Community > Posts By > bsgfan

bsgfan's photo
Sat 12/15/07 12:54 AM
Current games:
SoCom 3

Past favorites:
Tomb Raider
Jet Moto (I know, cheesy, but I loved it.)
Age of Empires
Rogue Spear

Back in the day, Air Warrior ate up BIG CHUNKS of my life (and money!). God, I loved that game -- I always flew a BF-109, call sign was "Nooky". Every time I made a kill I got to broadcast, "Death by Nooky!" over the radio. :)

Speaking of old games, does anyone remember Trade Wars?

bsgfan's photo
Sat 12/15/07 12:02 AM

Coors Field is AWESOME -- not a bad seat in the house.

But I grew up with the Reds, and so when the two play ... I cheered for Ken Griffey Jr while wearing my Rockies shirt. My dad threw peanuts at me. :)

bsgfan's photo
Fri 12/14/07 11:44 PM

Hank Aaron had the most HRs, Pete Rose has the most hits and Bonds is closing on that record as well.

Huh? He's closing in on that record at about the same rate the continents are drifting apart.

Pete Rose had 4256 hits; Bonds has 2935. Rose is 1321 hits ahead of him.

Bonds has accumulated his hit total over 22 seasons. This means he is averaging 133.41 hits per season. At this rate, he will need to play another ten seasons, AND stay healthy enough to maintain his career average in hits per season, to catch Rose.

At his age, with all his physical problems, I find this scenario highly unlikely. Even moreso if he's locked up for part of those ten years.

Good catch -- love the math. :) Thanks for pointing out the logic in the situation.

bsgfan's photo
Fri 12/14/07 11:23 PM

I'm so glad to read such positive replies.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm about a thousand years old -- I look around Publix or Wal-Mart and think I'm way older than everybody else in the store. And then I worry that I'm too old for men my own age, followed by wondering if my sex life is over and maybe I should just buy my white purse and big sunglasses and start traveling.

The voices in my head can be ruthless, let me tell you. :)

nah you look younger than your age, and I know a thing or two about looking younger than your age lol.

I'll admit I tend to go for women younger than me, or around my age if they look really young for their age. It's just because I look so young. My aunt looks really young for her age, when she goes somewhere with her eldest son (there's a good 25yr difference there) people think that they are husband and wife, how creepy is that.

pretty creepy. :)

Once, someone asked my son if I was his girlfriend...UGH! but I laughed -- I'm sure they thought I was Mrs. Robinson brought to life. laugh

bsgfan's photo
Fri 12/14/07 10:36 PM
I know that Bonds is closing in on Pete Rose's hits record -- btw, Pete Rose ROCKS! -- and I am afraid that Bonds will steal that record also. Damn, this really irritates me, this disregard for the story of the game -- the way Bonds and other frankensteins like him are stripping the meaning from the stats. Baseball IS stats, not action. Don't get me wrong, baseball in motion is a beautiful thing (Rockies' defense is poetry in motion!), but the story is recorded and told in stats and the frankensteins are stripping it all away, morphing the game along with their bodies, into something not-quite-familiar.

We should honor the history of the game and guard the legacy as well. These frankensteins are skewing the stats, the story. At the very least, they're taking away the "Who's the better player?" game -- where you try to decide if some player from the past is as good or better than some present-day player. The playing field is no longer level across the decades.

And I agree that Bonds needs to give up on his "I didn't know" crap -- of course he knew. He wants us all to ignore the fact that, as a professional athelete, he would have been hyper-aware of what was going into his body -- his living depends on his health and ability to perform. He knew exactly what was going on.

Hank Aaron hit 755 HRs without steroids, on natural ability alone. Bonds could not have done it without the steroids. It's infuriating.

bsgfan's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:58 PM
I'm so glad to read such positive replies.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm about a thousand years old -- I look around Publix or Wal-Mart and think I'm way older than everybody else in the store. And then I worry that I'm too old for men my own age, followed by wondering if my sex life is over and maybe I should just buy my white purse and big sunglasses and start traveling.

The voices in my head can be ruthless, let me tell you. :)

bsgfan's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:30 PM
I'm in.

bsgfan's photo
Fri 12/14/07 06:49 PM
Barry Bonds has become a Home Run King -- but not because he's got the natural ability, he's not really breaking or setting a record -- he's STEALING IT. And people -- owners, managers, other players and FANS -- are letting him do it! Just how hungry for big numbers should we be? Sure big numbers are exciting -- but should we not be safeguarding the integrity of the game? These numbers - the numbers used to record the history of baseball - need to remain real; these stats need to have a consistent baseline of valid human ability and endeavor. We need to love the game and the tradition and the story of the game, so that the game will continue to live and contribute to our lives. I need baseball to anchor my summers: The Big Red Machine, Coors Field, The Big Cat -- these are the names and the places and stories that watermark the pages on which I'm writing my life; the day Tom Browning pitched the first perfect game in the history of the Reds -- I heard this on the radio, it is a part of me. Eric Davis played centerfield the summer my first son was born.

Barry Bonds is not contibuting to the story of the game, he's usurping it, hijacking it for his own personal glory. It's a desecration and it's heartbreaking. The Emperor Is Naked, People!! Sheesh! I will never be able to acknowledge it as a true baseball accomplishment. I will always have a little disclaimer in my heart saying, "yeah, but he was on steroids when he did that, so even though Bonds has the "official" record, the REAL record is held by Hank Aaron (or Pete Rose or whoever did it without frankensteining themselves)."

I'm done. :)