not all filipinas who work in middle suffered the same fate-- if you are on household attendees most likely you will faced with so much difficulties-- but filipinas working in a hospitals big hospitals they have good benefits and complete severance on time salary higher than any who work in a households,vacation every 6 mos paid leave paid tickets-- free medical consulations and medicines-- free foods-- free social amenities for extra activities like swimming,work out,tennis, any types of sports that accomodates in every clubs there is--and very good housing accomodations you can choose deoenfs on your grade as a worker--
hmm i can say that its not on physical but because filipina when they find the right one and fall in love they become the most beautiful woman-- love changes everything from physical to emotional state of a person thus when youre happy and contented it shows in you
would you really find someone with the same vibe and can see your soul
it wont go unless you heal yourself first