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Tue 04/22/08 12:27 AM

(walking like John Wayne)....well army my man...ya could do that...unless you want problems. but this chick named yellowrose told me not all girls have a lot of shoes or into that frilly cr@p. it's your call my man (spitting on the ground) am I doing deb???? think they notice i'm not a dude???

We might not notice if you cried during old yeller!

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Tue 04/22/08 12:25 AM

An all guy topic is why the hell women feel the need to chuck out our favorite sweat shirt, burn our armchair and turf all our stuff in general. Beware the toothbrush man! Don't know why they have to fill our houses with flowers n frilly crap either!

psst....because we can lol

So in turn we should be able to throw out atleast 10 pairs of your favorite high heels that you never wear but keep for sentimental reasons.. Burn anything with the word "ruffle" or "cover" in it. And, "guy" up any part of well anything lol

I would have to agree but it takes a brave man to chuck out the shoes! That just might start a war of the roses!

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Tue 04/22/08 12:20 AM

An all guy topic is why the hell women feel the need to chuck out our favorite sweat shirt, burn our armchair and turf all our stuff in general. Beware the toothbrush man! Don't know why they have to fill our houses with flowers n frilly crap either!

psst....because we can lol

Thats what I was afraid of! LOL!

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:16 AM
An all guy topic is why the hell women feel the need to chuck out our favorite sweat shirt, burn our armchair and turf all our stuff in general. Beware the toothbrush man! Don't know why they have to fill our houses with flowers n frilly crap either!

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Sat 03/22/08 10:13 AM
I hung myself playing super hero in the back yard when I was 6. It wasn't the brightest move but I was just little. I tied one end of a rope to the fence with the intention of making a dramatic swoop across the yard in front of my friends. As superman always his the hands free, I chose to wrap the other end of the rope around my neck before jumping of the fence. It was working until I blew the landing. I was just dangling from the fence choking and my friend was screaming for his mom. The rope had cinched up tight and they couldn't get it off my neck right away. I ended up with rope burns around my neck and broken blood vessels in my eyes. My face was all black and my eyes were all puffy. After a few days of recouping, I headed back to kindergarden where I took part in a safety presentation regarding ropes! Needless to say, it has been over 27 years and my parents still freak if they see me with rope. boys will be boys!

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Tue 03/18/08 12:28 AM
Okay Canada, in the wise words of Strombo, whats your best story ever?

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Mon 03/10/08 06:31 PM

The amalfitan coast in Italy..
Capri,Izquia, Sorrento, Absolubtly breath taking aso Mar Del Plata Argentinaglasses glasses glasses glasses glasses

Italy should be pretty cool but I'm still not sure what time of year I should plan on being there. I hear it is amazing in the fall.

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Sun 03/02/08 12:03 PM

Australia.... will you be using public transport, or plan on buying a vehicle over here?

Buy a hard copy of the Lonely Planet, it will be your bible.... use the Backpacker accomodation noticeboards, they will be your guide, and also assist in a lot of info...even if travelling by car, book into a Hostel every few days across the country, to get the 'dirt' or goss, on where to go, what to see, what to avoid, where to find work...

It's an easy thing, to travel around Australia, and outside the cities is extremely safe,

I have hitch hiked all over Australia alone, for years, and never had a challenge anywhere...

and when you get to Queensland and book into Cool Bananas Backpackers in Agnes Water, ask them to call Lee, and we will call down and show you the local sights..glasses :wink: flowerforyou

Sounds like fun, I'm not sure when I will be landing in Australia though. I'm thinking about heading there in the winter or spring. That will probably change again though. We shall see.

no photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:20 PM

VANCOUVER OF COURSE!!!!!drinker drinker drinker drinker bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

I'm with you Gypsy! Vancouver all the way!

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Fri 02/29/08 05:31 PM

Do not try to smuggle anything into Italy!

Well don't keep us in the dark! What happened?

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Fri 02/29/08 05:20 PM

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Sun 02/24/08 05:18 PM

I have a pet python. Hes about six-seven months old.
Hes so depressed. [Dont laugh, its true.]

Hes only supposed to shed for two weeks...
But hes been shedding for a month or so.

I called Petsmart, and sadly, they were no help.
Vets are closed on Sundays.
And Im looking all over the net for advice so...


What can I do to help him?
Any idea on what the reasoning for this could be?

Any links?


Have you tried contacting a wildlife Vet that handles exotic animals?

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Sun 02/24/08 02:40 PM

I used to force my brother to drink out of one when we where kids, I told him it was a water fountain...No wonder he has a mouth wash fetish now!

Thats so funny! I had one in my old place and bet my drunk friend he wouldn't drink from it. Which he actually did so I had to cough up the twenty!

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Sat 02/23/08 06:47 PM

Some more tips I didn't think of, but found out to be important:
Scan and send copys of your passport + other important documents to your email. Makes things easier if you get robbed when you can ID yourself. Embassies give temporary passports for unlucky ones.

Make sure your money isn't on a savings account, as some banks won't let you cash them out in instant. Also authorise someone you trust to use your account if necessary.

I'm getting a second atm card and give it to a friend to keep and mail to me, if I get in some trouble and have to disable the first one.
I also got a new phone (Nokia N81 8gb) just because I can get the maps of entire world on it, and it also works on wlan.

Oh, check your phone how it works across the world in different gsm bands, and of course, how to charge it. Check your operator for network roaming in eu + australia.

There. A lot of boring planning and checking to do.
Well, it all will be worth it.

Thanks, the email thing is a good idea. I hadn't thought about doing that. Its so easy to get caught up in just thinking about where to go and overlook the most simple of things. Whats it like driving in Europe? I have been thinking of getting a vehicle but I have heard some pretty crazy stories! Do you think it would be hard to meet somebody who already has a vehicle and just throw in on the gas expenses?

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Fri 02/22/08 10:51 PM
Something tells me I'm going to love Australia. I wish I could do some wildlife work when i'm there! I work as a wildlife tech in British Columbia. I'm a huge outdoor nut! At work, I sleep outside from about april to september. Its a pretty good time! The fact that laid back is Australia's middle name makes me a happy person indeed!

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Fri 02/22/08 10:37 PM
cool thanks, I'm a bit spooked about my trip. For some reason I just decided it was time. I am looking at being gone for 18 months. I'm now left with the task of choosing just what to fill it with. My trouble is I don't like big cities and lots of people. There isn't really a lot of information for the more laid back areas of the world.

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Fri 02/22/08 09:51 PM

Australia has the best beach culture, alongside Hawaii...and Agnes Water, Queensland and West Beach, Esperance, Western Australia are my favourite beaches.glasses

I'm looking forward to the Australia part of my trip!

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Fri 02/22/08 12:46 PM
Hello all, what country would you say has the best beach culture? I was also wondering what your favorite beach is and why?

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Fri 02/22/08 12:36 PM
There is really good information and photos for Greece at

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Wed 02/20/08 01:50 AM
I always like weird science!

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