Community > Posts By > outlander007

outlander007's photo
Mon 10/19/20 05:44 AM
If in your heart Trump is what's best not just for you but the country as a whole..Go for it, but whatever happens please get behind the winner and truly make the USA a great pleace for all!!

outlander007's photo
Wed 12/18/19 06:33 AM
Thanks TxsGal
Will try to get support again, But what I was told that a free upgrade would be given after: 1. was be a member for two months, 2. upload three pictures. and 3. post in forum.

outlander007's photo
Wed 12/18/19 06:03 AM
I wrote the following in the contact us section:

I was wondering if I had met the requirements for the free upgrade, If not what is needed to qualify.

This was the response:

Hello and thanks for your patience,
Thank you so much for your suggestion.

As for your concern, our staff will consider to improve this in the future because at present, we have quite many suggestions.

Customer Support
Not sure my question was understood.

outlander007's photo
Wed 12/18/19 05:25 AM
Having a point of view is "absurd" My friend that's AMERICAN! I'm not trying to make anyone do something that they don't want to do. But I don't want anyone feeling bad that they don't feel like you do. As a CHRISTIAN you job is to spread the word not enforce it. FREE WILL that's what God gave to each of us and that person alone will answer to God at that final judgement day. Trying to live a life where we Love each other and not hurt one another should be a goal for everyone.

outlander007's photo
Tue 12/17/19 12:39 PM

To each their own... but your definitions do not seem to be correct on what you describe.

It would seem that maybe you meant Monogamy vs Polyamory...

brief definitions: Technically, polyamory means multiple loves and polygamy means multiple spouses. Polyamory is a form of consensual non-monogamy (CNM) with emotionally intimate relationships among multiple people that can also be sexual and/or romantic partners. In its most common form, polygamy is actually polygyny, in which one man marries multiple women.

Thanks that's information I appreciate!

outlander007's photo
Tue 12/17/19 12:32 PM
Never said I was any kind of a DEEP thinker just MY understanding. Right or wrong this was how I was feeling.

outlander007's photo
Tue 12/17/19 12:09 PM
Edited by outlander007 on Tue 12/17/19 12:10 PM
I do believe that everyone should choose for themselves, But we look down on others that don't follow the norm. Also I don't ever want to think that I OWN a person or that if you want to spend some time with someone else I'm less in anyway.

outlander007's photo
Tue 12/17/19 11:51 AM
Different partnerships work well for different people. Not everyone is built for monogamous relationships. High divorce rates, reports of infidelity, and sexual boredom are reasons I am in opposition to monogamy. Monogamy seems to be outdated, unnatural, and restrictive. People share more companionship,and ongoing sexual variety which are upsides of polygamous relationships. Lying, deceit, and sneaking around which occurs with unfaithful individuals is wholly different from a consensual partnership with more than two individuals and may even relieve stress. I would think most people could be happier if we stopped trying to make one person our everything and learned that our own self worth is more than enough!