Community > Posts By > cancarian69

cancarian69's photo
Sat 01/12/08 06:14 PM
On last weeks ghosthunters

asking to communicate with a spirit "let us know if you are here, one knock for yes and two knocks for no"

if it's not there then it wont knock right...

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 01:30 PM
On The animal extractors ..Geo Channel...A bear was in a womans yard...."He didn't come here to eat anything because there isn't anything to eat....he just came in to 'vandalize my trees'" woman called the wildlife department because she saw this bear in her yard and it broke a couple of branches off one of the trees....

Do you honestly think animals will come into your yard with the intention of Vandalizing your property"

....Bear..."I don't like this person so I'm gonna rip up their flowers"....yeah, right

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 09:47 AM
when you let people know what you want and then they say you never told them what you want!

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 08:08 AM
still single....i'm picky, cautious, and not going to settle for just anyone....I have set my standards fairly high for the person I am going to be with.....

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 08:02 AM
womem who start threads about sexual position then wonder why they only get emails from men who are looking for sex!

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 07:35 AM
on GMA "i felt thrown back and forth like the plane was going "down""

Politicians that are against mudslinging and only show adds of other politicians mudslinging

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 06:40 AM
Long long time ago, as a persons house, a mother lines up some of the Coca cola on the glass coffee table and her little girl around three years old walks in and she sniffs it up right in front of her when asked "what are you doing?!!" she comes back with "if I do it in front of her she won't want to do it when she gets older"
What the F*@k!?......many many years ago k

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 06:37 AM
driving with a friend of mine on hwy 32 or 36 in CA...very winding road the whole way asks me "it is like this all the time" I couldn't help it.....I replied "na it changes with the seasons....."....I got a

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 06:31 AM
Researcher Killed by "his 'family' of bears"

couldn't believe people were so shocked by that one! or Croc Hunter killed by sting ray.....don't play with the dangerous ones!!!!!

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 06:29 AM
man lost his hand to a gentle crocodile, when trying to show the public how safe he thought they really were....

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 06:27 AM
wish i could come up with something but i'm just drawing a blank right now!!!

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 06:16 AM
who was the first person to figure out that you could eat an artichoke!

cancarian69's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:01 AM
111 view and 9 shows you what the title does for a all you pervs out there expecting something sexual because the word PU$$y was in the title!!!!

Ugh I can't say it cause the moderators will probably lock up the


cancarian69's photo
Thu 01/10/08 12:16 PM
hey there young one didn't you learn anything from earlier or are you that pitiful....I tried to commend you and have the ladies back off you but geez boy....forget it.....Everything you got my fellow MATURE AND MORE SEXUALLY EXPERIENCED ONES.....!!!


cancarian69's photo
Thu 01/10/08 12:04 PM

girls in hats work for sexy.

not to get off topic

Guys with dogs work for me.....nice!devil

cancarian69's photo
Thu 01/10/08 12:04 PM

There's nothing wrong with typos or difficult spelling...I'm just talking about common 2nd grade-type words hear vs. here...the biggest LOOSER...quite vs. QUIET, me this appears as lazy and uncaring...

I must admit that the Quiet and Quite confuse me all the something about 7 grade English when my instructor started putting up all the words that looked or sounded alike but meant different things....well, I was smoking way too much herb then

cancarian69's photo
Thu 01/10/08 12:01 PM

I tend to cee iliteracie and speling erorrs all ovar this sight it makes me crazee and i cannot underestand why so many peeple cant simplie uze a spelcheker. Their has been a deckline in intelligance ovar the yeers and i blaim it all on the kurrent edukational sistem in this kountrie.

LOL!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

cancarian69's photo
Thu 01/10/08 11:59 AM

well, i know about the overweight thing. Besides that, tell me what you think.

You are too far away for is your custody case going....haven't been able to find the forum that I last saw it on...?

cancarian69's photo
Thu 01/10/08 11:46 AM

Ok guys...My work is done. Most older women are jaded and have little sense of humor. Not all, But most. You can see it in thier comments...It's funny really. I know I've wasted enough time with them. I didn't even know how right I was until I posted this. Good luck gentlemen in your search. I know I'm done looking on here. I have learned one thing...women in thier forties are more likley to live alone.

Sweetie how little do you know. I am over 40, I do know exactly what I want. I am not bitter from the 15 year relationship that recently ended, or the husband that cheated on my 5th anniversary before that, to anything in between, but I did learn what I will and will not tolerate from the next man. I have found that some men your age use that as an excuse to try and date a younger woman. Not realizing the 20 year olds want a man who can keep up with them, not an old man old enough to be their daddy. Whose stamina for most men can't match theirs. I have children and a niece that age. The niece by the way has yet to settle down two kids four men two husbands, hmm seems like she knows what she wants doesn't it?

I did not bother to read your profile so it would not prejudice me to you but did read your remark. There are awesome men and women of all ages. Heck I've had a nice little ego booster by old and young alike since I became single male and female for that matter.

It seems you are the one jaded not the women you are judging.

Yeah chickie! I had an 18 year old hit me up and girl!!! did that just make my day!!!

cancarian69's photo
Thu 01/10/08 11:43 AM
Come on now ladies, the young one has admitted let's all play nice of course I'm still LMAO!!