Community > Posts By > Bruno

Bruno's photo
Mon 09/13/21 12:41 AM
we all are one. with high rate of racial discrimination and language barriers. we all are same human race and nothing changes this fact with same build up not even color should deny us true love expression. let love lead.

Bruno's photo
Wed 09/08/21 04:41 AM
I always thought there was a shaming stigma attached to women who only want sex. In the US you often hear those women being called sluts or whores. At least that was how it was offline, I'm not so sure about online or dating sites. Or if that stigma is still attached. Based on some of the comments I've heard in the forums, it seems to be.

As far as men were concerned, those that were only looking for sex were considered to be "sowing their oats". It was considered normal for the young guys to sow their oats, but young women were supposed to be ladylike. Though I'm not sure who the young men were supposed to have sex with if it was inappropriate for young women to do so, haha.

I believe if a woman wants to seek only sex, that is her business. There is no right or wrong to it, unless she's using sex to hurt others, imo.

I buy your opinion on this subject matter River. sex as seen is mature act and should be consenting. There is absolutely nothing wrong in a woman expressing her feelings so far is mutually in consenting approach and not in the obscene way.

Bruno's photo
Mon 04/06/20 02:42 PM
I applaud your sense of maturity here. you just nailed it to the head. work it out and shorten the distance with much love and sacrifice and see your dream of a fulfilling life.

The major pointer here is being real in other words stay true to each other. Stay safe, stay real. #love your content ALLAROUNDTHEWORD# Inbox me on getting this.


Bruno's photo
Mon 04/06/20 02:32 PM
Thanks to this awesome caption..."how real are you?" In my own context, I present my personality as I am fully expressing myself.

we all have to come to the fact that we are adults and responsible for our actions. knowing quite well that comouflage cannot last forever. I don't have such times because I am me whether you like my personality or not does not reduce me. let me remain to myself whereby I will and can always says this is me uncompromised. FAKE DON'T LAST, YOU CANNOT ALWAYS COVER UP WHEN TIME COMES TO UNVIEL THE REAL YOU. #Stay safe, stay real...I am me. who are you? THANKS

Bruno's photo
Mon 04/06/20 02:30 PM
Thanks to this awesome caption..."how real are you?" In my own context, I present my personality as I am fully expressing myself.

we've all have to come to the fact that we are adults and responsible for our actions. knowing quite well that comouflage cannot last forever. I don't have such times because I am me whether you like my personality or not does not reduce me. let me remain to myself whereby I will and can always says this is my uncompromised. FAKE DON'T LAST, YOU CANNOT ALWAYS COVER UP WHEN TIME COMES TO UNVIEL THE REAL YOU. #Stay safe, stay real...I am me. who are you? THANKS

Bruno's photo
Thu 04/02/20 04:55 PM
hello dear...I would love to chat with you in private. warm regards

Bruno's photo
Thu 04/02/20 04:41 PM
wow....I believe you dearie. I long to have one too so committed to get it work. seriously searching

Bruno's photo
Thu 04/02/20 04:39 PM
you have to be man enough

Bruno's photo
Thu 04/02/20 04:38 PM
you have be man enough to approach her and be confident in yourself

Bruno's photo
Thu 02/27/20 06:53 PM's interesting meeting you here or this platform and would love to contact you directly.

Bruno's photo
Sun 01/12/20 10:12 AM
what you need understand is age is not a measure of maturity...I even find it difficult seeing low level of intelligence quotient exhibited by woman lower than my age. I find it interesting engaging in mind blowing discussion with older women who understands and respect once view and compliment the mutual feeling.

Bruno's photo
Sun 01/12/20 10:08 AM