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Mon 03/10/08 04:27 PM
sorry still rebellinglaugh

psssssst......your a 10 devil

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Mon 03/10/08 04:19 PM
i did indifferent

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Mon 03/10/08 04:17 PM
cough.....cough.....cough.....cough.....cough.....cough.....cough.....cough.....cough.....cough.....cough.....yecough..... i

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Mon 03/10/08 04:16 PM
if you let me play the guitar too

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Mon 03/10/08 04:14 PM
i don't understand what your are saying personaly. because i don't think i am that kind of guy. but it also seem to me that you think that you are to good for everyone and everything. and if that's the truth so be it, to each there own. but if that is true why do you even give people a chance in the first place. please don't be offended just picked up on that might be just the way i read your post.

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Mon 03/10/08 04:04 PM

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Mon 03/10/08 04:01 PM
sorry no advice...just wanted to give you an idea.

i don't know if this even makes scense but if there is no id, on the check. and that means that you can't collect unemployment can't you report tthe company for that.

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Mon 03/10/08 03:55 PM
i would have a beer with ya.....drinker

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Mon 03/10/08 03:51 PM
#7 why the attack on sailorssad sad

hahahahehehehehelaugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 03/10/08 02:28 PM
ok here to try for another daydevil

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Mon 03/10/08 02:27 PM


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Mon 03/10/08 02:25 PM
Edited by werewolf_by_night_1 on Mon 03/10/08 02:25 PM
flowerforyou 10, 17, di i hear a 25 yes you ser in the black shirt sold shes a 1000000

da*n i need typing lessons i type to slow

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Mon 03/10/08 02:22 PM
no....i keep a list of who i look at.....

laugh laugh laugh ok just kidding

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Mon 03/10/08 02:21 PM sorry i need all the room i can get

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Mon 03/10/08 02:19 PM
what are you lookin at....

i will tear your close off and
have my way with you right here

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Mon 03/10/08 02:16 PM
huh i don't get it

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Mon 03/10/08 02:01 PM
i feel like taking a bathlaugh

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Mon 03/10/08 02:01 PM

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Mon 03/10/08 01:44 PM

i think everyone Should mind there own buisness. stop trying to run peoples lives that is for the government. i also believe that no one has the right to judge anyone. i do not believe in laws, rules or judgement in anyway. i do believe that if someone tryies to hurt you in anyway you should be able to protect yourself how ever you feel fit to. i also believe that to a certan age parents should be able to retaliate. to some one sexualy melesting there kid after a certain age it's up to the kid to take care of them selfs. i said this befor and i WILL say this again. survival of the fitest, is what is wrong with this world. STOP SAVING THE WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!indifferent :angry:

That is truly and utterly stupid.

whats he saying kitten, i dont understand??

It isn't worth understanding. Basically he wants Anarchy. Wants everyone to mind there own business, us to leave these child molester and rapists alone. And if a kid is a certain age, and get molested, thats their own problem.
actuly yes that is corect, it my not be what you want to hear but this is the way i feel

no photo
Mon 03/10/08 01:40 PM

i think everyone Should mind there own buisness. stop trying to run peoples lives that is for the government. i also believe that no one has the right to judge anyone. i do not believe in laws, rules or judgement in anyway. i do believe that if someone tryies to hurt you in anyway you should be able to protect yourself how ever you feel fit to. i also believe that to a certan age parents should be able to retaliate. to some one sexualy melesting there kid after a certain age it's up to the kid to take care of them selfs. i said this befor and i WILL say this again. survival of the fitest, is what is wrong with this world. STOP SAVING THE WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!indifferent :angry:

That is truly and utterly stupid.

Ummmmmmm excuse me! I never once called you anything. So you need to back off, Im going to report you right now.mad mad mad :angry: :angry: :angry:
go ahead now i'm scared and you call me stupid

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