Community > Posts By > NightOwlvg

NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:58 PM
criminal enterprise supports goverment


NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:57 PM
So, I guess when it comes down to it,
Life really is about nice cars, a great job, and a family that will one day be the next Governors of the United States
Perhaps not. But life is about accepting that your choices are going to affect the rest of your life.

Marijuana users are significantly less likely to succeed to any noticable degree.

If you are content working jobs as were described, living with your parents or grandparents, never owning property, etc., more power to you.

But don't pretend that your choice to smoke "weed" shouldn't or won't affect your life in negative ways.

Personally, I think there is probably an argument to legalizing it to some extent. But it's not legal. As such, I would like to see all non-medical use prosecuted heavily.


NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:50 PM
the government is in on it they help it get here
Conspiracy theories? Really?

Even assuming that's true, it doesn't change the fact that it supports a criminal enterprise.

NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:41 PM
So, since I smoke weed, I am a relaxed, intelligent, creative, and optimistic person?
That would assume that those traits are directly attributable to your "weed" smoking. It would also assume that you actually possess those traits.

NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:39 PM
no reason to lay blame or shame to anyones usuage
Except that the alcohol and prescription drugs you mentioned (assuming it is YOUR prescription) are not illegal and do not support the criminal enterprise...

NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:19 PM
It is more than simply illegal. It is also supporting a criminal industry.

I wasn't referring to your profile, infectious witch, I was referring to (I think) heather something or other.

NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:15 PM
No offense, but your profile states you are getting divorced (or are divorced). Perhaps that marijuana had some effect on that?

NightOwlvg's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:14 PM
Edited by NightOwlvg on Tue 01/01/08 02:17 PM
Do you view marijuana, either usage or acquisition, a "victimless" crime?

For me personally, the single biggest reason I view marijuana usage and users as "lowly" is because of the inherent criminal industry supported by people who use it.

Alcohol, regardless of better/worse, more/less harmful, is still legal for those over the age of 21. Going to a bar and drinking all night is not illegal. Going to a bar and getting drunk to the point of, say, a BAC of 5.0, is still not violating any law. Furthermore, the likelihood that anyone had to die to produce, distribute or market the alcohol is nearly non-existant. (There are occasional corruption cases or other scandals, but they are rare)

Any marijuana usage, regardless of the extent of use, without a valid prescription and legally obtained marijuana, is violating laws and supporting criminal industry.


Furthermore, anyone who subscribes to the notion that marijuana is "harmless" or less destructive than alcohol, or even worse, that is doesn't affect them is merely deluding themselves.

How can marijuana affect me physically?
The following are some of the common physical effects of marijuana:
Tremors (shaking)
Coordination becoming worse
Breathing problems
Increased appetite
Reduced blood flow to the brain
Changes in the reproductive organs
Like tobacco, marijuana contains many chemicals that can hurt the lungs and cause cancer. One marijuana cigarette can cause more damage to the lungs than many tobacco cigarettes because marijuana has more tar in it and is usually smoked without filters.

NightOwlvg's photo
Sat 12/29/07 03:05 PM
Edited by NightOwlvg on Sat 12/29/07 03:07 PM
One you can't refute the evidece that a man named jesus existed

Well, with regards to THAT Jesus, actually, yes you can... (jesus was an extremely common name at the time)

"While most scholars agree that Jesus existed, no physical evidence from the first century has ever been conclusively tied with his life."

There is more evidence to support that Cleopatra lived than there is evidence to support that Jesus lived.

The real kicker is that Cleopatra lived some 2,000 years before Jesus allegedly did.

Why also is there no evidence of Jesus within Roman records?

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