It was 6am on no sleep when I wrote that. I actually took some time to think it out before I made the post. The last one I did was a little sloppy. I didn't realize the "contradicting" redundancy in that. Thanks by the way.
Come on now, 19 views and one reply. Don't be afraid.
I choose not to believe in religion because I choose not to pretend to know something that I don't. I'm not arrogant enough to pretend that I do. Christians, muslims, jews ect. say that yea, there is a higher power; but they then add a why when and how to an untold plot. Religions put too much faith in to a source that is written by man, which is inherently fallible. Sure, what we know about science proves that there is something "higher"; but we cant give it a name or story. History pretty much proves the existance of Jesus, but it takes human mentality to make a legend of him. He was a prophit of good will and equality. People added the "immortal" and "supernatural" characteristics that people souly believe in today. Look into the history of religion, it was used as a tool; a way to govern, control, and make profit.
Everyone is entitled to their own. |
1st person shooters
Call of duty 4 rules.
Met Anyone Famous?
I met Rich Franklin. He's form my area.
Girls playing games
I'm not the type to play games, but If i sense one is among us; then I'm not afraid to give her a dose of her own medicine. If she's been lieing to you and you know about it, call her out on it. Tell her how you really feel. As I believe, theres millions of girls out there ready for you and willing to be with you. You just need to be patient and hunt =)
Girls playing games
Just play the game better then them =) Make them play yours. The nice guy finishes last.
Brandy, you disable windows firewall and it auto blocks all ports. End of story.
To the guy up there, Utorrent does the exact same thing as azureus accept for azureus uses a "dissemination theory" of torrents. |
Pretty much all religions have the same overall general "theme". They're just interpreted their own way. Many of the people are the same, but the names and accusations are different.
You my still be able to use limewire. Go to your control pannel then Security Center -> Windows Firewall -> Change Settings -> Acceptions Tab -> make sure that its allowing the program in there. He's right though, you should use bit torrents, less spyware and viruses. theres a bit torrent client. Use to look for torrents to download.
Kiss Or Run - part 2
/run sorry.
Windows vs Linux server
I've worked in the Linux environment when I worked for a tax company as a network admin. I know a fair amount, and yes I will have root access. Thanks guys =)
Windows vs Linux server
Yea =) It works fairly well. I'm thinking about getting more into packet sniffing and messing around with certain things. I know enough to be dangerous at this point, but I want to play around a little more. I think linux is better for packet capture too.
Windows vs Linux server
I have a working apache/mysql/php, ect. server, but Im a little familiar with the Linux OS. From what I can tell its easier to monitor packets/traffic, open ports, configure all the networking layers, and more versatile to run a server on linux. However, all of my graphic design stuff is stored on the same desktop that the server is ran on. I have a laptop, so doing my graphic design on here wouldn't be that much of a chore. I just wanted to know if there were any big advantages to using Linux vs Windows server.
It's ok to delete cookies =) I think people above cleared it up pretty well. They do store information such as logins, post info, ect. Sort of like a cache.
Isn't the women to man ratio like 3 to 1? Either way, theres tons of beautiful women out there.
serj tankian
I was breathing carbon monoxide all night because we had two pressure washers running in the i have a killer headache.
serj tankian
I worked 430 to 330 today =/
<Cincy ohio!