...? It's replies like that that get you 1660 posts in 11 days |
Spell check.... yes it hurt writing so poorly :(
But it was worth it I love people sometimes haha |
Is there such thing as a private crowd?
Oh goodness
Okay, I was in the library today and found a report that someone printed off. Here it is, exact writing:
"Chapter 3 WWJD What Would JESUS Do? A very popular Christian logo. There is a movie called WWJD. Let me ask you something, how many people have you walked by without even saying hi? When have you ever asked yourself what would JESUS do? I'm not saying that you have to be him. Just try to be like him. See this world's could be called an anti-Christian world. In the end everyone in the world will say JESUS is LORD. You all know Lady Gaga (Who would call someone that?) If you ever heard one of her sons you'll know she's not a woman of GOD. Same can be said about Justin Bieber. His mentor worships the devil. I went to Desperation last June where one of the speakers said both singers are bad news to Christians. Now if you're one of their fans then I'm sorry but it's true. Back to JESUS, He walked on water, feed 5,000 people and 2,000 people. He even overcame death. He and his disciples went to a person's house for the Passover or more famously known as the last supper (Dun dun dun.) He broke bread and said this is m body which will be broken. Take it and eat. He then poured wine and said this is my blood which will be spilled for everyone. After they ate and drank JESUS said one of you will betray me. Each one of his disciples were like is it me till Judas asked him and JESUS said you have spoken. (Yeah that was real smart Judas. Hey we should get you on that one show World's Dumbest.) JESUS was just full of prophesy because he said to Peter before the rooster crows you will deny me three times. Peter said LORD even if I have to die I will never deny you. Well JESUS was arrested and was brought before the high priests. (If you think about it the trial was pointless because they had made up their minds.) So Peter was outside and three people said are you one of his disciples? He said, no I'm not. After the third time a rooster crowed. JESUS was brought before the governor. A tradition during Passover was to release a prisoner into the crowd. The crowd wanted a killer to be release and JESUS killed. Keep in mind that JESUS did not speak except when asked are you the SON of GOD? He would say it as you say it. He was sentenced to be crucified, death by cross. The Romans took him and put a crown of thorns on him. They gave him a robe and mocked him. (These guys do not mess around.) They made his carry his own cross to the hill. They nailed his hands and feet to the cross then put it up. They drew lots for his cloths. (I mean I guess it's normal for celebrity fanatics to steal celebrity's cloths but JESUS killers really?) After a while he called My GOD My GOD why have you forsaken me? He was given a sponge with vinegar to drink. After another while He said it is done then died. A giant earthquake occurred shortly after. All the saints who had died were alive again. They said surely this man was the son of GOD. After the third day he was raised from the dead. Mary JESUS'S mom and Mary Mandaline went to put oil on his body but they saw a angle saying do not be scared. For I know you look for JESUS was killed. He is not here he has risen. His is going to Galilee. tell his disciples. They did and his disciples went there and saw him. All except Judas who hung himself after betraying JESUS (That was probably what most people would have done.) He told them I will be back. Do what I have done. He then went to heaven. See JESUS is the only one who overcame death. Hell is defeated and Satan's being a cry baby. He wants to take us down because we are what GOD loves. We must be careful not to fall for his tricks. He will do anything to trick us. The bible says he is like a lion looking for food. Picture this: You're at home you hear a knock. You answer the door to see it's the devil. He says hi I'm here to drive you away from GOD and I'm here to ruin your life. You should trust me. Now I don't care hoe you are at one point you will give in. So you do this thing and the devil who said to trust him says you you moron! You dare call yourself a Christian? I can't believe you! Then he comes back with some else to try. You do it and he starts coming at you again. Before you know it your whole life is out of control. The only way to stop is to ask JESUS for help. As you can see the devil will do anything for your soul. If you're asking why it's simple. He hate you and GOD. He will do anything to drag you to Hell where you be separated from GOD forever. GOD is not willing to lose one. He loves you so much he was willing to die for you! I love people but not enough to die for them much less let my son. (If I had one.) When JESUS was one the cross he was with two thieves. The one on the left was mocking him but the one on the right told him to stop and asked JESUS not to forget him. JESUS told him I will see you in paradise. See it was not too late for him it's not too late for you. In fact if you already feel something telling you that you need this than just pray this prayer Dear JESUS I admit that I have sinned and I ask you to come into my life. Because I believe you died on the cross and rose again. So I chose to follow you today and tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life. In JESUS name amen. If you prayed that the you are part of GOD'S family. It won't be easy because you have one major enemy Satan. His is now really mad you made the choice. Guess what? His can't have you back because you are now GOD'S forever. You also have an ally. It's JESUS Satan's worst nightmare. Now I'll tell you something. We are in a war with Hell. It's a war that is for our souls. Our weapons are the bible and its word. We are fighting a defeated enemy and Satan knows it. It is now your time. You are not longer part of this world. You are a member of the kingdom. This is not our home. I will go over this in the next chapter." That's right kids, this person is going to have more! And has a Chapter 1 and 2 out there somewhere. GOD bless you!! haha |
I was raised to believe ghosts, spirits, and demons exist. My mother used to say prayers to keep the bad spirits out.. .. However, this is also coming from people who firmly believe in the Chupacabra. So, do you think a ghost would totally violate your mouth while you yawned? I know I would if I was a ghost.. just saying. I'm more worried about what they'd do to me when I was in the shower. agreed |
I'm not saying that you have to be him. Just try to be like him. See this world's could be called an anti-Christian world. In the end everyone in the world will say JESUS is LORD. You all know Lady Gaga (Who would call someone that?) If you ever heard one of her sons you'll know she's not a woman of GOD.
Same can be said about Justin Bieber. His mentor worships the devil. I went to Desperation last June where one of the speakers said both singers are bad news to Christians. Now if you're one of their fans then I'm sorry but it's true. xD this paper... |
I can't wait to get this all typed into the religion thread... it's so egregious
Why must you expect so much from me?!?! haha
That poem made me laugh so hard haha
Oh I would hug you separately Becca ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 01/12/12 07:30 PM
Wanna keep this topic going in my bed? ;)
It's lively in here tonight. ...we should break out the booze xD
<.< ... *Mike hug!!!!* |
*group hug!!* Hi guys ^^
The Ash and Mike show
That is because you are so damn awesome
The Ash and Mike show
Well seeing as I didn't miss much...
My hands smell like bbq sauce :( |
"Impossible to Avoid"
It makes sense, honestly I do not know where you stopped and began again so that is a bonus.
Good job, lovely <3 |
The Ash and Mike show
I don't like to share >:\ haha
The Ash and Mike show
Eeep!! wtf?? hahaha
The Ash and Mike show
Cuddle buddy! Will you be my straight...well semi straight... lover?! teheheehe