Community > Posts By > Derekkye

Derekkye's photo
Thu 12/15/11 07:17 PM
hi - just make sure the movie downloads are the land of the free (highest incarceration rate per capita in the world) they'd like everyone to get a taste of prison...flowerforyou

Derekkye's photo
Wed 12/14/11 12:45 PM
if a thousand years is as 1 day isn't it now the 3rd betcha!

Derekkye's photo
Mon 12/12/11 07:08 PM
Though we be poor our love of God makes us rich!

Derekkye's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:42 PM

Ron Paul.

Derekkye's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:41 PM

Only you will know if you like her for her, or if you just want sex.

If it were only that easy. If we all could have an hormonal on/off switch things would be much clearer.

Derekkye's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:37 PM

Judgment is good. Do you think you are bed ridden just for the sake of being bed ridden? As a psyc major you gotta be looking at the bigger picture. Who makes sick, and who heals people? Thats right - the Lord God of Hosts - take this time to read about Him - King James Version Bible only....if you were my neighbour I'd bring you one over - perhaps one of your friends can get you one - re-discover the author of Love!...Get yourself well, and stay well!....cheers

Derekkye's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:28 PM

So I've been on one date with this woman I met on another dating site...the date went fine, however since then I am thinking more about her sexually than I am about her in general - an indication to me that I don't like her for her, but rather like her for the sex appeal she brings to the table - is my thinking aright?

Years ago me and a girlfriend of mine were reminiscing about times of the past - good times....after our conversation she brought to our attention that in all of the memories we talked about none were about sex...this kind of made us both feel good as we knew we weren't using each other for sex - well at least not just for sex - we genuinely liked each other!

Derekkye's photo
Wed 11/30/11 06:53 PM

convert unto God's ways and He shall heal you - as it is written!

Derekkye's photo
Sun 11/27/11 03:03 PM

Well, what an enlightment moiment!

I guess it goes by how each person considers to leave an everlasting impression.

I. Would prefer my date give me a warning. By. The way we're going dutch.

What if, I had no $ on me?!

good point!...she told me she was laid off a weenie I am!

Derekkye's photo
Sun 11/27/11 02:36 PM
Edited by Derekkye on Sun 11/27/11 02:37 PM
I went on a date last week, and suggested in a round about way that we go "dutch" on the movie we decided to see...she seemed a little surprised but then was adamant about paying for the movie tickets while I paid for the pop and popcorn. Who should pay on a first date? Man? Woman? or split?....oh yeah - there hasn't been a second date :(

Derekkye's photo
Thu 12/23/10 09:43 AM

Then guess they would kill me then. Have no fear of the world, for there is nothing to fear. They may be able to kill this body, but they can not kill my soul.

What about your wife and children Cowboy?

Who's going to protect them?

Are you just going to passively stand by whilst these men rape and murder your wife and sons and daughters?

Those people would have their punishment in time. It's not my place to instil the punishment I think they should have. Remember one is not better then the other. Just because this action(s) seems extremely wrong to you, ALL sins are equal, all sins but one are forgiveable. The only sin worse then the others is denying the lord thy God. Besides that ALL sins are just as bad. You steal something, you're no better then a murderer, you treat someone badly, you're no better then a rapist, ect ect. Just because YOU think this action is worse then another doesn't make it so, for it is not. Only YOUR interpretation of the action. I would take the passive route and let the lord sort it out.

I will just add that God has different judgments for different sins - there are sins for which the sinner must needs be put to death, and there are others that involve restitution etc...sin is sin I agree - there are sins committed in ignorance, sins committed presumptuously...if I was guily of a transgression I would rather it be for theft of food versus killing an innocent person for example

Derekkye's photo
Thu 12/23/10 09:30 AM
1. I would warn them of their evil ways.
2. I'd have my family behind me, and call upon God if they approached.
3. I would wait for God to destroy them, or deliver me and my loved ones from the evil before me.
4. I would be thankful to know God, and grateful for His deliverances.

Derekkye's photo
Sun 12/12/10 10:08 PM
God hateth a lying tongue. Some people feel justified in telling a lie if the end is good, but there is no good end that starts from a lie...lies stink period.

Derekkye's photo
Mon 11/29/10 10:45 AM

hopefully you are over her, and can focus on being a part of your sons' lives

some mothers can help make it easy - other mothers can try to make it hard

as long as your heart is still set on her it will be hard to progress

Derekkye's photo
Thu 11/25/10 03:42 PM
Edited by Derekkye on Thu 11/25/10 03:43 PM

I have no kids myself, what I would do is meet in public a few times even more than a few times, when it comes to kids I would take no chances, safety comes first, just my thoughts

I agree. This man is a stranger to me (and to her for the most part), and my concern is for her son. She doesn't seem to show the same concern. I wouldn't be making such a big issue out of this if she were single and not caring for a child.

Derekkye's photo
Thu 11/25/10 03:34 PM
if you were a single mother of a year and a half old baby would you invite a man over to your place on a Saturday evening only having met this man one time for about an hour or so?, or would you want to get to know the man a bit better before doing such a thing?

Derekkye's photo
Mon 11/15/10 08:10 PM
very sweet drinker

Derekkye's photo
Thu 11/11/10 10:12 PM

seems like a gimmick to get the people armed with weapons for civil warfare - I'm guessing the government has their hand in it - what don't they have their hand in?

Derekkye's photo
Thu 11/11/10 10:11 PM
seems like a gimmick to get the people armed with weapons for civil warfare

Derekkye's photo
Tue 11/09/10 08:23 PM
Obama has seemingly displayed eloquent speech...but one comes to soon realise that his words are empty, and unGodly!

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