shake anything if I choose to.

Hehe you are right..I forgot about Elvis laugh

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Sat 12/21/13 11:07 AM
Edited by cuddlebunny00 on Sat 12/21/13 11:10 AM
What century or decade would you choose to live in and why?

For me, it would be the 50's as I believe [my opinion} that life was much simpler and people seemed more content and happy.

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Sat 12/21/13 10:48 AM

How's this for an answer since the OP is not looking for advice.
I am worth so much because I take care of myself. Anything I want or desire I can get for myself.
I work hard for it. I enjoy it.
Why should I view myself as less to make you feel better?
My parents kicked my *** to make sure I did better in school and in life.
Some women had **** handed to them. A lot didn't.
So there is your answer.
2 reason why women feel they are worth much.

Men are so complains that women aren't old fashioned enough, then another one comes along {same age} and complains about why women want to be wine and dined {sighs}

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Sat 12/21/13 10:32 AM

CrystalFairy I'm not talking about dating random girls and then getting to know them, I'm talking about taking out girls that the guy already knows. You do realized you judged me when you called me judgmental... welcome to the club.

Not even a cappuccino, why should he have to pay at all? Would you go on a date with a guy who expected you to buy him something?

Hmm! sounded random to said you are trying to get to know her and wonder why you have to impress her on the first date?

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