Community > Posts By > Jeepinfool

Jeepinfool's photo
Sun 01/06/08 11:28 PM

my girlfriend of 6 monts text me on new years eve that she was marring another man and to top it off she said earler in the day that she didnt have any min on her phone to talk that night so I gave her money for min.So I paid for the break up.Can things get any worse for starting a new year?

yeah it could be worse, you could have been single for 9 years, atleast you have the ability to pull women, just go with it and good luck.

Jeepinfool's photo
Sun 01/06/08 11:26 PM

I have a question...I have had emails/offers to chat not only from this site but from others, from a lot of older guys but only like one or two from guys my age, Why is that? Is it me and guys my age arent wanting a serious relationship right now?

there just are creepy guys out there looking to get laid and they assume that a gal your age is into that, don't ask me why, i don't know. just give it some time and i'm sure there will be some guys your age that will come aroung. oh, by the way, yes, most guys your age are not wanting something serious, i know when i was that age i didn't want anything long term. just keep it up, and maybe try stepping out of your age bracket alittle, not too much, but 20 year old guys are looking to hit it and quit it...

Jeepinfool's photo
Thu 01/03/08 09:50 PM

This one is for the ladies. What are you looking for in a profile on this site? Should we all (the gentlemen) just be honest? Would you rather us approach you with messages, or just sit back and wait for you to contact us?

it is definitely up to the guy to make the first contact, its good to use the mutual match and just keep messaging, eventually someone gets interested in you and messages you back

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:09 PM

my problem is with federal laws conflicting with state gun laws, every state, has their own view on how to regulate them and the federal laws sometimes conflict with them, it makes it hard for the legal owners of guns to carry legally in other states, whats legal in one state, isn't in another, no thanks to the liberal ding bats in charge

that is why the state should not have a say in gun control

the bill of rights makes it a federal issue

very true, friend, the constitution garauntees it, and like the freedom of speech it should never be questioned or altered in anyway, no particuliar state should be able to argue or change that right... otherwise we might as well join the european union,and sell ourselves out

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:14 PM

I have to agree Gun laws cannot be regulated, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" if we wish to change them we need an ammendment to the constitution itself. Though I think we need to work on illegal immigration. My friends and I (we're all college students) have a living he** getting jobs. We can't compete with the cheap labor that is available today. I have a special skill set, I am a mentalist and do gigs it buys the gas. But not everyone has a very unusual skill set.

couldn't agree with you more, unfortunatlely if you amend one amendment in the constitution, that opens the rest of the constitution, to be changed and last i remember, we beat the british a couple hundred years ago, because we wanted to have a garauntee of living free and thats what the constitution represents, we change that just a little bit, we might as well join the commonwealth...

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 01/02/08 08:52 PM


I know I feel strongly one way or another. I just haven't decided which way yet. Does that make ANY sense?

i agree with that too, there needs to be consistency within these important issues, all of them

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 01/02/08 08:49 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Wed 01/02/08 08:50 PM

what laws are you referring to, examples please

Any law enforced in the United States.

my problem is with federal laws conflicting with state gun laws, every state, has their own view on how to regulate them and the federal laws sometimes conflict with them, it makes it hard for the legal owners of guns to carry legally in other states, whats legal in one state, isn't in another, no thanks to the liberal ding bats in charge

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 01/02/08 08:44 PM
what laws are you referring to, examples please

Jeepinfool's photo
Thu 12/27/07 08:53 PM

Me too....laugh

I guess we better find another thread to take over...let me know if you find a good

Brilliant . . will do . . we'll tag-team it laugh


Let me know where you're at

i didn't take someone in the medical field to realize that she was full of ****, lol

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/26/07 11:56 PM

HAHAHAHA! bee stung me... we good friends laugh Im a big bear who can protect the small bumblebee when needed :wink:

I dont like friends with benefits grumble

In all seriousness....we all know that we all joke on here, just to have harm done....

but I never understood that friends with benefits....

there was a thread awhile back on friends with benefits, on the relationship forum, that was a good one.

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/26/07 11:17 PM
believe me partner, i love paybacks, but all it does is perpetuate the cycle and no one wins

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/26/07 11:08 PM

you started it now the pay back remember that
you want it to stop ????? then walk away and dont turn back
you cheated first remember that but walk away

i agree with you man, but even if she did it first, he should have been man enough to leave her and not play childish, tit for tat games with her, thats the problem with society, we think we have to make people pay for everything they do to them

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:53 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Wed 12/26/07 10:55 PM

my ex and ihave been separated for just over 2 years it was my fault for the separation but i have tried to make amends by confessing everything about the first when we separated i would spend nights at his place then he went and got a new girlfriend. i lost it, especially when i found out that just a month after they got together he gave her the most impressive set of rings i ever seen during this time she ended up moving into his place. well he started drinking along with her as she really liked to party even during the week he was never that kind of guy when we were living together i mean he would drink occasionallly but not like that He called me one night and told me that i was never to speak to him again and of course he was drunk on a week night no less to make a long story short i guess he got tired of the party thing and started stopping by my place in the morning for breakfast and like a fool who still loves him i made it for him! the relationship with her didn't last long and soon she moved out things were quite rocky for him because he said he really loved her but as time went on he started to give up on her. for the last 5 months now i have spent evry night at his place and doing EVERYTHING a wife should do while still keeping my place. now she is back in the picture just as a friend he says but once again he is drinking with her not as much but he is and there are times now when he pushes me aside for her i am not allowed to call him or text message him when he is with her but she can text him when he is with me because she doesn't know that he is with me she thinks that him and i don't speak and also does not know that i was spending the night at his house Everyone tells me he is just gettin both pieces of the pie and i should just bow out of the picture but how can i do that when i still really love the guy i just want to be with him again and don't think i have not asked i guess what i am asking is why is it that he knows he can come to me anytime day or night and i will be there no matter what and i will do anything for him and he knows i love him why does he go to her

and to awnser the question of what are you doing wrong, you are doing nothing wrong, he is, and he will keep doing this to you and the cycle will continue and this guy or should i say worm, will keep doing this to every girl he comes in contact with. do yourself a favor and for every women who has been treated this way and walk away, there are plenty of guys who would not do this to you, out there, good luck....

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:50 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Wed 12/26/07 10:54 PM

my ex and ihave been separated for just over 2 years it was my fault for the separation but i have tried to make amends by confessing everything about the first when we separated i would spend nights at his place then he went and got a new girlfriend. i lost it, especially when i found out that just a month after they got together he gave her the most impressive set of rings i ever seen during this time she ended up moving into his place. well he started drinking along with her as she really liked to party even during the week he was never that kind of guy when we were living together i mean he would drink occasionallly but not like that He called me one night and told me that i was never to speak to him again and of course he was drunk on a week night no less to make a long story short i guess he got tired of the party thing and started stopping by my place in the morning for breakfast and like a fool who still loves him i made it for him! the relationship with her didn't last long and soon she moved out things were quite rocky for him because he said he really loved her but as time went on he started to give up on her. for the last 5 months now i have spent evry night at his place and doing EVERYTHING a wife should do while still keeping my place. now she is back in the picture just as a friend he says but once again he is drinking with her not as much but he is and there are times now when he pushes me aside for her i am not allowed to call him or text message him when he is with her but she can text him when he is with me because she doesn't know that he is with me she thinks that him and i don't speak and also does not know that i was spending the night at his house Everyone tells me he is just gettin both pieces of the pie and i should just bow out of the picture but how can i do that when i still really love the guy i just want to be with him again and don't think i have not asked i guess what i am asking is why is it that he knows he can come to me anytime day or night and i will be there no matter what and i will do anything for him and he knows i love him why does he go to her

WOW! i really cannot feel sorry for you, even though i do. i really want to support you and tip toe around your feelings, but ARE YOU KIDDING ME!, why are you allowing this to happen, do honestly think this will change. i had a friend that did this exact thing and i was pissed at him, i actually was going to fight this kid. i respect women, yet i can't find one as loyal to someone as that, and he had a great girl and decided to start messing around on her with another and they both knew about each other, and hated each other, but refused to blame him. honestly don't do this, you are feeding this asshole's ego and he will just keep doing this, once a cheater always a cheater

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 08:27 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 08:28 PM
no doubt, nicewoman, not everyone is going to like someone or be attracted to someone and thats the vicious cycle alot of us allow ourselves to get into. but the important thing is the key word, not everyone, which means there are others that do appreciate us all

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 08:21 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 08:24 PM
your probably right, and if I did take what you said out of context, thats my fault, but it sure did sound like you were coming after me...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 08:19 PM
nicewoman, you have it right, that is what i'm trying to say, good for you, keep your head held high...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 08:15 PM
thanks kat, for your support,lol, but some people need to not be so sensitive on on these things, it is after all only words and unfortunately you can't always be certain off what context someone is using...i was defending ya'll regardless of what certain people might say. BTW, i'm not PMSing, lol...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 08:10 PM
well when you start attacking someone, for defending others and then use their typos and such against them, yeah i'm going to start saying something, my post are never used in anger or against someone unless they provoke me to respond, then i'm more than willing to oblige...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 08:04 PM
you may be right kat, i may have not put things in the right context and maybe someone had taken it wrong that i'm sorry for...