Give me flowers, not STDs! Rock on. The counter to that is women can use birth control and guys condoms, it's still not right. Oh, but morals are a matter of opinion nowadays, I forgot. |
...ALL women are like that nowadays. Well, I should say all GUYS are like that anyway. 'Having fun' in and out of the bedroom without looking for a serious relationship is pathetic. All it does is cause drama or babies. It's good that you can atleast -admit- you're not looking for a serious relationship instead of leading a girl on like most guys do, but what the hell, respect women a little bit more and take your time with relationships. Don't just have sex with multiple women 'for fun' for your own selfish gain. Ugh.
eating *****
Yeah I like eating cakes too. They're pretty tastey. Whoever denies the cakes is not a real man. The cakes are not a lie.
By the way, both of you get a life. =D |
Real Relationships
'Real' can be an opinion. Some people believe sex finalizes a relationship or establishes one. Well, I guess I should say most people.
In general, girls are tired of the perverted and selfish men, but they seem to also want the best of both worlds. Girls typically want the guy to 'be the man,' but not take it too far. Guys, well, we all know what they want. For me, I look for more compassion rather than affection in a relationship. That's really hard to find, especially since I feel like the 'masculine' and 'feminine' roles are too influenced by society. I think girls who can be their own person, or have their own distinct personality even if they're a girly girl or not, are awesome. Personality is huge, and if people can control their sex drives for more than two seconds, it'd give more honest souls a chance to share a good, long lasting relationship. Just my two pennies. What do you look for in a true, genuine relationship? Or is love just a game to you to 'get some?' |
SSBB rocks! I'm all over that game right now. If anyone plays any videogame it should be this one. Who are your favorite characters?
Good Things About TN
I met a very intelligent and fun group of friends at my highschool(the only reason why I liked highschool really), and we've been buds for the three years since we all graduated. We've taken a small road trip to Gatlinburg and that was really fun. Knoxville's just far enough away from Gatlinburg for it not to be a chore to drive to! =D
the great state of tn...
Things have gone alright for me. A new game called Smash Bros Brawl came out and my friends and I have been playing it at eachother's places. Working around 30 hours a week, going to go back to school in Fall.
I like 'chilling' though, as boring as it may sound. What have you been up to, Ashley? O: |
Greetings Tennessee People
Greetings to the Tennessee boards. I'm not very respectful to sexual people so sorry if I bring down the topic. >.<
But good luck and I hope you find the one or she finds you! |
~~~Cars Cars Cars~~~
Edited by
Wed 03/12/08 09:25 AM
1. What kind of car do you have?
I have a Toyota Celica '86 2. How fast can it go? Over 100mph 3. How fast have you went? I think 70 since 70 mph is the highest speed limit on the interstate around my area. I hate speeders. 4. How much money have you put into it? $2500 roughly 5. Are you in any car clubs? No. Most of the people in car clubs are knowledgeable car people, sure, but they are terrible drivers(they roll through stop signs, don't stop on right on red, speed, etc). 6. What's your favorite song to drive to? Boys of Summer Techno Remix 7. Ever been in an accident? (if so, how many times) No. 8. how many miles are on it? 62,000 |
I'm from Knoxville. O: Has anyone in this topic met with eachother yet? Have any of you messaged eachother or anything? Just curious.
It's good to see two strangers become friends! |