Community > Posts By > i_think_im_broken
new bee
kind of ironic that your name is pic29pic yet you have no pics to speak of......
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who happens to be his date.....
break it down
I have to be honest, I think you should be taking care of the women who already have your babies, haven't you done enough damage, get real!!! what about the women taking care of them men who have their babies? |
uh dying of boredom lucky some people are IMing me its helping lol whats this IM thing you speak of? this strange new word frightens and confuses me........ |
break it down
i'm an honest guy, but nobody beleives me..........
Questions in my mind
When I posted this thread, I was leary about things getting nasty. My main reason for posting this was to ask about the government taking away our rights, not just where smoking is concerned but in many issues. What other rights besides smoking do you worry about that the government may take away from you? Smoking is small compared to civil rights, like unwarrented wire taps, or one religion having full control in the government so on this not there can be worse. i agree smoking is a small thing, but reguardless it is a right to chose. it's an example what the government does. like i said when they start taking it's not going to stop. |
Questions in my mind
so it's not the same becuase it applies to you and your ok with that....... no, it's a different premise. smoking definitely harms children, while driving MAY harm them. statistically, it's not even close. the funny guys seem to be reacting as if my very opinion were the reason that you can't smoke in a restaurant. it's not your opinion that bothers me, it's that you can't see it's taking away a right in an unfair manner to satisfy a few people. |
Questions in my mind
not too many people on here see the real issue.
if you take away a right, it's gone for everybody. then they take 2, then 3, then 4 and so on until nobody has rights. if your going to pass a law it shoudl be fair for all not just fair for those with more money and louder voices. it doesn't matter what that right is or who has it, it should be equal on both sides. that is the point of having rights. you want o ban smoking in grocery stores, fine. make it manditory that every business install a heated comfortable outside area for those of us that do smoke, thats fair. not some plastic bubble in the freezing cold. not ban it everywhere so that if i smoke in MY CAR i get a ticket. that is NOT FAIR. if you condone them taking away rights based on one set of people, you mise well ban cussing, driving, drinking, skiing, surfing and everything else that might hurt another person, or be offensive in any way shape or form. now nobody is offended and every body dresses the same and talks the same and hell starting sound a lot like communism & prison among many other things to me. |
Questions in my mind
it is the same, your still takign away somebody elses rights to suit yourself, reguardless of what it is their doing it's not right. would you like it if i said you can't drive becuase people get in accidents and that could affect my kid? it's NOT the same. first, i'm not taking away ANYONE's rights. second, my children have special of which is severe asthma. i'm okay with not taking them to bars...i'm okay with not taking them to the fair or amusement parks...our outdoor theaters...or several relatives' houses...or the freaking park. but i SHOULD be able to go buy some food at the freaking grocery store. really, i should. and yes, i'm pleased that i can take them into other places now. and i'm pleased that i can FINALLY go to children's hospital and avoid the same cloud...cause sorry, you just shouldn't be able to smoke at a children's hospital. so it's not the same becuase it applies to you and your ok with that....... |
Questions in my mind
eating salt and suger, coffee, soda, too many things to list have been determined to be bad for you. should we take those away from everybody too? NOT the same...i can consume all the salt, sugar, coffee, and soda i like and not affect you in the least (if i'm not bouncing off the walls, heh). smoke affects those around them. don't misunderstand me...i could care less if you smoke. just don't do it around my kids. (and for those that would say not to TAKE the kids...well...everyone has to grocery shop.) it is the same, your still takign away somebody elses rights to suit yourself, reguardless of what it is their doing it's not right. would you like it if i said you can't drive becuase people get in accidents and that could affect my kid? |
Questions in my mind
Edited by
Sat 12/29/07 07:34 PM
hehe oh yeah...smoking is the LEAST of our problems. How many children die each day en how many case workers actually show up to monitor their cases. Houston...we seriously have a problem! it's all the same problem, it's just who whines the loudest and who has more money. you can tell me not to smoke and maybe i'll listen, you can tell me not to drink and maybe i might stop after 5th beer, you or anybody and i don't care who you are, ever tells my kid he has to suffer becuase you say so, and you'll push me to hurt people. |
Questions in my mind
I can understand that Lulu. I also can understand if they don't want you smoking on the streets for those reasons, but why couldn't they have allow establishments to choose one way or the other. I would go to both, because I have friends who don't smoke, and have bad reactions to it, and friends who do it opens up maaaaany more restaurants and places that we can go to as a family. heck, we can even go bowling, now. i don't see it as a violation of rights, because it's proven to be harmful. it's not the same thing as telling you that you can't drink water or something... i WISH that they would extend the law to the streets. often, we still won't go somewhere because i won't take my children through the cloud hanging at the door. eating salt and suger, coffee, soda, too many things to list have been determined to be bad for you. should we take those away from everybody too? the whole point is nobody has the right to decide what needs to be done for others, plan and simple. in order to protect the nonsmokers rights you take away the smokers rights. taking away someones rights isn't good no matter what the reason is behind it. |
Questions in my mind
colorado has banned all smoking in any public establishment no matter if they got ventalation or not. whne they first passed the law they allowed companies that sold 75% of their revenue from tobacco to decide if they wanted to allow smoking or not. this year they went away with that. so now you can't even go into a cigar bar, buy a cigar and smoke it, you have to step outside into a little sectioned off area 50 feet from anything in a back alley.
Questions in my mind
I think it is because there are so many lobbiest with nothing else to do. They was sitting around one day and said,"Hey, I got and idea, band smokers forever." Well, they may have banded me from smoking in public but they can't stop me for smoking in my truck, home, or outside. ![]() ![]() Dont bet on it. actually thats true, boulder banned smoking in public period. no smoking in your car or on the street. the only place you can smoke legally is in your own house. |
Questions in my mind
could always do like we used to do when i was a kid. they banned smoking in the malls, we smoked anyway. we just made sure we could outrun the security guards.
i love to eat vegitarian........not as much fat as other meats.......
Questions in my mind
whats always go tme is to protect some rights they take away others, who decides who gets to have rights and who doesn't?
North New Jersey
i think their all dating the wome from colorado......
who said i have any negative energy? maybe thats part of the problem.......
too many people judge without taking the time to get to know anybody around here. |
just me and my kidlike every other holiday. but thats alright, he's better company then most every girl i've dated.