Community > Posts By > werewolf_by_night_1
What is your sign?
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Tue 03/11/08 12:25 AM
a werewolf Um NO! um yes ![]() |
What is your sign?
a werewolf
I'm sick...
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Tue 03/11/08 12:12 AM
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - perhaps she'll die! There was an old lady who swallowed a spider, That wriggled and wiggled and tiggled inside her; She swallowed the spider to catch the fly; I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die! There was an old lady who swallowed a bird; How absurd to swallow a bird. She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, She swallowed the spider to catch the fly; I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die! There was an old lady who swallowed a cat; Fancy that to swallow a cat! She swallowed the cat to catch the bird, She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, She swallowed the spider to catch the fly; I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die! There was an old lady that swallowed a dog; What a hog, to swallow a dog; She swallowed the dog to catch the cat, She swallowed the cat to catch the bird, She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, She swallowed the spider to catch the fly; I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die! There was an old lady who swallowed a cow, I don't know how she swallowed a cow; She swallowed the cow to catch the dog, She swallowed the dog to catch the cat, She swallowed the cat to catch the bird, She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, She swallowed the spider to catch the fly; I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die! There was an old lady who swallowed a horse... She died, of course! |
why judge?
Well.. I'm certainly not going to get into a virtual pissing contest over this, with you. I'm simply trying to give reason for you to rethink your philosophy. ![]() |
why judge?
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Mon 03/10/08 11:49 PM
laugh:now your understnding me oh and i'm not that uuhhhhhhhh intellectual so stop confusing me with your knowlage I'm just a very average guy.. Barely made it through high school as a matter of fact. So don't be intimidated. So.. Hypothetically speaking. If you came on here tomorrow.. and the site administrators turned this site into a free for all.. No moderators, no rules.. . You and a few others rejoice and just run about saying and doing what you like, without any accountability. After a while.. Several hundred of us posters decide we have had enough of you. We organize and get our best engineers to take the site.. find out who you are.. then by some really good engineering..start to target your machines. In that? We do away with you.. by infiltrating your system, infecting it... stealing any valuable information..planting some child porn, and calling the local authorities. According to your philosophy.. We would outnumber you.. You could not use the laws in place to get back at us..because you don't really believe in them. So.. you would just have to cool your heels in a cell with a guy named Bubba. No recourse at all. You don't even know who we are! That is anarchy. Anarchy in a society always ends up in the powerful controlling the weak. Which oddly.. is the exact same thing you are trying to struggle against. on the other hand if you all were to try you might want to think about that, because you don't know who i am i might not be a nothing just cause i have no one close to me doesn't mean i cant have people around the world. i am stopping there!!!!!!oh thats not a threat just trying to answer your question the best i can. oh yea the child porn wouldn't happen i build computers i would erase that sh't before they found it hahahaha so you have to try another way hehehehe |
why judge?
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Mon 03/10/08 11:23 PM
Haha... They make me take them because I AM too paranoid to take them. Weird huh. But I wouldn't leave the house either... so something had to give or the bottom was gonna fall out... But I meant REAL zombies! LOL. Sent by the government... they look like you or me but they eat brains... and brainwaves... and then they judge you! And make you judge. It's a very complicated system that I could get killed for even talking about! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
why judge?
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Mon 03/10/08 11:18 PM
that alone wouldn't make me weak it would make me weak if i coward inside.. and no i wouldn't i have got jumped by 6 people before theres nothing i could do but fight back. yes i took an but wipping that day but the fact that i took the beating and didn't run make me the strong one,
Uh-huh... So.. since you believe you cannot be victimized so long as you fight.. Then. it would seem you think that people who are victims, are because they don't fight? ![]() so stop confusing me with your knowledge ![]() |
why judge?
I'm scared to say this on here.... but... Do you want to know the REAL answer to this?... OK... here goes. ... government zombies... There. I said it. I feel so good to finally get that off of my chest. ![]() it may not look like it but anyone is welcome to talk to me yes even the people that i have argued with. |
why judge?
put into practice always turns out badly.
when was it put into practice that they let it run its course and weed out the weak. |
why judge?
Maybe... maybe not. Considering what transpired earlier in the thread? I'm thinking you might have been complaining a little, in the least. I know not to long ago.. you wrote this in another thread.. Which very much smacks of a somewhat typical anarchist, but always skewed point of view...that if put into practice always turns out badly. i think everyone Should mind there own buisness. stop trying to run peoples lives that is for the government. i also believe that no one has the right to judge anyone. i do not believe in laws, rules or judgement in anyway. i do believe that if someone tryies to hurt you in anyway you should be able to protect yourself how ever you feel fit to. i also believe that to a certan age parents should be able to retaliate. to some one sexualy melesting there kid after a certain age it's up to the kid to take care of them selfs. i said this befor and i WILL say this again. survival of the fitest, is what is wrong with this world. STOP SAVING THE WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!indifferent angry
By this philosophy... If you behaved badly in the threads earlier.. and a number of us were truly offended to the point of violence.. Nothing could stop us from assembling in front of your home with torches, burning you at the stake! Our numbers alone would make you the weak. At the very least.. You may have ended up with a very wet and stinky livingroom carpet. |
So I got my first tattoo today and I don't know if I am a baby or what but it hurt sooo bad....I mean I knew it would but yeah not that bad. It was worth it though. I love it. How do you guys feel about ladies with tattoos? Who all has tats on JSH? |
to all the stephen king fans
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Mon 03/10/08 11:00 PM
the sleepwalkers.....cause they hate cats offence to all the cats on here but its true
![]() no waite graveyard shift |
why judge?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() who you calling a kitten? ![]() ![]() awe, you're not calling me kitten baby?? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() so you were mean to Hell, nasty to Debbie and judgemental to me... please answer my question.... WHY ARE YOU JUDGEMENTAL.... Or was this thread started for you to learn why you are???? i'm sorry that i can't type fast enough for you i was trying to include everyone in this descusion.i guess there is no way in the world for me not to be judgemental hun.... ? i guess even the word SEAMS is judgemental |
why judge?
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Mon 03/10/08 10:45 PM
| you do that alot? I think I need to talk to lilith... Why not? If I'm not gonna be judged for it! I actually used that once...without actually following through of course. I was working with a heroin addict who was complaining much in the same way werewolf is now.. About why people are judging him, treating him less then, in regards to his addiction and behavior. So I got up walked to the corner of his hotel room and unzipped. He asked me 'What are you doing?' I told him I am gonna take a leak in the corner here. Why? Because I want to. You can't. Watch me. Unless you prefer the corner over there by the head of the bed. Finally he said I needed to leave.. I responded with.. Why do you judge me for pissing in the corner of your home? He's been clean for about 6 years now. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() also by the way i am not complaining it is happening to me.....just complaining in general |
why judge?
i make judgments, each and every day. quick ones, long ones...i use logic and reason and i evaluate the situation and come up with my answer... i routinely choose to keep people away from my children based off of illicit or illegal or unethical behavior...i routinely judge their friends and role models... oh, wait. i'm a mod. i'm allowed, lol. lulu you are right - even us non-mods have to make judgements about people every day. How would you ever hire people, evaluate staff, select a physician, decide whether or not to get into a car with someone you know; date someone, marry someone? You have to judge people. |
why judge?
werewolf if your attacked report it to the mods, and they will deal with it. if you deal with it, youll end up getting thrown off, so let the mods sort it. ![]() |
why judge?
why do people in GENERAL seem to think that they need to judge someone? just because someone does something that you don't like, or something think is wrong. that doesn't make it wrong. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Says the guy who told me I acted too good for everyone... I don't know, why do you judge people??? which is still a judgement call... so please answer my question... why did you judge me?? and it wasn't a judgement because i didn't use absolutes ok, I'm going to take the pressure off...cuz I really want to tear you up right now, and I'm just too tired to do so.... I think you are this, or you could be that.... is still a judgement...... I'm going to bed now to dream about Mirror...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
why judge?
if you dont want to be judged, then dont write offensive posts and dont use such bad language. you got judged today because of your own behaviour. so if you dont want to be judged, just follow the sites rules, and have a good look at where it tells you to NOT be offensive. i did that because i for 1, i didn't read the rules before the moderator emailed them to me, and b because i felt like i was being thretened and i wasn't going to take that. i hope i don't get kicked off for this but, if someone thretens me again i told the moderator they will not have to through me off because i will leave on my own. because i will reattack that person. not that anyone is a threat to me in here |
why judge?
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Mon 03/10/08 08:18 PM
why do people in GENERAL seem to think that they need to judge someone? just because someone does something that you don't like, or something think is wrong. that doesn't make it wrong. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Says the guy who told me I acted too good for everyone... I don't know, why do you judge people??? which is still a judgement call... so please answer my question... why did you judge me?? and it wasn't a judgement because i didn't use absolutes |
why judge?
why do people in GENERAL seem to think that they need to judge someone? just because someone does something that you don't like, or something think is wrong. that doesn't make it wrong. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I WOULD TALK STUFF ABOUT THEM PEOPLE BUT I FIND MYSELF JUDGING PEOPLE SOMETIMES... I DONT NOTICE I DO IT TIL A FRIEND BRINGS IT UP.. ![]() |