Community > Posts By > Jeepinfool

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 08:02 PM
how is that, telling the truth is not abusive and if i was going to be abusive i would be attacking you and not the guys i was talking about who just want to hook up. apparently you are only reading what you want to, why would i say that i like thicker gals and in the same sentence bash them, first off i'm not bashing anyone except the guys who say they like larger gals just to get laid, its predatory and i don't like it when they do that, i'm defending ya'll, yet your attacking me, your the first one here to start attacking someone and being verbally abusive, did i attack your intellegence, no, so lay off...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:51 PM
bitter are we. just because someone made a typo doesn't mean they can't make sense. i ain't slamming on you or anyone, you took what i said, out of context, so you may want stop while your behind...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:49 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 07:50 PM
no there isn't... Too many of these gals here think that everyone should be into them, and the reality is, not everyone is going to be into everyone, and they need to accept that. but there is hope cause there are alot of guys that are into thicker gals and that should be sufficient. not every gal is into me and i have to accept that, you agree?

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:42 PM
hey kat your on, great, this thread has been going on for quiet some, huh...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:22 PM

I don't see why people feel the need to empower being fat. If you're fat, it isn't right. There WILL be health complications.

Maybe it's just ground into people's brains to stay away from overweight people when looking for a partner because of all the complications that might arise. It's funny what nature can do to our minds. And I'm just sayin.

Also. It isn't attractive. Fat jigglin' all over the place? Not a good sight. Stretch marks. They're marks that shouldn't be there. Same goes for cellulite. I'm not saying people aren't attracted to it, I myself love big guys.

Maybe instead of wondering why men aren't into fat women, lose some weight even just for your health or to help you live longer and then maybe you could restart your search. And I'm not talkin' 2 stone or so over the recommended body weight.

I'm talkin' about 4 stone plus.

First of all, who are you to say that being "Fat...isn't right"? It's like me saying, "Young single mothers are whores" who the hell am I to make that statement? Let alone, who are we to judge?

However, I do agree with you regarding health concerns...being a nurse, I do see a lot of health complications that arise from being obese. Greater risk with heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, depression and countless other risks. One would have to ask themselves if these risks out-weigh that burger that you're about to inhale :)

You're statement about the attractiveness, you are not all...let's face it sista you can't speak for let's not insert our foot into the mouth...Stretch marks, I hate to tell you men and women are blessed with them, regardless of the size you are...having children, weight training and puberty is one culprit of those "ugly stretch marks".

I think we all know that being obese is a health issue, however, I think that this thread was meant to ask, why some men are not attracted to "bigger" girls...when I say "bigger" I mean not your rail thin girl on the cover of Glamour magazine...our society puts a lot of emphasis on what an ideal girl/man should look's unrealistic lets face it. Everyone is different, we ALL are built different...shoot on a good day I'm 156 pounds and on a day like today I'm close to 160 pounds, does that make me not attractive? I think not...there are a lot more than looks that make one attractive...I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a size 8/10...and I don't judge someone based on their me that is ridiculous!

But to each is their own.

you give it to them Kat. love, jeepeinfool

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:20 PM

i think alot of the guys on here are full of **** and are just trying to get laid, by saying they love thicker gals. with that said i have dated thicker gals(which i do enjoy), i have dated countless types of gals and shape of a woman doesn't make any differenve, and i'm actually able to say that, with out the intentions of trying to get laid. for the those guys that are trying, i say, we all can see right through you, so give it up....your not fooling anyone

Deja moo: The feeling that you've heard this Bull before!

maybe in my new english class they will teach me that difference isnt spelled differenve...ya think? laugh

so that is your only weapon against me is a technicality, hmmm... interesting, i will remember that in the future when you make a typo, but thanks for letting me know...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 07:16 PM
no my dear, he's a prick and sounds like a controlling asshole, and most likely has violent tendencies, you would be retarded if you pursued this any further. don't continue this, although you probably wont listen to this anyways, hop you don't though. anyways good luck

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 02:01 AM, is free and is pretty cool, check it out, man

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 01:54 AM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 02:07 AM
its simple this site is a tool, you put your profile up and then you start searching. the easiest way is to make your search criteria vague and then see who looks at your profile, then you can add more stricter search perameters to your search, my advice is to also use your mutual mauch function on here, you have to pursue these ladies, they aren't coming to you, this is no different than searching around town offline, you still have to approach these ladies, so no cheesy pick up lines, that still doesn't work, even on here

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 12:49 AM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 01:02 AM

i think alot of the guys on here are full of **** and are just trying to get laid, by saying they love thicker gals. with that said i have dated thicker gals(which i do enjoy), i have dated countless types of gals and shape of a woman doesn't make any differenve, and i'm actually able to say that, with out the intentions of trying to get laid. for the those guys that are trying, i say, we all can see right through you, so give it up....your not fooling anyone

actually i took that comment as an insult. are you saying its not possible for these men to like us bigger girls and that we are easy prey? maybe im reading this wrong

apparently you can't read, i have dated thicker girls and thinner girls, and feel they are no different than each other, some are shallow and some are not, but both are equal in my eyes. you really should take and english course or atleast stop being so ****ing sensitive that you can see the fact that i'm complimenting everyone of you. i was referring to the guys on here that say that they love thick gals, but in reality, they are only wanting to get laid. and to you guys that are trying to get laid, yes, i'am cockblocking, i don't want to see anyone get used, its not right...
and so i'm not saying you can't find a quality guy cause your thicker, i'm just calling out the guys who use women, and if thats insulting to you, then i apologize.

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 12:33 AM
seriously dude, your are over analyzing things. you got it made, if she is into you at that age. i have dated gals my age and they are even more niave and into themselves than teenagers. the fact of the matter is, if you leave her, she will find someone else most likely and there is a good chance that guy could use her and hurt her, and so don't think you are doing her any favors by breaking it off with her. to be honest if she date someone more her age, that kid will most likely use her and leave her hating men, so i say let it be and enjoy the possibility of being happy...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 12:25 AM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 12:43 AM
I was once a nay sayer about these sites and this last september found myself trying it out and i love it, i have covered more territory and blown through countless emails and conversations, than i would have if i was doing this the old fashion way, its a great tool, cause to be honest there are alot of pretenders out there than there is on here, and the beautiful thing is, you can find that out in half the time and not waste a dime doing it, its shear ****ing genuis, whoever came up with these sites, are brilliant.

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 12:18 AM
well i'm a guy, or atleast people say i'am,lol, anyways, there is something definitely wrong with that, and kudos to you for not falling for that, there can be alot of stalkers on these sites, with ill intentions, so do not, i repeat do not give out your number. you really don't need to give your number out til you are well into severaly dozen messages and your comfortable that you have exhausted ever question, to find out who they are.

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 12:12 AM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 12:13 AM
well your not alone and it does suck, i have done this for 8 years in a row, and it doesn't get easier, i was hoping to actually atleast have a date or something lined up for the new years, with no apparent luck, so alas i will spend this new years probably sitting at home, or asleep, i feel your pain, but thats why we are here, to make something happen, i will definitely not be single by the end of next year if things go my way.

just keep your head held high, and it will happen for you....

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/25/07 12:04 AM
oh one more thing on these sites, if you want women to respond or check out your profile, you need to be proacive, you need to use the tools on this site to find them, they will not find you, there are enough guys on here to look at, you need to put yourself out there, use the mutual match, send emails and such, these gals will not seek you out all the time, make some connections,just remember this is no different than real life, you have to approach them, they will not approach you, its just that simple.

Jeepinfool's photo
Mon 12/24/07 11:59 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 12:04 AM
well for starters, if your like most of the guys here, your probably sending off an "I'm gods gift to women vibe", and they pick up on that, also if your cocky in anyway on your profile, if your talking up yourself too much or making it sound like your the king, your not going to get any women to respond, make sure that you aren't sounding like a dog or a player in your profile, and i bet you'll start getting better results...

Jeepinfool's photo
Mon 12/24/07 11:52 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/25/07 12:08 AM
i think alot of the guys on here are full of **** and are just trying to get laid, by saying they love thicker gals. with that said i have dated thicker gals(which i do enjoy), i have dated countless types of gals and shape of a woman doesn't make any differenve, and i'm actually able to say that, with out the intentions of trying to get laid. for the those guys that are trying, i say, we all can see right through you, so give it up....your not fooling anyone

Jeepinfool's photo
Mon 12/24/07 08:56 PM
walk away, dog, she is obviously clingy and will make your life a nightmare.

Jeepinfool's photo
Mon 12/24/07 12:53 AM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Mon 12/24/07 12:56 AM
i had to explain to someone on a different site what to do, because she had the same problem with a guy, he would threaten to kill himself and what not, and this is what i told her...

"he won't do it, because people like that are too afraid of death, and that he is looking to keep you trapped in a never ending cycle of chaos, and that he will get to the point were he will start threatening you and by that time it will have been too late to get out, these people have serious issues that you can not help them out with, your presence is clouding their judgement and making it hard for them to deal with themselves, and foremost your safety and livelihood could very well be in jeopardy."

now i told her that and she did it and it was hard and for awhile very scary, because he switched gears and wasn't threatening to kill himself now, instead he started threatening her. now she is free of this guy and very happy now, and i feel good about my advice, and would encourage anyone who has the same problem to do just this

believe me it will be more hard on you than it will be for them, they are not thinking clearly, were as you are, so remember that they are not thinking about you or your feelings, its all about them right now, so be careful....

Jeepinfool's photo
Mon 12/24/07 12:43 AM
my suggestion to anyone on here, who plans on meeting someone online is to get as much info on them as possible, i was scammed and several times, so it a matter of investigating someone especially if you really are serious about this