![]() way too much weird drama...besides I'm way too tired to try to figure out whose a lesbian and how many genders Ash has ![]() Oh dear god... ![]() Psssssssssssh I'm never serious! |
For people or rather, naysayers who say "It's just a phase", clearly doesn't, and never will understand that some of us are actually BORN like it. The ones who are just going through a phase, will be looking for one night stands, probably. How can anyone just suddenly ASSume that with EVERYONE it's a phase? No. That is just so damn wrong. How about not assuming at all, for a start? It's as bad as the media. Sorry, but just felt like i had to say it. Stop with the claims. Thanks very much. ![]() ![]() Wow, you're wonderful |
Edited by
Tue 02/21/12 02:25 AM
They are a horrible boy band haha Be lucky you have never heard of them
OMFG Portishead ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Queens of the Stone Age |
No way! Mine too haha
O-Town |
Talk to me,..
Edited by
Tue 02/21/12 02:14 AM
is it meth????
...nope... hide the... hide the... All I can think of is sh** but that is too plain to be it |
1. Thank you M Welcome. :) 2. I do not talk like that!! ..thank gawds. 3. You're still my bestie, so you would have to be at the wedding (as best man) I mean c'mon that's just a given I know right? 4. Taping the honeymoon... that may be a bit pushing it Whaaa? After all I've done. :O I know, I know, but see that would be like sharing, and I don't like to share ![]() |
Meat Beat Manifesto, no problem :P
Talk to me,..
Tell me something interesting Conquistadors are stupid and play a mind trick on people. They deceive you by making you think the whole phrase: "Seeing red." Actually holds value in terms of it representing a bull's anger and hatred for the color red. This is a bold face lie to fool the masses so that it makes them seem far more talented then they are. Why? Easy. Bulls are color blind. The flag could be any color and it wouldn't matter. Next time you watch one of these guys, take note that the only thing that moves is the flag while the conquistador remains still. It's that movement that attracts the bull, not the red flag. Why is this vital to know? Well, for starters, it could save your life if you ever see a ticked off bull charging your way for one. Two. Wear all black when in a high bull charging zone. You can pretend to be a ninja and blend with the shadows. This has been a special announcement. By M. Of Midnight Reveries. ..just saying. What if you were in black ninja gear from head to foot, but then you got a sudden fear boner? ![]() ..well as common as that is.. *eye roll, lol* I'd suggest crouching to your knees. Bulls take the sign from other bulls who lower their horns as a sign of submission. If and when it turns from you. ..do what the black dude always says at the party when the Po-Po shows up. ...Bounce! lmfao Oh Mike, you crazy kid |
The Killers |
Sleep well, breath taking beauty. Dream of things that are fit for such a wondrous mind ![]() .."Why you're welcome Sine." "You are the bomb diggity smackety." *BAH-LUSH!* "Oh, stop, you are too much." "What? Oh, I'd LOVE to come to the wedding." "Oh I can tape the honeymoon? I'd be honored." ![]() ![]() 1. Thank you M 2. I do not talk like that!! 3. You're still my bestie, so you would have to be at the wedding (as best man) I mean c'mon that's just a given 4. Taping the honeymoon... that may be a bit pushing it |
Sleep well, breath taking beauty. Dream of things that are fit for such a wondrous mind
I'm thinking the moon, hell with a girl as beautiful as yourself, I would take you anywhere you would want to go, kiss you in every location in the world and beyond and take you as my bride everywhere legal or not ![]() What can I say, you are stunning ![]() |
I'm thinking the moon, hell with a girl as beautiful as yourself, I would take you anywhere you would want to go, kiss you in every location in the world and beyond and take you as my bride everywhere legal or not
Oh. My. God. Shy mentions Comic-Con on her profile. Marry me now woman! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() *poke, poke* Don't try so hard.. If a guy does that, it chases off the woman.. ...I have no logical reason to believe such an idea would change in lesbianism. Awwww :) Well she seems friendly enough. Seems like she has a big heart. Why not i say. Big heart, long tongue, good hands... Crap that may have gone to far... |
*to Mike* Told you it would work
*to Shy* I was thinking Ireland, or Egypt, ...the moon |
..know what else works great? Chasity belts for when you DON'T plan on getting laid. Then phuck 'em. Heh. And now I am reminded of Teeth.... ![]() ![]() |
Haha really? Because if someone was that direct with me, we would hit it off great. Why do you think we get along so well? ..um, cause your gay and I'm straight? o.O I don't see how that would help us 'get along so well'. xD >.> <.< Right... Well phuck |