Community > Posts By > hikerchick

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 11:56 AM
Edited by hikerchick on Sun 06/22/08 11:59 AM
Why is it that when guys don't have luck with ladies, they immediately assume it's because they are "too nice"?

Maybe they are "not funny" or "not attractive" or "not interesting", or "not confident".

They never consider that "niceness" is not the problem.

I was not aware how many guys thought that way until I joined this site. It's weird.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:20 AM
Not sure I really want to find someone anyway..I don't have much closet space as it is.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:15 AM
what does SW near downtown mean?

What state, city, country?

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:14 AM
sad :cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad :cry:

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:13 AM

you know darling its not the smartest thing sayin you have a house and everything to share sumone will possible take advantage of you.i get emails that the guy says he's got a nice house and everything what means more to me is if i would be happy with the person not a houseflowerforyou

If you listen closely enough, those kinds of people tell on themselves. One now former friend once said, "I'm good at making rich friends", and closely thereafter I terminated the friendship. I'm just grateful to be able to keep the house and more grateful that wife #2 isn't going to try to take me to the cleaners financially, so far.

What a man says: "I'm rich"

What a woman thinks: "I can get... HALF"
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

<=- ducks
hope you are joking, because you don't speak for me.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:10 AM
well, the thing is, if you can't be trusted to be on here, you can't be trusted to be left alone anywhere.

Being on JSH is not going to make someone cheat if they weren't already so inclined.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:05 AM

laugh They feel that way because your always talking about boobs laugh
OK I was just checking to make sure someone said this.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 09:30 AM

My money's on the mysterious roadside tire changer ... huh
but where did he take her?

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 09:10 AM

The longer I'm 'online', the more I realize how important language, and written communication in particular, means to me. I completely empathize that for many people, this is NOT their best mode of communication, so I appreciate an honest effort and certainly would never nit-pick or correct someone's use of language. Worse than poor spelling/grammar, imo, is laziness in starting or maintaining a conversation -- can't count the number of times someone has sent me a request to IM or a first email that only said 'hey' and about 4 other syllables. Come on ... first impressions count JUST as much (if not more) in writing as they do in person. Effort, effort, effort -- is that too much to ask?!

I fell in love with you the first day I met you because of your love of grammar and spelling.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 09:05 AM

Here is the other thing. I haven't found any dates, or had any guys contact me that want to date me, in the entire six months I have been on here. Why would it suddenly become a problem if I got married? It's not like I am online flirting with guys and turning down dates - I am talking to my friends.

Anyone who wanted to take that away from me would be a controlling azzzhole.

Wow, how did you manage over 12,000 posts in only 6 months?

I cannot believe you haven't had anyone approach you in all that time. Surely you must be exaggerating? If not, I wonder how that could possibly be.

I get emails and offers for dates whether I say I am taken or not. Hell, I have even said that my significant other is moving in next week and we are talking marriage within the year and men still write to me. It doesn't matter whether my profile says "friends only" or "seeking relationship/marriage".

BTW, the headline I have was changed to "seeking relationship" because it is meant for my partner's eyes. Having "seeking male for friendship", to me, felt too much like sneaking behind his back. Just me. Your mileage may vary.

You are young and attractive.

Come back if you get old and fat and see how you do.

I don't call 42 young anymore and yes, currently....I have too much weight on. It doesn't stop people smiling at me on the street though. It has a lot to do with how we feel about ourselves. Cherish the person you are inside, know that you have beauty and value within. Smile and make eye contact that says, "you matter. I like you and care about you as a human being", The inner beauty will shine through and I PROMISE the right people will start noticing.

Be well.
thank kind of stuff is hard to do online; in person, I am the life of the party- I talk to eveyone and make them all laugh. I am no shrinking violet.I have an attractive personality.

I was talking about on asked why I don't get offers for dates and I told you. It has nothing to do with the way I feel about myself - I think I am fabulous. But being overweight and over 50 does not bring loads of suitors to your door.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:57 AM
I grew up in the inner city. It always amazed me how people felt it was OK to say rude things like, "Oh HOW could you live there, aren't you afraid?"; like I had any choice about where I grew up anyway.

Now I live in the boondocks and people make remarks about that too.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:53 AM

I really do not think that improper use of grammar or spelling errors equates to the inability to communicate. I like someone who can carry on a conversation, if they misuse words, I think I am smart enough to be able to figure out what they are saying. I would hate to think I missed out on some other wonderful qualities in someone by being hung-up on something that clearly can be worked on, or around.
It depends on the degree.

If someone is clearly making an effort, and can be understood, that is one thing. The love of my life was not a good speller and he sometimes mangled his written grammar; his speech was fine, though.

I just can't be with someone who considers those things unimportant when they are so important to me. It's a matter of shared values, I think.

I could not continue a correspondence with someone whose paragraphs require deciphering; it's too much work. And I detest the laziness inherent in using "u" for you and "4" for four, etc. I just don't have an interest in someone like that.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:45 AM
I think some people envision coupledom as being sort of a two- headed creature that moves and thinks and acts together.

My slant on coupledowm is two individuals who have their own lives and who complement each other. They have no need to control every action of the other person, or even to be involved in it, because there is trust and respect.

If I have to become a siamese twin, I would rather die single.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:37 AM
When they deactivate without telling you why

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:33 AM
I can't stop cryingsad sad sad sad

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:27 AM

Here is the other thing. I haven't found any dates, or had any guys contact me that want to date me, in the entire six months I have been on here. Why would it suddenly become a problem if I got married? It's not like I am online flirting with guys and turning down dates - I am talking to my friends.

Anyone who wanted to take that away from me would be a controlling azzzhole.

Wow, how did you manage over 12,000 posts in only 6 months?

I cannot believe you haven't had anyone approach you in all that time. Surely you must be exaggerating? If not, I wonder how that could possibly be.

I get emails and offers for dates whether I say I am taken or not. Hell, I have even said that my significant other is moving in next week and we are talking marriage within the year and men still write to me. It doesn't matter whether my profile says "friends only" or "seeking relationship/marriage".

BTW, the headline I have was changed to "seeking relationship" because it is meant for my partner's eyes. Having "seeking male for friendship", to me, felt too much like sneaking behind his back. Just me. Your mileage may vary.

You are young and attractive.

Come back if you get old and fat and see how you do.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:25 AM
sad sad sad sad sad sad

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:24 AM

I know some minority people who would I am not interested and certainly wouldn't release the HTML codes

Minority people?

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:23 AM

huh who?

The Queen of Eqypt

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/22/08 08:23 AM

we are all suffering the loss of our Queen.