Community > Posts By > nascar8fan_31

nascar8fan_31's photo
Wed 10/11/06 07:04 PM
I totally agree that Jr was robbed of his win..he went a lap down
because of a flat tire...rallied back to the lead lap and then back to
the lead..and then to get taken out like that...No apology and blaming
Jr when Jr did nothing wrong was the icing on the's a good
thing Vickers is already leaving Hendrick...

nascar8fan_31's photo
Wed 10/11/06 07:00 PM
I'm a HUGE nascar fan...Jr is the man!! I like several others as
well...stewart, edwards, hamlin, burton, truex, martin, biffle, and a
few others...

nascar8fan_31's photo
Wed 10/11/06 06:38 AM
I think he is the Greatest Catcher of all times...He was my fav. player
when he was with the Rangers, too. The thing that bothered me the most
when the Rangers let him go, they traded loyalty. To me, that is more
important than anything else. He started his career as a Ranger and
wanted to retire a Ranger. I'm glad he's had success since leaving the
Rangers, but hate that he's gone. I was even so mad when they let him
go that I started rooting for another team....Go ASTROS!

nascar8fan_31's photo
Mon 10/09/06 12:25 PM
I couldn't agree with you more! Vickers hasn't said he's sorry at
all...not to Jr..or to Johnson...Johnson said some pretty harsh words
about it...It's a good thing Vickers is leaving Hendrick or Gordon and
Johnson just might have forced him out...I'm not a Gordon or Johnson
fan, but the way Vickers has acted towards them here lately is uncalled
for...Jr is the winner, I don't care what the pylon said...

nascar8fan_31's photo
Sun 10/08/06 09:29 PM
If you make a mistake, at least own up to it...don't freakin blame it on
somebody else..that's why so many people don't like certain drivers is
because it's ALWAYS somebody else's fault...I guess Vickers has taken
some lessons from his teammates...

nascar8fan_31's photo
Sun 10/08/06 09:28 PM
Vickers tried to blame it on Jr..He said Jr pushed Johnson down..Jr held
his line and never moved towards Johnson...It simply boils down to
Vickers is leaving Hendrick Motors so he doesn't care..He wanted a win
and was willing to do whatever it took to get it...Johnson said he
couldn't believe that he was wrecked by his own teammate..and just a
couple of weeks ago Gordon had a beef with Vickers as well...Jr was more
of a man about the whole thing than some would have been...I do commend
Jr for that..He has grown up a lot in the last couple of years...

nascar8fan_31's photo
Sun 10/08/06 08:25 PM
I cannot believe Nascar gave Vickers the win after the aggressive
driving that caused Jr and Johnson to wreck..I felt he should have been
black flagged and penalized for his actions!! If you have to race like
that to win and then lie about what actually happened, you have no
business being in the sport!! Just my opinion tho!!

nascar8fan_31's photo
Sun 10/08/06 08:22 PM
There would be if I was There are such things as portable
tv's with

nascar8fan_31's photo
Sun 10/08/06 08:18 PM
Dale Jr! Who got robbed of his win today!!

nascar8fan_31's photo
Sun 10/08/06 08:08 PM
He was not my EX at the time...I said my now

nascar8fan_31's photo
Sun 10/08/06 07:57 PM
I had sweet revenge when my now ex-husband tried to cheat on me...he
couldn't even get it up!!!!!!!!!!!! I was crushed at first knowing he
had tried to do something like that to hurt me...but when I found out he
couldn't perform..I have lmao ever since...

nascar8fan_31's photo
Sun 10/08/06 07:45 PM
I've been told my men I was getting to know that because I like sports
so much, I can't be feminine...I am just as feminine as any other
woman...I just happen to love sports IE: NASCAR, baseball, football,
hockey, etc...I also love to fish, I've gone hunting a few times and
really liked it as well..but that doesn't make me attractive or less of
a woman...You would think that men would LOVE to have a woman that
understood sports and liked them as they would have something in

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